I don't know why these links sometimes dont work. The links were
I don't know why these links sometimes dont work. The links were
Right from the beginning a 'feel good' factor existed through the article, when the author took us on a journey from fundamental laws to life. I read it like a beautiful story. But no where did the author allow us to go beyond the story line to actual connection of the causes to processes described. More or less, each step felt like a reasonable connection, without being able to see actually how. For instance, "Higher organisms such as ourselves have developed positive and negative emotions as one way of aiding survival but these also result in us setting ourselves goals that give us pleasure without affecting survival." From our privileged cognitive capacity to understanding emotion, and pleasure, we know what he is referring to, but we develop no idea of what is emotion, or pleasure, in the physical realm, and how do they emerge? Most importantly, what kind of language of expression nature must have to express such abstract notions?
Again it felt so nice from anthropic principles to learn how lucky we are at each stage of our development, or of our abilities. But could it be possible that we simply have no imagination of what other forms of systematic information processors may be naturally lurking around? I deliberately did not use the term 'intelligent life forms', high level information processing systems seem as good. Or, if nature needed to create a clever organism only far fewer times, the interventions by such organisms would then bring about far greater and sophisticated forms of living things, and I do not mean only robotic instances. I often feel it is the limitation of our imagination that has reflected itself as anthropic thinking.
The vastness of known universe may have such exciting possibilities that the wildest of thinkers, novelist, science fiction film makers may not ever be able to capture that.
There is one point about the essay that goes without saying, it brings out in no uncertain terms, the extreme preciousness of life forms on earth, in particular of higher intelligent being. It should be taught in every forms of education, in every class rooms, to every human being who does not care for the limit of resources (dear Americans), and to every politician on the planet.
Dear Dr. Philip Gibbs,
Please excuse me for I have no intention of disparaging in any way any part of your essay.
I merely wish to point out that "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) Physicist & Nobel Laureate.
Only nature could produce a reality so simple, a single cell amoeba could deal with it.
The real Universe must consist only of one unified visible infinite physical surface occurring in one infinite dimension, that am always illuminated by infinite non-surface light.
A more detailed explanation of natural reality can be found in my essay, SCORE ONE FOR SIMPLICITY. I do hope that you will read my essay and perhaps comment on its merit.
Joe Fisher, Realist
Rajiv, thank you for your kind comments. It gives me great pleasure that people enjoy my essay and it makes them think and ask searching questions. That makes me think more too and advances my own ideas. That is why I like these contests. As an independent researcher it is hard to get that kind of interaction any other way.
You asked for more details on the causal connections and I acknowledge that my essay goes through everything very quickly. I think the topic question "How can mindless mathematical laws give rise to aims and intention?" requires a big picture answer that covers a long sequence of arguments from mathematical philosophy up to consciousness. Given the length constraint it was never going to be possible to cover everything in depth. Some of my other essays provide more details on some aspects, but I have not covered points on biology, evolution and consciousness before. Perhaps one day I will write another book.
In particular you ask about how emotions that developed for survival lead to bigger goals. I covered that in just one sentence! Of course much more could be said. I think this is also an area that people can fill in with their own experience while some of the other points covered are less familiar. We all know how emotions from love and pleasure to violence can be related to our natural need to reproduce and survive as social animals. Perhaps it is less obvious how such emotions coupled with intelligence make us interested in art and science as an accidental byproduct, but that is how it seems to happen. It would be an interesting area to expand on with examples of the role emotions such as curiosity play in nature.
You ask about other information processors. I think this is something you cover in your essay so I will look forward to reading that. It is interesting that we are not the only intelligent animals. Dolphins have a high intelligence but they have not developed technologies as we have. Our hands play as much of a role as our minds in that respect.
Your points lead me to the question: how much of our development is due to anthropic fine-tuning, and how much is inevitable given the opportunities offered by a rich chemistry and geology? I have mentioned that chemistry seems fine-tuned to provide what may be one basic pattern for advanced life using DNA and proteins. Many other elements play what seem to be essential roles in the development of life. The trouble with the anthropic argument at this level is that there are very few physical constants that can be used to fine-tune chemistry. Once it is determined that chemistry is to be based on light fermions surrounding a heavy nucleus, the essential chemical properties of the elements are given by their atomic number alone. Only the fine-structure constant and the mass ratio for electrons to nucleons provide parameters for fine-tuning. I think there is only enough scope there to provide the right levels of stability for organic molecules. The rest must be opportunistic use of the chemicals that are available. If this is correct then we can expect some very different solutions to survival on other planets, even if all advanced life is DNA based. However, I still think the sequence of events that took evolution to humans appears accidental at many junctures so intelligent technologically-advanced life will be rare. I accept that I may be wrong.
Oops my reply to this went into a different thread below.
Thank you Joe Fisher. The catch in Einstein's quote is ".. but not simpler."
How simple can the universe be and still produce life without outside interference from a more complex realm? I will read your essay to find out.
Thank you Philip,
I am not posing that life is not being part of it, I argue that life (and so time) is an emergent phenomenon from Total Consciousness in Total Simultaneity. So this emergent phenomenon is a restricted (by time) form of consciousness, that why we are experiencing as with a beginning and an end.
I await your comment on my thread.
best regards
I will get there don't worry. Very busy painting the house.
Dear Mr. Gibbs
I did not completly answered on your question at my forum.
How did you find the relationship between maths and physics in your essay?
This question can be answered in different ways.
Methodologically it is explained in my three FQXi essays.
Much more important means of explanation is through the process of scientific knowledge. But the process are invited to talk about only those who are well-known. Who cares except viXra how I came to the result. Once, maybe I write extensively about the process. Here I will try to put on a chronologically only the main points.
The relation between mathematics and physics has long been well known beyond formulas containing 2pi or e.
But it took me about 3 years to understand the importance of the combination of these two mathematical constants exp (2pi). I'm not even thinking about mathematics at the beginning. Mathematics is self-inflicted later.
First I asked for a solution on the Internet, concluded that it does not.
I chose what is unquestionable and essential. I rejected irrelevant. I found that 80% of essential are Planck formulas, then Newton, Kepler, mc ^ 2, deltaE = 0.
I realized that these formulas should be to put at the relationships on levels so that at each level are valued universal constants.
I realized that there must be unique level at which begins matter (substance);
In many ways I have tried to determine the proton shift. I realized that this is not a mathematical relationship than the relation (7) containing physical constants.
It has been shown that a unique level has a unique mathematically expressed trait.
I found other unique levels that have been shown to have a physical character, which is published in my articles.
I followed the literature and is often encountered confirmation of my results that I was encouraged. Last, confirmation is the simple equation (3). After examining the work of R. Boškovića I saw, he long ago realized the importance of non-extended points. Weinberg, for example, much later, did not know it, but he mentioned pion instead. To confirm: Mathematics in my work is the result, not the starting point. Eq. (3) and (7) are exact, by definition. Eq. (17) is confirmed by the results provided. It is interesting that before I got a heavier (7) than simpler (3). Proof of this is the vixra article "Universal Gravitational Constant Via Proton" which was published before I found out (3).
Best regards,
Thanks a lot dear Philip, for your reaction on my participation.
The cause of the asymetric appearance of our reality lies in the difference between an emergent phenomenon and its "origin" Total Simultaneity.
TS is time and space-less (eternal and infinite an both singularity), the emergent phenomenon that we experience as reality is time an space restricted.
But as it originates (is entangled with) from a time and space-less entity it is only the NOW including MEMORY that we are aware of and not the eternity of this NOW in TS.
Every ENM is unique for ach agent, so different from each NOW, Past and Future.
best regards
essay:The Purpose of Life
Thanks for the extensive response Philip.
Again, best of luck!
Rick Searle
Nice essay Gibbs,
It is a nice essay on different cosmological theories.
Your ideas and thinking are excellent.... '1. Yet three important gaps remain in our understanding of how it all happened. How was the universe created? How did the genesis of life come about? What is consciousness? Even if science can plug these gaps it leaves open the biggest question of all: Why is there something and why is it as it is? Who enacted the so-called laws of physics that made it all possible?
2. The Emergence of Consciousness
What then is this thing we call consciousness? The sensation of self-awareness that we experience seems to go beyond what can be explained by the laws of physics, but does it?'
Probably universe had a consciousness...
From all these I request you to have a look at my essay "Distances, Locations, Ages and Reproduction of Galaxies in our Dynamic Universe" Dynamic Universe Model also, where I touched the part of consciousness briefly.
For your information Dynamic Universe model is totally based on experimental results. Here in Dynamic Universe Model Space is Space and time is time in cosmology level or in any level. In the classical general relativity, space and time are convertible in to each other.
Many papers and books on Dynamic Universe Model were published by the author on unsolved problems of present day Physics, for example 'Absolute Rest frame of reference is not necessary' (1994) , 'Multiple bending of light ray can create many images for one Galaxy: in our dynamic universe', About "SITA" simulations, 'Missing mass in Galaxy is NOT required', "New mathematics tensors without Differential and Integral equations", "Information, Reality and Relics of Cosmic Microwave Background", "Dynamic Universe Model explains the Discrepancies of Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry Observations.", in 2015 'Explaining Formation of Astronomical Jets Using Dynamic Universe Model, 'Explaining Pioneer anomaly', 'Explaining Near luminal velocities in Astronomical jets', 'Observation of super luminal neutrinos', 'Process of quenching in Galaxies due to formation of hole at the center of Galaxy, as its central densemass dries up', "Dynamic Universe Model Predicts the Trajectory of New Horizons Satellite Going to Pluto" etc., are some more papers from the Dynamic Universe model. Four Books also were published. Book1 shows Dynamic Universe Model is singularity free and body to collision free, Book 2, and Book 3 are explanation of equations of Dynamic Universe model. Book 4 deals about prediction and finding of Blue shifted Galaxies in the universe.
With axioms like... No Isotropy; No Homogeneity; No Space-time continuum; Non-uniform density of matter(Universe is lumpy); No singularities; No collisions between bodies; No Blackholes; No warm holes; No Bigbang; No repulsion between distant Galaxies; Non-empty Universe; No imaginary or negative time axis; No imaginary X, Y, Z axes; No differential and Integral Equations mathematically; No General Relativity and Model does not reduce to General Relativity on any condition; No Creation of matter like Bigbang or steady-state models; No many mini Bigbangs; No Missing Mass; No Dark matter; No Dark energy; No Bigbang generated CMB detected; No Multi-verses etc.
Many predictions of Dynamic Universe Model came true, like Blue shifted Galaxies and no dark matter. Dynamic Universe Model gave many results otherwise difficult to explain
Have a look at my essay on Dynamic Universe Model and its blog also where all my books and papers are available for free downloading...
Best wishes to your essay.
For your blessings please................
=snp. gupta
"The cosmos simply follows the laws of physics in random motion, increasing entropy until it reaches its final state." According to Einstein's field equations and string theory with the infinite nature hypothesis, our universe expands forever. What is the explanation for the space roar? Does the Koide formula suggests that there might be a modification of Einstein's field equations? Consider Einstein's field equations: R(mu,nu) + (-1/2) * g(mu,nu) * R = - κ * T(mu,nu) - Λ * g(mu,nu) -- what might be wrong? Consider the possible correction R(mu,nu) + (-1/2) * g(mu,nu) * R * (1 - (R(min) / R)^2)^(1/2) = - κ * T(mu,nu) - Λ * g(mu,nu), if R(min) = 0 then Einstein's field equations are recovered.
[edit note: for page 83, all except last paragraph of page 83 deleted]
If there is an analogue of Poisson's equation in the general theory of relativity, then this equation must be a tensor equation for the tensor g(mu,nu) of the gravitational potential; the energy tensor of matter must appear on the right-hand side of this equation. On the left-hand side of the equation there must be a differential tensor in the g(mu,nu). It is completely determined by the following three conditions:
1. It may contain no differential coefficients of the g(mu,nu) higher than the second.
2. It must be linear in these second differential coefficients.
3. Its divergence must vanish identically.
The first two of these conditions are naturally taken from Poisson's equation. Since it may be proved mathematically that all such differential tensors can be formed algebraically (i.e. without differentiation) from Riemann's tensor, our tensor must have the form
R(mu,nu) + a g(mu,nu) R
in which R(mu,nu) and R are defined by (88) and (89) [edit note: see page 77]. Further, it may be proved that the third condition requires a to have the value - 1/2 . For the law of the gravitational field we therefore get the equation
(96) R(mu,nu) - (1/2) g(mu,nu) R = - κ * T(mu,nu) .
Equation (95) [edit note: see deleted part of page 83] is a consequence of this equation. κ denotes a constant, which is connected with the Newtonian gravitational constant.
How do physicists know that there is not some law of nature that forces R ≥ R(min), always and everywhere? The Koide formula suggests that squareroot(mass-energy) might somehow be construed as area. If so, the entire universe might undergo an instantaneous (i.e. one Planck time interval) collapse. If the universe collapses when the average temperature of the universe gets too cold, then Einstein was wrong. Therefore, there might be some modification involving R that changes the underlying physics basis for eternal cosmological expansion. Can you cite empirical evidence that proves that the preceding speculation is wrong?
Dear Philip E. Gibbs:
Quoting you, "If an artificial intelligence is able to interact with the universe and be aware of itself then it is certainly conscious." I fully endorse your view; consciousness is an emergent property. Nature allows intelligence and the best possible 'intelligence' evolves naturally and it has consciousness.
AI is our creation; we have to provide the environment for it; that is, AI evolves in an artificial environment. To 'interact with the natural universe' it will always need our help. To remove this middleman, we have to create an AI based on the structure nature has selected. That is, if ever humans create an 'AI' having consciousness, it will resemble humans; we will end up creating ourselves.
In my opinion, the theoretical existence of 'all possible universes' and 'all possible conscious beings' are identical and is the best premise to start with. However, at the end it may turn out that the laws of mathematics, together with top-down causal effects, restrict the possibility to just 'one unique structure for the universe' and 'one unique structure for the conscious beings'.
Jose P Koshy
Thank you, I think our views are not very far apart. My view is that when you take "all possible universes" (or as I prefer to say: "all logical possibilities") and start looking at the relationships between them, then that forms a unique structure. You can call it the universe, or the multiverse as you wish.
I like your early statement: 'The universe must be read as a whole.' I also agree with your insistence that 'no miracle was required'. Maybe I could paraphrase: The universe is what it is - let's go figure out why.
Like your work, my essay 'The Cosmic Odyssey of Matter' has a broad scope, from the early universe to its current state including conscious humans. However, I did not tackle the hard problem of 'why consciousness (or goals)', I simply formally described the progression that brought humans to this point. In doing so, I hope to contribute to 'reading the universe as a whole'.
If you have a few minutes I would much appreciate your review of my essay.
Regards, Ed Kneller
Thanks for your comments. I think the England theory needs more study.
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Hi Philip,
I hope you are not fatigued by now. We have discussed my past essays which we share the philosophy and some technicalities. I have made some significant developments since then. Particularly I generate Newton's law for gravity and I link the system to some more standard physics. And I think I now know how to almost directly translate the standard physics techniques ,like path integral and operators to my system. Please read the notes in the comments for some corrections.
Thank you, that sounds interesting. I will get to your essay in due course.