Dear Pavel and Marcelo
This video is a wonderful discovery. So impressed by Pavel Kroupa's cosmological work, that every once and awhile I punch his name into the search engine to see if anything new is available. And so having found this video I'm introduced to Marcelo Gleiser, another wonderful thinker who's work I must investigate. Nice to meet you Marcelo.
I have something I would very much like to communicate to both of you, I hope you are paying attention to these video comments? I'll post it below soon
There are many mysteries of the world still beyond explanation. Of those attempting to progress our awareness of the world, I think there are few doing it as effective as Pavel Kroupa. Why is he effective? I think he has done a better job than most in rationalizing conventional scientific understandings for himself, is better aware of the theoretical shortcomings, and is therefore more willing than most to second guess preconceived scientific ideas.
Pavel, please give the following more than just a passing glance. I know there is a lot of noise on the net, vying for our, your attention. Just how I might introduce you to an idea that you will recognise a value, I can only guess. But I've decided that the question of how fundamental forces exist and operate, while convention assigns no theoretical cause for them? This question becomes particularly interesting in respect of fundamental forces being considered energy conserved systems, when they are clearly imparting a work effort in the world. Molecular bonds are a good example of this work effort, because we can appreciate their properties at the human scale in terms of them binding objects together, which we can then wrap our own hands around and directly sense their ability to resist pressures we can place against them. Is it reasonable that a system can conserve its energy state while imparting force to the world, as a free or causeless by product? So I hope you will appreciate the value of that question, that you will take the time to hear what I have to say on the subject.
The concept of "fundamental forces" the strong nuclear force and or electromagnetic force for example, is flawed in terms of them being considered energy conserved systems which can miraculously undertake work effort, and while no cause being assigned. Moving along, the question of what the nature of the interaction is that exists between space and matter, that would marry quantum mechanics and general relativity, might have the same answer as the question "what is the prior cause for the fundamental forces that enables their work effort? Could it be that photon and gluon activity is the "product" of the interaction with space, and that the terms of Guv and Tuv sharing equality is evidence of this relationship? An energy transfer and conversion for which an element inhabiting space is paying the cost. So matter being in the business of consuming an Auv elemental field of space that enables Tuv photon activity, dictating the variable rate of causality which we interpret as times passage. This being how environments of space correspond to the theory of spacetime.
This raises the question, if space possesses a physical resource matter is dependent upon to maintain activity, then how can the resource remain persistent over time. Why is it not finite and subject to depletion? Auv cosmological emergence of space provides a possible solution. I cannot present the physics that would answer the how of Auv's continual emergence, but I can point to the observation and values attributed to its emergence, and the equality they share with universal values of Guv and Tuv. That their equality is highly suggestive they share a relationship that is causal, and the possibility outlined as above is not excluded from. That Auv is a renewable resource which enables gluon and photon activity, and that Auv and Tuv are both elements of a universal system that is continually regenerated, allowing for compounded changes and evolved purposeful structure and complexities to emerge. That all the activities and structures on both atomic and cosmological scales, are evolved and optimized for their reason for existence, which is for efficiency of interaction between the Auv elemental field of space, and Tuv matter. This will sound like a stretch on first appraisal, however I've had time to tease out possible interpretations that correspond to the real world, which are available for your assessment.
Give nature an energy potential and it will invent a Darwinian circumstance of emergence. Early oceanic life for example, algae invents a way to exploit the suns energy in a process of Photosynthesis, which then foundations the base of a food chain that blossoms through evolution of diversified range of organisms of increasing levels of character and complexity. Krill that eat the algae, in turn eaten by small fish, eaten by bigger fish and squid, eaten by tuna, sharks, birds, dolphins and whales. Natures organisational principle that builds articulated complexity.
Auv cosmological emergence is clearly associated with some kind of natural energy potential, which conceivably may be the bases for a circumstance of Darwinian emergence that leads to complex structure building. Like the algae, this Auv elemental field of space foundations the base of a system that compounds ever higher levels of universal order and complexity, in the form of atomic and cosmological structure. This is how elaborate Gluon and photon characteristics may have come to emerge in the universe, and the circumstance whereby their activity is enabled by a metabolism of an Auv elemental field of space.
The varied associations drawn above are reasonable. It enables us to make statements like, the property of gluonic mass is an evolved purposeful function of matter that builds cosmological structure, planets, stars, galaxies, with the theme of purposeful and efficient interaction with Auv. Its ability to undertake work functions accounted for in terms of cause and effect, by the Auv elemental field of space, rather than resorting to the causeless theory of fundamental forces. Similarly, we can point to molecular bonds and the functions of chemistry that build them, as evolved properties of matter with the purpose of cementing objects together. Creating optimised structures that persist in a highly kinetically energetic universe.
I could move in the direction of any number of tangents at this point, but I want to indicate something of possible value. So I give you a possable antidote for anomalous galaxy motions.
A key insight presented here within, is that gluon and photon activity are dependent on the variable energy density of their environment of space Auv. Gluons are generators of force that gives the property mass, so gluon variable activity theory, is a variable baryonic mass theory. What's more, there is a function of proportionality evident between gluon variable activity and volume of space.
Based on luminosity profiles it is judged that an average galaxy possesses a star density profile that declines by square of the radius from galaxy centre. So we assume a galaxies baryonic mass distribution follows like kind. However the observed galaxy rotation curves operate in such a way as to indicate, the galaxy mass distribution is constant from centre to rim. To precisely remedy this situation, we invoke a function whereby variable gluon activity (mass) is coupled, proportionate to volume of Space. The magic becomes apparent when you conceptually add additional masses within a given volume of space, and you hypothesis that gluon activity (mass) declines proportionately. In the case of a galaxy whereby star density declines by square of the radius from galaxy centre, it prescribes an increasing gluon activity (mass) by square of the radius from galaxy centre, redistributing galaxy mass in such a way that predicts galaxy rotation curves.
This theory honours the measured values of Auv = Guv = Tuv, provides a contextual explanation that relates them to one another in terms of cause and effect, that portrays meaning and purpose, as well as moving beyond the idea that fundamental forces can act without cause. Explains how purposeful structures and complexities can arise within a system that regenerates and compounds change, evolves. And it provides a prospective simple formula relating variable mass and volume of space, that might be easily tested against observed anomalous galaxy motions. A variable baryonic mass theory.
I hope I will be offered the opportunity by you, to add further justifications. I have many. And perhaps have your assistance in testing the idea.
Thank you for your consideration