My comment on Scott S Gordon's paper:
Dear Scott,
I read your paper and it has some good understandings and concepts, such as the understanding that we must question everything that we know about time and space and I would add that we must also question everything that we know about the structure of the fields, energy photons, and matter particles that exist in that space and the concept that space could be composed of zero dimensional points. On the other hand, your paper is much like many others that I have seen that fall short of being actually workable because it attributes characteristics to some things that they don't actually possess in reality. You do rightly hold that motion is very important in the structure of the universe, but its use in your theory in the form of spinning zero dimensional points is contrary to the way that motion actually works in reality. First, all motions travel in a straight line in the absence of an interaction with another entity. Secondly, a zero dimensional point cannot spin. It has a point about which to spin, but does not possess any extension to spin about that point. A zero dimensional point cannot move in a zero dimensional world because it has nowhere to move to in any direction. A zero dimensional point could possibly move in a one dimensional world, but it would have to be different in some way from the other zero dimensional points that make up the space on that one dimensional line world. That difference could be that it is in motion, but it could only move in one direction at one motion amplitude rate (velocity) along that line by itself. For it to move in a cyclical manner back and forth in that dimension, so that it would become a stationary motion (particle) it would have to interact with another motion that would periodically reverse its direction of travel or have its direction reversed by interactions with the ends of the dimension, etc. This is because a given motion can only read its direction and motion amplitude information and use that to update its current position information to the next spatial position that it moves to. All that it can change by itself is its current spatial position. Its current direction of travel and its motion amplitude level can only be changed by an external interaction with another entity. This means that even a back and forth cyclical motion requires an interaction at each end of the motion's back and forth travel to reverse the direction of travel of the motion. An interaction requires some form of contact between entities to transfer the information changes between them. The probability of an interaction between two entities is dependent on the potential interaction cross section. The greater the cross section, the greater is the probability of interaction. This is why entities that contain angular motions, such as energy photons and matter particles, are much more likely to produce interactions than those that contain only linear motions, such as sub-energy particles. A zero cross section size results in a zero probability of interaction. This cross section depends on the potential maximum range or distance of motion at the intersection point and the actual size of the interacting entities within that range. A zero dimensional entity has a zero size and, therefore, can have no possible contact surface through which interaction information could be transferred and would, therefore, not be able to interact with another entity. This is why considering matter particles to be point objects makes no logical sense. It is also why believing that they actually can be point objects results in the extension of that idea into other areas of thought such as your concept of space being composed of zero size point objects. You could have a one dimensional entity that could interact with one or more other one dimensional entity(ies) to create a back and forth cyclical motion that would contain it within a specific location range of the dimension to make a form of a matter particle, but it still could not spin because spin is a two dimensional cyclical motion structure that requires at least a two dimensional world to function in. Even in a two dimensional world, a zero dimensional entity could not spin because as mentioned above, it contains a point about which a spin could occur, but it does not possess any extension that can spin about that point. A one dimensional entity could spin in a two dimensional world because its line would provide the extensions necessary for it to spin about its center point. It would still require the continual interactions of at least two motions to generate and continue its spin, however, because a single motion can still only travel in a straight line regardless of how many dimensions exist in the world. Let's say that you want to make a simple one dimensional spatial system using your zero dimensional spatial components. If you take one million of them and align them up against each other in a single line, how long will that one dimensional spatial line be? It is an easy calculation, so I will give it. 1,000,000 objects X 0 size of each object = 0 size of dimensional line. This shows that you can't generate size or distance from objects that contain no size or are zero size objects. This is probably why you quickly change from the point entities to the space between them to define distance. The problem with this concept is that in order for there to be a distance between the points a separate spatial system must already exist to produce the space between the zero dimensional points. Since you end up with a spatial system anyway, it appears that the only reason to envision the zero dimension entities to exist in that space is to support the vacuum energy concepts of quantum mechanics instead of following things back far enough to see that those concepts are also unneeded and unworkable. Of course, it could be that you also believe that motions can't exist by themselves, but are only characteristics of some other non-motion object that only possesses the motions as only an attribute of that object. When you look at interactions in reality at all size scales, you will find that the only thing that is truly conserved in an interaction is the total amount of motion content. This may come as a surprise to you because it appears from your paper that you believe that all of the energy photons came into existence at one time and are all still in existence and by extension I would assume that you also believe that no new energy photons have been created since then. In reality energy photons come into existence and go out of existence all the time around us and we can easily observe this. If you have a car and get in it and start it up, you are starting up an energy photon production device. It not only converts the chemical energy stored in the sub-energy fields of the gasoline molecules into the mechanical or motion energy that propels the car down the road, but also generates large quantities of new energy photons mostly in the infrared frequency region of the spectrum. That is why the engine requires an engine cooling system that circulates liquid antifreeze coolant through a radiator that is cooled by the air flow of a fan to keep it from overheating. When you desire to stop the motion of the car you press your foot on the brake petal which engages four other energy photon generators (one in each wheel) to convert the cars kinetic motion into energy photons. These photons are also mostly in the infrared frequency region. Of course, stars produce very large amounts of new energy photons as a byproduct of fusion, etc. Energy photons are continually going out of existence also. They can be absorbed by electrons in atoms and their motion is converted into the angular motion of the electrons that allows them to move to a higher level in the atom. Energy photons in the visible light spectrum can transfer enough motion to an electron in an atom to allow the electron to completely escape the atom and also have additional kinetic linear motion to allow it to travel away from the atom. Note that the photons are created from motion and also give up that motion when they are absorbed and cease to exist as photons. Matter particles and, therefore, their total mass are also not conserved. When a matter particle and its antimatter particle are allowed to come together at low kinetic energy levels, they are converted into energy photon(s). Also energy photons with a high enough frequency so that they contain enough motion to produce matter particles can produce them if they come into contact with an adequate angular motion component, such as the sub-energy spheres of an atom. This means that they are also composed of motions. Fields are also composed of motions that I call sub-energy particles. Once you can get your head around the concept that all things are composed of motions and once you have analyzed how motions work, it becomes easy to see that all that they require is empty space with positions in which they can be positioned and move from one to the next. One other thing that needs to be mentioned is that there is no time dimension. We live in a motion continuum. The present is the current condition of all motions in existence. The past is the motion conditions that did exist, but no longer exist because the motions have moved on from those conditions to their now present conditions. The future is the motion conditions that will exist, but do not yet exist because the motions have not yet moved into those conditions. From this you can see that there is no past to go back to because it is erased by the continuation of the movement of motions and there is no future to go to either because the motions are where they are now and do not exist in the positions that they will later exist in. This understanding greatly simplifies the generation of structural understanding. This comment is getting long so I will end it, but I will just mention one more important thing. When you consider the generation of a balanced static mass effect in matter particles, a two dimensional rotation will not work. You need a three dimensional enclosed motion to produce it. I hope this helps you.