Dear William,
I read with great interest your essay with ideas and conclusions us overcome the crisis of understanding in fundamental science through the creation of a new comprehensive picture of the world, uniform for physicists, lyricists, poets and musicians filled with meanings of the "LifeWorld" (E.Husserl). I believe that the modern "crisis of understanding" (K.V.Kopeykin "Souls "of atoms and "atoms"of the soul: Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, Carl Gustav Jung and the "three great problems of physics"), «trouble with physics (Lee Smolin," The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next")is is the deep metaphysical crisis. It is very important that for the understanding of the ontological structure of the Universum you give eidos of guitar .
.In your support I bring back thoughts Fields laureate Vladimir Voevodsky : «... There is a crisis of world science. Real progress will consist in very serious fight of science with religion which will end with their integration. And do not punch my face.»
I fully agree with your call to humanity and scientists:
«Got to flip the switch... turn on the love and unite as human beings... create a system that works with the balance of love (divinity) with science (technology)...»
I looked at your links I really liked the music of Georg Deuter . I give my highest rating.
I believe, that only extremely constructive metaphysics, and the global "brain storm" will help us to overcome the "understanding of the crisis", "crisis of interpretation and representation": "An educated people without a metaphysics is like a richly decorated temple without a holy of holies." (G.W.F.Hegel)
I invite you to read my ideas .
Best regards,