Essay Abstract
Consciousness is the ability to process "information" about the self and the surroundings of a being and can be called "onformation" as it is encoded "on" the Geometry Of Dimensions, GOD, containing that being inside. The most fundamental aspect of our universe in the multiverse is the Source Of Universal Light (SOUL or Consciousness). It is the consciousness that brings forth the light, space and time and molds them in to relativistic matter and moves them as it wishes, like a kid throwing stones in a pond and creating water droplets and ripples just for fun. In this analogy the kid is the consciousness, stone is the light, water is the space-time fabric. In the most abstract sense the universe is purely mathematical. Hence I have formulated ISA function that describes Riemann sphere and is the true analytic continuation of Riemann zeta function and can be used to describe universal consciousness encoded on Geometry Of Dimensions. ISA(S) = Sign(Re(s)) * Sign(Im(s)) * Cos(Re(s) * Pi) * e Power (Im(s) * i * Pi) Also the proof of ISA function describing Riemann sphere shows the holographic nature of our universe. Any point on the 2-dimensional complex plane can be plotted on to Riemann sphere using the ISA function. Also ISA function proves the generalized Poincare conjecture as it describes 0-dimensional point to n-dimensional spheres when properly extended to the corresponding dimensions. Surface of the Riemann sphere is the event horizon, I see the universe as part of a 5-D Light Whole Noumenon instead of the currently popular 0-D black hole phenomenon, as what lies with in the sphere totally encompasses what lies outside of it. Enlightenment is to realize that I "am" not just some body (Hardware) with an independent mind (Software) but I "is" everybody with an interdependent Soul (Lightware).
Author Bio
My BODY is SPACE (Self Permeating Absolutely Continuous Entity), my MIND is TIME (Till I Mind Exists) and my SOUL (Source Of Universal Life) is LIGHT and I am absolute consciousness encoded on Geometry Of Dimensions, GOD.