You sly old dog, when did you become a bartender? I will be reading and re-reading this paper for some time to come! Many thanks. I was never taught the Hertz Equations that you present, so this will give me another set of tools to study and use. MANY THANKS!
When you went from equation 1 to equation 2, you changed from G to g. I'm guessing you did this to prevent confusion between the vector G and the scalar g. Quaternions would let you use bold typeface and regular typeface:-) The cross-derivatives that are in equation 3 are also easier to represent. I'm just sayin':-)
The arguments associated with the Maxwell-Hertz Equations being invariant under Galilean Transformation were very effective.
For me, the breaking of time symmetry that is associated with the GPS systems is a clue that something is fundamentally misunderstood. I see that you have a similar thought and have taken it to its logical conclusion. Namely that gravity represents a preferred local frame of reference.
This then leads to the return of a universal time which then eliminates all of the SR related paradoxes. I don't like to plug my own thinking in other author's forums, but I feel compelled to ask a question. I believe in a universal time that has two components as follows:
T = t*[cos(omega) isin(omega)] = t*[sqrt{1 - (v/c)^2} i(v/c)
Is this compatible with your thinking? It relates the phase angle to vI consider this to be a way to explain those pesky muons:-)
I was especially impressed by your insistence upon things that are PHYSICALLY REAL and can be measured. To me, the interpretation of null results is always a little questionable. I prefer a measurement to a logical deduction because the deduction requires an axiom.
If two theories make the same predictions but one is based upon something that is physically real whereas the other is based upon an axiom, I will choose the theory that is based upon a real thing. Occam's Razor would choose the axiom based theory because it is more simple. So, the correct theory can only be determined by finding a prediction where they make different predictions. You zero in on this with the niobium sphere and the lunar ranging data.
It might be a little unfair to ask AE why he did not revisit SR in view of his later insights. By that time so many people had jumped on the SR band-wagon that he probably thought it would cause more harm than good. Besides, science is self correcting. In this case, you are doing the correcting:-)
All in all, this is an exceptional effort on your part. WELL DONE.
Best Regards,
Gary Simpson