Hi Steve,
Thanks for the comment. I like and agree with your idea that we die electromagnetically... but I believe gravity is what makes the electromagnetic energy (consciousness) go into the black hole where it travels through a wormhole (snake like tube) and emerges (is reincarnated) through a tangent wormhole that connects to a star and (it looks like a tree from a distance). And the farther you move out from the black hole the stars form the shape of an eye (when you get to a galaxy). I could go off on a lot of tangents but will stay focused on my main goal.
I am trying to combine religion and science in my theory. For example, the cross is a symbol scientifically as well as religiously... I believe when light re-emerges from a wormhole it is first perceived by consciousness in the shape of a cross. Now the energy grows into that shape (ultimately leading to a spherical star) and why the cross is such an important symbol to consciousness and has been used religiously (and not just by Christianity) over the span of human civilizations. And an interesting observation when you see stars from a distance (i.e. Hubble telescope) you can see the cross of light coming from them. (look at my attachments)
Science and religion should stop fighting each other and see the clues that each provides to reach the same ultimate conclusion... the existence of God... and imagination is how God communicates with us.
God can communicate in two ways (bottom up or top down). Bottom up would be the specific math equations that build the cosmos up to God. Top down would be creative images (mindless math) from God down to the specific math. From what I have seen, most entries for this contest are using specific math (coming from the bottom up). My essay gives a top down where creativity (the mind doesn't realize it is creating math - so thus - it is mindless).
I can't do specific math very well (so I can't comment much on your equation you presented), but I believe my mindless math is off the charts and why I should do well in this contest.
I am not sure if you are in the contest... but I will look through and see if you have an entry. If you do I wish you the best of luck!
Take care and God BlessAttachment #1: hubble_friday_06172016.jpgAttachment #2: cross-circle-religion-512.png