Thanks so much Conrad these are really great questions.

To your question of: "But am I wrong in thinking that supervenience only seems plausible because we're used to the simple logic and precise determinism of classical physics?"

So suprevenience turns out to be a surprisingly flexible way of talking about systems and scales. It doesn't actually imply that the microscale must be simple or deterministic. Noisy systems, or those with complex interactions or functions. Here I use it solely over discrete finite systems. For any such system there's some definable set of supervening scales {S}, which may be extremely large.

I'll note first of all that for most of what we consider physical systems this holds: for example, given a group of cells, those cells will have some supervening scales the definition of which seems, at least to me, pretty non-controversial. Same with say, the logic gates of a computer all the way up the supervening program of a web browser. In theory there is some mapping between the web browser and the underlying circuits, even if that mapping is *enormously* complex and unwieldy.

To your point that: "the speculative quest for a deeper-level physics hardly gives a picture of 'lower-level properties from which all the higher-level properties necessarily follow.' On the contrary, most features of the Standard Model are currently explained by random "symmetry-breaking.""

Perhaps the word necessary is confusing here. By that I mean, given the state of the microscale, the state of the macroscale *necessarily* follows. For instance, in the case of symmetry breaking, given the infinitesimally small flucations of the system, some macrostate follows. This may appear as arbitrary to an observer, but there is some microscale that is the case. Philosophers have thought before about supervenience and emergence. There's one notion of "brute emergence" where somehow properties come into being that *don't* supervene on the underlying properties (or states on the underlying states). A lot of people have argued that this is nonsensical - in other words, that all higher scales must supervene on lower ones. But these are great questions, because applying this to the details of our own physics has not been done yet.

All the best! Erik P Hoel

Np George - did that myself earlier.

Interesting aphorisms! I think the field is so early that conventional language has a problem mapping to its contours. For instance, what's the difference between something being a "top-down realization" and just a "realization"? If a bunch of NOR gates realize some logic function, is that automatically a top-down realization? These are really interesting questions.

If I remember correctly, you've also used the word "constraint" to describe some of these issues before. I really like that. Constraint is nice because it can exist at a single timepoint and thus we can get really precise about space and time, supervening levels, etc. I also used "constraint" as a mathematical descriptor in a paper about causal emergence, and we showed that at time t, the supervening macroscale constrains the future (t+1) to a greater degree than the underlying microscale constrains that same future. One might then say, in english, something like: "The macroscale constrains the future of the microscale." What do you think of that phrasing? Do you feel it matches up to what you're talking about?

Thanks so much George!

Thanks so much for commenting Peter. I appreciate the kind words.

To be honest I'm not sure why it would matter exactly how Romeo overcomes in the wall - in fact, the very point of having a multiply-realizable causal path is that the mechanistic details don't matter. However, I take your point that there must be some underlying biological mechanism that accomplishes it, although, given how I'm saying that the causal relationship is "out of our heads" in this manner, perhaps the term "biological mechanism" doesn't actually cover it.

I certainly agree with you though that "[hierarchies] are ubiquitous throughout nature." In fact, there's a sense in which nature is itself a big hierarchy! I'd be interesting in more examination of this: most scientists don't spend a lot of time making sure scales actually fit together.

Erick, I see you will be the winer of this first essay contest... congratulatios, I already read your essay and rated it.

Please, consider to have into account my essay which main proposal is:

"A book that could revolutionize the future of Cosmological Physics: Aristotle, Newton, Einstein,..."

The Dynamic Laws of Physics (and Universal Gravitation) have varied over time, and even Einstein had already proposed that they still has to evolve:


NEWTON: F = m.a

EINSTEIN. E = m.c2 (*)

MOND: F = m.a.(A/A0)

FRACTAL RAINBOW: F = f (scale) = m.a.(scale factor)

Or better G (Gravity Constant) vary with the scale/distance due to fractal space-time: G = f ( Scale/distance factor)

(*) This equation does not correspond to the same dynamic concept but has many similarities.

Dear Erik,

I noticed that you didn't see my answer, I think, so I reproduce it here: Y

Yes, sure, there are causal relations! That's why I put arrows, to indicate the diraction of chemical reactions. Also, because also tried to highlight structures that are stable with time. I wanted to speak about the mRNA, but I also wanted to talk about evolution... So, I ended up talking about the signals that pattern most of the animals.

If you have anything more to say, please, do it! I am also here to learn and enrich my ideas with the ones of other people!

    hi erik,

    a very interesting technical essay that, unusually in this contest, actually endeavours to answer the questions that have been asked. you make mention of hierarchy and that there is, by consideration of all levels, something to be learned (a pattern emerges) which is fantastic. i also note you mention the critical importance of the role of corrective feedback.

    i'm curious to know if you would consider whether, at a lower level in any given higher-level of a hierarchy which clearly can be demonstrated to exhibit goal-orientated behaviour not relevant to the lower level(s), the lower levels can *still* exhibit their *own* (defined type of) goal-orientated behaviour... *again* not relevant to the *higher* levels.

      Dear Erik,

      Amazing essay, thought-provoking and absolutely on topic! I already knew about the work of Tononi and his collaborators on IIT, but it is when I read your description of causal emergence that I truly realized the potential of this general line of work to further our understanding of the fundamental nature of the world we live in! I used to believe that quantum mechanics and general relativity were the main areas of physics that were "foundationally relevant", but I now realize that thermodynamics, and its intricate and subtle relationship with information, is also hugely relevant. I found particularly enlightening your discussion of agents being stable at higher spatiotemporal scales and maintaining their identity over time while continuously changing out their basic constituents.

      By contrast with yours, my essay is very metaphysical and philosophical: I play with the hypothesis that we can ultimately account for the lawfulness that we observe in our universe by the "co-emergence" of conscious agents and the laws of physics from the "infinite set of all abstract computations". This process would require "emergence to work both ways": consciousness would emerge out of a physical level of description that obeys the "mindless" laws of physics, but these laws would be at the same time an emerging consequence of the existence of a community of conscious observers that share between themselves a coherent story about a lawful and stable world. Maybe such a "strange causal loop" cannot be made to make sense, but if it ultimately does, I think that your concept of causal emergence will have some essential role to play.

      Congratulations for having written such an interesting and deservedly well-received essay. Good luck in the contest: I am rooting for you to come up with one of the top prizes!


        Dear Erik P Hoel

        I appreciate your essay. You spent a lot of effort to write it. If you believed in the principle of identity of space and matter of Descartes, then your essay would be even better. There is not movable a geometric space, and is movable physical space. These are different concepts.

        I inform all the participants that use the online translator, therefore, my essay is written badly. I participate in the contest to familiarize English-speaking scientists with New Cartesian Physic, the basis of which the principle of identity of space and matter. Combining space and matter into a single essence, the New Cartesian Physic is able to integrate modern physics into a single theory. Let FQXi will be the starting point of this Association.

        Don't let the New Cartesian Physic disappear! Do not ask for himself, but for Descartes.

        New Cartesian Physic has great potential in understanding the world. To show potential in this essay I risked give "The way of the materialist explanation of the paranormal and the supernatural" - Is the name of my essay.

        Visit my essay and you will find something in it about New Cartesian Physic. After you give a post in my topic, I shall do the same in your theme


        Dizhechko Boris

        Thanks for following up and letting me know Daniel,


        Thanks so much Luke, glad to hear it.

        Your question is an extremely good one. It goes back to what I discuss briefly in the essay in terms of supersedence versus layering. Higher level goals can only really exist if the causal relationships they are part of (or composed of) really also exist, that is, aren't completely reducible to what's being done by the lower levels. But the same is true in reverse. Are the lower-level goals subsumed into higher-levels, or can they exist in harmony in some sort of layering? I think it depends a lot on overlap - what you want to do is avoid overdeterminism. So I don't actually have a proven answer to your question: it depends on how this research works out in the end!

        Thanks so much for your kind words Marc. So glad you found it interesting.

        I originally went to the Tononi lab to work on IIT, but my main focus was kind of this side problem concerning scale, which then bloomed into the whole notion of causal emergence. While causal emergence isn't necessarily related to consciousness, there's definitely causal emergence in IIT: in a recently paper we showed that integrated information can peak at higher scales because of causal emergence. There's a pretty good associated set of formalisms with causal emergence at this point, so I think it's important to expand it in terms of generality, so I'm particularly pleased you liked the notion of "causal fit" and how causal relationships can be stable over time or not depending on the scale.

        I just read your own essay and thank you for pointing me toward it. There's a lot of ground being covered, but you group all these issues together in a way that I think is very helpful. My own opinion is that things like the Maxiverse or David Lewis's modal realism come with a walloping problem: how many denizens of such an embarrassment of multiplicity come with true and justified beliefs about the Maxiverse or modal realism? If the consequence of your belief in x is that you have no good reason to believe in x, then you've "sawed off the branch you are sitting on," to quote Wittgenstein. Fundamentally, the main problem is with entropy: having true and justified beliefs about physics is an extremely low-entropy state. Even in general, given the full set of brain/world configurations, it is extremely rare for the beliefs of that brain to be true and justified. Reshuffle a minority of connections in my brain and I'm insane. I may believe, experience, all sorts of things, but I can no longer develop true and justified beliefs. Now imagine you reshuffle my brain's connections in every possible way and think of what a tiny percentage of that set could truly claim they weren't insane (if the brains even still worked to generate consciousness).

        What these "multiplicity beliefs" do is severe the connection between true and justified beliefs and our own conscious experiences. That's because the amount of order you need for a conscious experience (a brain in a vat) is sets of magnitude lower than the amount of order you need for true and justified beliefs (a well-put together brain that's stable across time in a relationship with a well-put together civilization or group that's stable across time, or at least long enough to develop physics and pose these kinds of questions).

        To sum up: if you believe that everything happens then the probability of your current conscious experience having true and justified beliefs is infinitesimally small which undercuts the original belief. Therefore, I file these kinds of thought experiments personally under "disproof by contradiction" and don't lose any sleep over them. The more interesting thing is to think of these as signposts of an incomplete physics.

        Thanks for the comment and the great essay,

        Erik P Hoel

        Dear Erik,

        You are close, but you are missing a few key connections. Between the quantum level micro-state and the next level is the large cliff of entropy and thermodynamics. Information theory needs the context of intelligence (intelligence is simpler and far more common than you might think). Please read my essay.


        Jeff Schmitz

        Hi Erik,

        I am back again. I had an earlier post here but figured it would be much easier to converse if I started a new one. I have been studying the essay and some of your earlier work regarding macro over micro when it comes to causal emergence. I am not sold on IIT overall, but some of the measures you have is very useful to quantify such phenomenon.

        I have an idea and wanted to get your thoughts on it. I will start by clarifying some of the terms so that there is no confusion. In my submission, when I talk about higher-lower level in the cerebral cortex hierarchy, I am referring to the layers 1-6 of the cortex at the same macrostate level. Layer 1 is where inputs come in and layer 6 is the 'higher' most deepest level. I had argued that this is the level where deeper goals/intentions should arise in the brain. Now in your submission you talk about causal emergence as one goes from a microscale to a macroscale. Would you agree that this could happen within a 'scale' if there is some kind of coarse graining within a particular scale across many layers? You might see where I am going with this. In a heirarchical predictive coding model from layers 1-6, I think we can show that as you go up the layers, a signal processing phenomenon called slow-feature analysis is performed across the layers. This is a form of coarse graining in the input mappings, from level 1 (lower) acting like a 'microscale' to level 6 (higher) behaving as the 'macroscale'. Thus there should be causal emergence as you go from lower to higher layers and with that intentional agency. I would be interested in your thoughts on this.




          Thank you for the clear and logical essay on how agents and goals emerge from the underlying microphysics. I thought the discussion and examples on autopoiesis were especially well explained.

          Your essay references micro and macroscales throughout, so I thought you might be interested in my essay, The Cosmic Odyssey of Matter, which formally defines precise formations of matter (PFMs). The sequence of PFMs identified in my essay nearly matches Fig. 1 in your essay.

          The objective of my essay is to simply define and identify the progression of these precise forms, it does not address the hard problem of emergence of agents and goals per your own essay. Just the same, formally describing the progression of precise forms may provide some context of how living organisms and human social groups relate to the broader universe.

          link to The Cosmic Odyssey of Matter

          Regards, Ed Kneller

            Thank you for commenting Ed. I'm always interested in scale - and you certainly take a more cosmic perspective on scale in your own essay. Thanks for sharing,

            Erik P Hoel

            Hi again Natesh, thanks for stopping by again.

            In general, IIT is about consciousness - specifically, how to measure its level and content. Causal emergence doesn't make any claims about consciousness, so the two in theory are separable. However, both have a root: the connection between information and causation. In IIT, we've done work showing that causal emergence is precisely why integrated information can be greater at higher scales.

            About the layers of the cortex: usually, inputs to the cortex go actually to the middle layers (like layer 4, where in V1 most of the afferents from the LGN terminate). However, I agree that goals and so on probably occur "deeper" in the brain, although spatial direction might not vary with deepness in that sense. I also agree that the brain is a great place to look for causal emergence: it's highly redundant, processes information, and must have a very complex causal structure. Predictive coding is definitely a very interesting concept - it's certainly possible that things like feature detection implicitly rely on (or lead to) causal emergence, if the features you're detecting are macro-variables. So in general I think something like this should end up bing very relevant for neuroscience, but, as usual, the devil ends up being in the details and we just don't know enough about the brain yet.

            Thanks so much for your comments and thoughts!

            Erik P Hoel


            Since it nears the end, I have been returning to essays I have read to see if I've rated them and discovered I rated it on March 19th.

            Hope you have enjoyed the interchange of ideas as much as I have.

            Jim Hoover

            Dear Erik,

            thanks a lot for your detailed answer (and sorry for my late reply).

            Actually I had seen your paper (Hoel et al. 2013) but as you discuss effective information which

            I believe had been introduced in the context of IIT I was under the wrong impression the Hoel et

            al. 2013 was dealing with IIT as well.

            The paper was pointed out to me by a jesuit monk and philosopher whom I met a few months ago on a gathering of scientists and theologians. He claimed the paper would show that IIT features "strong emergence" which I was very sceptical about. After reading your FQXi paper I now understand that what you call "underfitting" would correspond to "strong emergence" (which as you say would be possible only from a local perspective) while overfitting would correspond to weak emergence.

            Would you agree with this interpretation?

            >Took me a second to find what you're talking about (which is the arrow on the second to bottom

            >step in the ladder in Figure 1). Yes, the picture is infinitely more complicated than shown! I

            >certainly can't draw out all the supervenient arrows also because scientists don't spend a lot of

            >time looking for what Ernest Nagel called "bridge laws." In retrospect I could have just put

            >"elementary particles in the standard model" which covers more bases.

            Yes, "elementary particles" would be more correct, since the quark configuration is absolutely

            identical in different molecular structures (such as 2 CO O_2 versus 2 CO_2) while the

            electron configuration is responsible for the rather different properties (poisoneous versus harmless).

            >You can have plenty of averages, or let the law of large numbers work, without causal >emergence.

            >For example, rolling a die over and over won't give you any causal emergence. However, >regularly

            >in science experimenters treat higher scales as causally-manipulatable variables. This can be

            >reflective of causal emergence. For instance, assessing the causal relationship between two

            >neurons (not their underling elementary particles). Causal emergence explains why that's not >just

            >about using a simpler representation. You're possibly gaining something in this scenario: extra

            >information about the causal structure that's not available at the microscale, because at the

            >scale of neurons there is error-correction, whereas at the scale of elementary particle physics

            >there is no error-correction. If you believe the hypothesis I lay out of the ladder of science

            >being reflective of each step causally emerging from the one below it, causal emergence should >be

            >incredibly common, especially in the special sciences (like biology).

            I agree with your dice example (no causal emergence). What I meant was to use the averaging out

            of statistical fluctuations on the micro scale to establish an idealization: such as assuming

            a soccer ball to be actually a sphere in order to calculate its behavior.

            Would you agree that this is causal emergence?

            >As for quantum physics being less determined than classic physics - well, that's a good scale to

            >look for causal emergence at.

            As we have argued in our contribution, time itself may be emergent in quantum gravity. As there is no causality without time I was wondering whether in this case one could actually say that any kind of causality would be emergent. Would you agree?

            "One may argue that pure information-based conecpts such as the "bill of rights" or the "contents of the bible" are totally substrate independent, and that agents exist somehow in between such imaterial objects and material physics. Would you agree with this interpretation?"

            >It's a nice idea but I wouldn't agree. First, I don't think anything is actually fully

            >substrate-independent, more like things are substrate-constrained to greater or less extents. >Second, I

            >don't think there's some immaterial world that anything is closer to.

            I agree with you that probably nothing is totally substrate independent and that there is a continuum of how strongly concepts are substrate dependent or independent. If the bill of rights would be encoded in neutrinos it probably wouldn't have many consequences. But I still would say information is immaterial. So the bill of rights is more substrate independent and defined by its information content than e.g. a brick. This is what I meant with "closer to the immaterial world". Now since both emergent causality and substrate independence seem to be related to idealization I still believe there is some connection: When you idealize you abstract from the substrate and rely on information content regarding to these idealized macroscopic properties. Since this information is not directly linked the properties of constituents it is more substrate independent and thus can be realized in various concepts: the information aspect dominates the matter aspect. At the same time this description allows for more causal emergence.

            Once more thanks for your essay. Even if I don't understand all details yet and may not agree with

            everything it is in some respects a eye opener.


            hahah nice to hear a jesuit monk was interested!

            I'd differentiate strong and weak emergence from causal emergence, only because there's a lot of philosophical baggage that comes with saying either of those terms. For example, a lot of philosophers have argued that strong emergence violates supervenience, whereas causal emergence doesn't. At the same time, a lot of philosophers have argued that weak emergence is epiphenomenal due to the exclusion argument, which also isn't true for causal emergence.

            I do think you're right that the example of causal underfitting may actually be pretty close to what has been traditionally meant by strong emergence, because it implies that the causal structure doesn't locally supervene. However, at some point these things become semantic and I'm not entirely convinced that philosophers have been arguing over two unitary and coherent phenomena in the form of strong and weak emergence. Philosophers have a habit of trying to carve out the conceptual space of problems prior to any particular theory that can address those problems. The weakness with this approach is the "unknown unknowns" that can be brought to light in scientific investigation.

            Btw this doesn't mean I think the philosophers aren't doing anything - there's a lot of conceptual work being done, a lot of it very good - but I also don't expect the final theory of emergence to easily be slotted into the conceptual schema they mapped out before knowing the theory.

            "As we have argued in our contribution, time itself may be emergent in quantum gravity. As there is no causality without time I was wondering whether in this case one could actually say that any kind of causality would be emergent. Would you agree?"

            I'm not enough of an expert enough to know if it's true that time emerges from quantum gravity. However, it is an interesting avenue of investigation to ask: what properties are necessary for causal relationships, and what is the lowest scale they exist at in nature. Your proposal sounds like a good hypothesis for this.

            Thanks so much for posting again,



            Wow. I'm not sure I have anything to say or any questions left to ask. This is a very well-written. thorough, and complete essay. Well Done.

            The only possible comment of interest I might have concerns Romeo and his motivations ... I don't think his brain was involved:-)

            Best Regards and Good Luck,

            Gary Simpson