You said
"I am held back sometimes from responding promptly because I have difficulty with your terminology. An example: "Mass being a manifestation of photon C work capacity
Haha yes I do understand. I do make effort towards prose, but not always, and not always well. Sometimes I just resort to short hand expressions, multiple meanings strung together without adequate reference for my reader. Sorry about this. In the case of the above example, I refer to my notion that mass is a work function based on photon velocity. Its ability to perform work equals velocity C. But I realize this is not the only confusing aspect of my expression. It has to be said though, that although you are far better at prose than myself, I sometimes also have to read your expressions a couple of times to let its message sink in, to become accustom to your approach. But a very worthwhile exercise it is indeed. I suspect this is somewhat inevitable when new concepts are invented.
I'm glad my observation relating a poles weight transition in a gravitational field, takes your interest. I have some material which will simplify your considerations on the subject, a couple of illustrations, graphs etc. I will have to prepare these for you, so please hold on a bit. Its a very straight forward observation isnt it? I'm a little staggered this hasnt been noted before now, and that the few times I have presented it to forum communities over the last couple of years didnt eventuate in constructive conversation. A tough crowd that isnt accustomed to taking fresh evidences back to the basic considerations. So tangled up in the confusions, and dont know when to retreat back to the beginning and start the puzzle fresh.
I have not fully ratified this quantum puzzle, because my understanding of the methods for testing Bells Inequality are limited. However, I have advanced my thinking far enough to know that this prescribes a very interesting dynamic which looks like a possible puzzle fit. A dynamic which decodes the anomalous quantum results, revealing the entirely causal mechanics behind the scenes. Put simply, the orientation of the two polarization filters in relation of each other, is an important detail in revealing the correlation of the quantum system, photons. If you change the orientation of the filters, then the shifting correlations observed of the photons, does not track linearly.
Heres another way to put it. If you can account an entirely causal interaction that makes sense of the individual photons behaviors, giving the observed probability curve. Then the correlations then observed between a second photon and its filter, becomes a purely incidental correlation. The magic disappears.
You asked me
"Do you know how to take a derivative of a function and also how to integrate a function?"
My mathematical ability is very informal. I am not schooled in the terminologies nor advanced formula building. But I think if you describe your meanings, I will take an understanding from you.