Hi Sonali, I'm glad to hear from you.
You bring up some key aspects of language. The one that's central to my essay is just its ability to get itself passed on from one brain to another, constructing the channel through which eventually tremendous amounts of information began to flow. I'd be happy to respond to your thoughts in that thread.
Something I find very interesting to consider is that for nearly all of human evolution, until about 2,500 years ago, all the information "downloaded and encoded in language" could only be passed on orally, in real-time face-to-face interaction. Even after written records began to be made, it was a long time before writing began to play a major role in preserving and transmitting culture, as was happening in Greece when philosophy and science began - certainly a "crucial phase transition," from our standpoint today. And now we're going through a similar transition, with emerging electronic media. If you're interested, I wrote about this in an earlier FQXi essay.
Thanks again - Conrad