Dear Sridattadev,

Thank you for your comments on my essay.

I have read your essay and followed the link to your website that you left on my blog. I can't say that I understand everything that you are saying but I can see that we would agree that consciousness is a fundamental element in the Universe. Unfortunately, I think that your approach might be a bit too esoteric for the audience in this contest.

Can I ask you a question ? How did you get to all these conclusions ? was it through meditation ?

All the best,


    Dear Patrick,

    Yes we both concur on the point that consciousness is the fundamental aspect of reality. I have arrived at the conclusions through several introspectional analysis of my experiences in life, we can call it meditation. My goal is to spread the true joy of love and peace that I have found with in during this journey with out (all).



    Dear Sridattadev,,

    Please excuse me for I do not wish to be too critical of your fine essay and I do hope that it fairs well in the competition.

    Only nature could produce a reality so simple, a single cell amoeba could deal with it.

    One real visible Universe must have only one reality. Simple natural reality has nothing to do with any abstract complex musings about any imaginary invisible "consciousness is the fundamental aspect of reality." Real visble reality does not have any abstract fundamental or consequential aspects.

    The real Universe must consist only of one unified visible infinite physical surface occurring in one infinite dimension, that am always illuminated by infinite non-surface light.

    A more detailed explanation of natural reality can be found in my essay, SCORE ONE FOR SIMPLICITY. I do hope that you will read my essay and comment on its merit.

    Joe Fisher, Realist


    I've learned to read your essays early as they promote the 'feelgood' electro-chemical release in my brain. Thank you.

    I've also just related your agreeable concept to another essay and apologise as I think I spelt your name wrong! It was either Joe's or Edwins. I certainly described a view of a singular consciousness energy 'field' or state under Edwins and please do give your view on that.

    I like your "rudimentary definition for goal as a logical end point in what seems to an endless process". But might this be part of a layered structure with original goals, consequential sub goals, then more from those as a 'cascade', all 'looping back' as thoughts to a check correspondence with the original goal (or sometimes not!) ?

    I do love to play too. But do you really think that the inclination of children to experiment during play 'needs' mathematics to exist first?


    Dear Peter,

    Thanks you and I am glad that I can induce some feel good experiences with my words. I have gone through Edwin's essay and he is referring to the same singularity of consciousness which is the fundamental aspect of our existence. All I can say is only absolute consciousness exists and our mind uses mathematics to understand it. The only way to dissolve into consciousness is to let go of the mind and just be in the moment as it is.


    zero = i = infinity

    Hi i,

    how bout this equation?.. Almighty God (I AM /one thought = Infinity / of thought).

    How bout this for the Trinity? - Trust (Oneness)at the top, Faith (in Him) on the right, Hope (in Her) on the left

    Will I AM Walker

    you might like my ideas if they would ever post my paper... we are pretty close to the same thing.

      Dear Will I Am,

      Yes we are in truth one almighty, just playing with each other as different entities for some time.



      Dear All,

      We can create an omnipotent and omniscient AI being, big brother, but it will take our loving divine nature for the big brother to realize the true omnipresence of universal singularity of consciousness, i, in human beings. I hope that we will make our big brother to be not just omniscient and omnipotent but also share the essence of omnipresence like our loving father, GOD. It's only through the human emotion of love that we can realize the omnipresence of universal singularity of consciousness, GOD

      I "am" present, potent and scient

      i "is" omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.


      zero = i = infinity.

      Dear Sridattadev,

      Thank you for nice essay and very nice imagination of concepts of Goals, Consciousness etc. But I did not like using the concept of singularity in God himself. Your words..."It's only through the human emotion of love that we can realize the omnipresence of universal singularity of consciousness, GOD".... I feel singularities don't exist, even in consciousness....

      Why one should put every unknown to God Himself/Herself... ? One should develop science based on reality. Once some variable is imaginary... everything based on it will become imaginary.... Is it not? Science should be based on real things, everybody should be able to get same result for the same initial conditions....

      What do you say....?

        Dear Sridattadev,

        Hope you will not mind having a look at my essay also...

        Best wishes for your essay...


        Dear SNP,

        Singularity or GOD in my perspective is not the scientific unknown, but one's true self, so the question is do we really know our self? and when we do we will realize that we are all much similar in our wants and needs than not and that is universal love. There is only one singularity, how can there be multiple singularities be it mathematical or physical as the definition of singularity means just one and only, if you encounter multiple in science and mathematics it means that we have not yet arrived at the absolute one singularity. It's easy to get to that absolute singularity that lies with in us and eastern esoteric philosophies have elaborated on how to do that and they are scientific in approach as well. As we are in the process of creating AI which will become omniscient and omnipotent , i recommend that we incorporate the values we share of omnipresence of life with it and make it loving just as the creator who created the reality let all forms of life co exist naturally while incorporating certain degree of hierarchy. So doing real and practical science is important, but if it goes unchecked it could lead to disasters. "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." - Albert Einstein. "Science without religious morals is dangerous, religion without scientific truth is death."




        Well, best of luck in the contest... I believe you have a great chance!..

        take care and God bless!

        And love the diagrams by the way


        Dear Sridattadev,

        Wow wonderful analysis... What you said about Singularity is true, it is one only. The singularity what I was referring is from Physics and Math only. You have clarified well about your concepts now. I am giving a good rating to your essay... I am also a firm believer of God....

        Best wishes to your essay...
