Here is picture from a contest that won grand prize for the best drone picture.

I saw it and thought how this is a perfect picture to show how reality works. You can see the gravitational waves in the water (Higgs Field) that also reflects the image.. and the more still the water is, the clearer the reflection. So the higher or lower vibration it is, the clearer the reflection. And I guess you could say the more high def it is too.

(as above

so below ;) can you see it?Attachment #1: grand-prize.jpg

Check out my latest blog page


now if the link above doesn't work just go to my blog link at

the blog is about a Clear Trinity

    4 days later

    So I am on Facebook today (3/11/2017) and I see this ad for magnetized putty. And a thought hits me that this is how the Higgs Field that I talk about in my paper works. It comes alive when it is magnetized! And it comes in different colors but in the quantum world it is clear and only vibrates to different colors. The electromagnetic energy flowing through the strings makes the gooey field come alive.

    here is the URL for You Tube to see just how cool it is...

    Ok, I had this thought about gravity. My theory is sound is gravity... but sound is just the mechanism that causes things to spin / rotate / revolve in circular movements... which causes gravity as it pushes you down as the force gives weight to objects with a lot of mass.

    This mass is also warping the Higgs Field which creates a sucking effect and hold us on the planet. Because the spinning should throw us off the planet if you think about it. Maybe that is why when humans are out in space you have to spin on the inside of the object. Because the object is not big enough to warp the Higgs Field and suck you back. So you have to let inertia give you the gravity from the inside out.

    Maybe somebody already theorized about this stuff... I haven't done any research... these ideas are just popping in my head and I believe they add some specifics to what I said in my essay.

    Hi Mr Walker,

    I am a fervent thinker in God also,this infinite eternal entropy creating a physicality.I have thoughts a lot about this body mind soul problem.I asked me but what after this death ?If my reasoning is correct with quant and cosmol 3D sphères Inside an universal 3D sphere in spherisation ,and my equation E=m(b)c²+m(nb)l² also,so we can extraopolate our singulmarities, our souls.My humble equation permits to understand better the road towards these singularities,the central Black holes, the biggest spherical volume in my serie of uniqueness with primes probably.I beleive strongly that we dies electromagnetically, not gravitationally.Like if we continued a road of improvement.I asked me also these questions about the age of souls if I can say.Why the consciousness is different ? I beleive that it is an important point to take into account considering the cognitive sciences and our global collective psychology.It is complex and so simple this universe ,entropical and eternal in its primordial foundamentals.

    All the best

      Hi Steve,

      Thanks for the comment. I like and agree with your idea that we die electromagnetically... but I believe gravity is what makes the electromagnetic energy (consciousness) go into the black hole where it travels through a wormhole (snake like tube) and emerges (is reincarnated) through a tangent wormhole that connects to a star and (it looks like a tree from a distance). And the farther you move out from the black hole the stars form the shape of an eye (when you get to a galaxy). I could go off on a lot of tangents but will stay focused on my main goal.

      I am trying to combine religion and science in my theory. For example, the cross is a symbol scientifically as well as religiously... I believe when light re-emerges from a wormhole it is first perceived by consciousness in the shape of a cross. Now the energy grows into that shape (ultimately leading to a spherical star) and why the cross is such an important symbol to consciousness and has been used religiously (and not just by Christianity) over the span of human civilizations. And an interesting observation when you see stars from a distance (i.e. Hubble telescope) you can see the cross of light coming from them. (look at my attachments)

      Science and religion should stop fighting each other and see the clues that each provides to reach the same ultimate conclusion... the existence of God... and imagination is how God communicates with us.

      God can communicate in two ways (bottom up or top down). Bottom up would be the specific math equations that build the cosmos up to God. Top down would be creative images (mindless math) from God down to the specific math. From what I have seen, most entries for this contest are using specific math (coming from the bottom up). My essay gives a top down where creativity (the mind doesn't realize it is creating math - so thus - it is mindless).

      I can't do specific math very well (so I can't comment much on your equation you presented), but I believe my mindless math is off the charts and why I should do well in this contest.

      I am not sure if you are in the contest... but I will look through and see if you have an entry. If you do I wish you the best of luck!

      Take care and God BlessAttachment #1: hubble_friday_06172016.jpgAttachment #2: cross-circle-religion-512.png

      You are welcome,

      I beleive that sciences and religions can converge.We have of course a global system with several religions.Personally I am christian because I love his message of pure altruistic universal love.His souls has permitted to decrease many sufferings on this earth due to our Young age at this universal scale.Persons like Jesus Christ or Siddartha Gottama Buddah that I like also for his message,have permitted to harmonise our reptilians braions disappearing.The fact that this universal love is the torch of truth is essential.We must respect all créations simply and help these créations to evolve in harmony instead of chaos and disorders.The actual problems that we have on this earth are due to bad persons everywhere in all countries, religions,...It is not due to persons of faith if I can say.It is sad.The humans are youngs and we make still many global errors.The problem is that we are arrived at limits due to numbers.And of course some persons profit os this to imply chaos and evil.It is time to harmonise this earth and quickly before the add of several chaotical exponentials.I ask me "But what do the high sphères of power ??? And the religious in all that ? how is it possible that we have these comportments at this global state? I don't understand.

      About the con,test, no I have not made it.About my equation, it is not difficult it is about the two kinds of matter ,Baryonic mc² and not baryonic with l² the linear velocity of particles of gravitation.These particles are produced by BH and are in the cold and speeder than c in logic.The maths are not difficult when you study the basis, after it is like music, you can play with the imagination and the creativity in respecting the harmonies and foundamentals.

      About whormholes,you utilise a maths tool,like a Mirror where laws are broken.Indeed these whormholes are a subjective mathematical extrapolation.The Black Holes them seem objective and real.They have properties and a matter that we do not know.

      Best Regards

      Well Steve, you seem like a very smart man... I still can't follow your math (I really have no idea what some of those terms mean). But your logic about life seems pretty spot on and easy to understand.

      I am just trying to explain wormholes as simply as I can from what I can see in my mind when I travel there in my imagination. I saw this video on Facebook today and it made me think how the gooey / watery Higgs Field probably works in quantum space. How it adheres to all particles... even those tiny vibrating (twisted) strings (wormholes)... that catch those particles and moves them into place... to create larger and larger matter... that vibrate into the consciousness plane...

      Hey!.. is this consciousness becoming aware of itself?... ;) (just copy and paste)

      oh no I am not very smart,I have studied simply our foundamentals.I am a nursery man for plants and flowers, so I was obliged to study things that I didn't know.The maths and physics are simple and complex.Simple in their generalities, complex in their détails.The most important is to respects our foundamentals and postulates,equations.It is the basis in fact.I liked your philosophical analyse about this consciousness.

      All the best from Belgium

      8 days later

      Dear William,

      I read with great interest your essay with ideas and conclusions us overcome the crisis of understanding in fundamental science through the creation of a new comprehensive picture of the world, uniform for physicists, lyricists, poets and musicians filled with meanings of the "LifeWorld" (E.Husserl). I believe that the modern "crisis of understanding" (K.V.Kopeykin "Souls "of atoms and "atoms"of the soul: Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, Carl Gustav Jung and the "three great problems of physics"), «trouble with physics (Lee Smolin," The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next")is is the deep metaphysical crisis. It is very important that for the understanding of the ontological structure of the Universum you give eidos of guitar .

      .In your support I bring back thoughts Fields laureate Vladimir Voevodsky : «... There is a crisis of world science. Real progress will consist in very serious fight of science with religion which will end with their integration. And do not punch my face.»

      I fully agree with your call to humanity and scientists:

      «Got to flip the switch... turn on the love and unite as human beings... create a system that works with the balance of love (divinity) with science (technology)...»

      I looked at your links I really liked the music of Georg Deuter . I give my highest rating.

      I believe, that only extremely constructive metaphysics, and the global "brain storm" will help us to overcome the "understanding of the crisis", "crisis of interpretation and representation": "An educated people without a metaphysics is like a richly decorated temple without a holy of holies." (G.W.F.Hegel)

      I invite you to read my ideas .

      Best regards,


        Dear Vladmir,

        Thanks you for reading my essay and the supportive comments. I read your essay and really like the premise behind your ideas. It seems as if we share some similar views of reality, just coming from different tunes. I have to be honest... my mind is pretty simple and I had a difficult time following some of your ideas and quote you provided. You are obviously a gifted man intellectually and God gave you an incredible mind that writes in a sophisticated manner. It just shows how complex consciousness is and how difficult it can be to communicate. Sometimes I really feel out of my league when I read these essays that are brilliant with complex thinking. So I really appreciate that you found my essay a worthwhile read. Maybe I'm not as simple minded as I think I am...

        Take care, God bless, and best of luck in the contest!

        William Walker

        13 days later

        There has been no activity discussing the merits of my paper... God Bless It... ;)... so how about some poetic artistic music coming from a page in my next book?..

        Dark matter is all around us... passing through us like Casper... now it's all up to us whether or not Casper is a good guy... but I digress...

        I believe dark matter is where you find the strings... but when they (the invisible strings) run into a massive and densely hard object... it slows them down and they bend according to curvature of the object... so this creates gravity when the strings get pulled by a massive dense object... it pulls all the other objects with it... down to the ground... giving us weight...

        this is a cool thought... so the objects have to spin in order to plow through the space field... now so they stay in control and not fly apart... they need the gravity of larger and larger objects... lets look at the sun next... it gives us order for our solar system... the largest sun is a dark star (black hole)... gives the galaxy order... so there must be a larger force that is growing if galaxies are colliding together... larger and larger invisible stars (aka... dark stars, black holes)...

        sorry... I got sidetracked about how a quarter spinning rapidly gives the image of a sphere... and would be something to support Kyree's theory on a flat earth... lol ;)

        these super massive black holes will eventually suck up all the light in the universe... shrinking it back to what it was in the beginning... like my paper says... a super white dwarf...

        this is how I see the universe ending... when the black holes get big enough... it starts an accelerated expansion of darkness... as the darkness consumes all the light... it takes the light down the wormhole and compresses the light into a tiny tiny... ball of atomic white light... this is how you create fusion... and fission is when you reverse it and go supernova... break it apart... so one day it can come back together... wow I should have written my entire paper... just like this post... ;) I'm betting it would have gotten more attention by now...

        and that's all for now... ;)

        2 months later

        I know the contest is about over and the judges have probably chosen the winner by now, but I thought I would add one more attachment. I was going to add quite a few attachments but I didn't want to look like I was desperate to win this contest. Plus, am I bending the rules of adding attachments to a paper that was limited to a certain amount of text? Ultimately, I just want to share my ideas about the nature of reality and whether I win or lose doesn't really matter. What really matters (and I don't believe it is dark...;) is that I share my ideas if I have faith that they are right. So here is my attachment about how I believe black holes are like pupils of the eye and bring in light. The light gets transformed back into new energy (thoughts) through tiny wormholes / strings that manifest in the real world and come out as new light from stars. And since there are billions of stars and billions of galaxies... black holes are the beginning of the tree of life. One giant electrical network (both dark and light energy) that branches off into infinite places... bringing dark matter to life and creating the matter we see in the known universe. I could go on adding all sorts of connections, but I will stop here. Take care and God bless... :)

          Ok... the attachment says there is and error... so lets try adding it again.

          I can't post my pic so I will add it to my blog page at:

          7 years later
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