Perhaps I misunderstand Twitter..
Because I reject the Twitter mentality, and studiously avoid sites that would require me to authenticate myself via social media, I choose to isolate myself from that crowd. Ironically; this leaves me unable to edit my own page on MTV dot com. I find it suitable for folks in the Music profession to hype themselves to the max, in order to boost their standing. So I excuse my colleagues in Music for doing so. I find this far less palatable in academic professions, despite its recent popularity. It's not just you Erik; it sours my stomach to see any scholar behave that way.
I might have erred to assume that you were posting directly to #FQXi when you posted to your own Twitter link and it was re-tweeted. But the content was yours to start with, and you should know that once something is on the Internet, you can't control who re-purposes it. So it is incumbent on you as a scholar to retain or portray a certain sense of dignity. I don't resent so much that you were preaching to the choir (your own 'followers') but seeing it on top of the FQXi feed still soured my stomach. So I own my emotional reaction, but I won't excuse it. I reserve the right to feel as I feel, and I'm sorry if my expressing that offends you.