My essay is a bit of a shameless way of presenting some aspect of what I am working on. It did dawn on me though that the open world with respect to quantum entanglements seems to be a condition necessary for complex systems that are self-directed or that have intentionality. This seems to be in line with what you are saying. It is not that consciousness is some direct manifestation of some physical process.
Your comments early on are interesting with respect to holography. The holographic screen or event horizon is a way that a symmetry is manifested in a massively redundant manner as many degrees of freedom corresponding to each Planck area on the horizon. This correlates with my thinking about the Higgs field as well. This restricts the full set of symmetries of a Lagrangian to a limited set on the low energy physical vacuum. Along these lines I have a set of calculations I have done which illustrate how the Unruh effect can be seen in the inertial frame as Higgs physics. This leads to some sort of correlation between spacetime physics and the Higgs field. I an send to you a copy of this when I write some notes on it.
Cheers LC