Hay good news. I read through your messages again and I understand your following points.
NASA of their Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator programs; ie, that half-life decay rates of elemental radioisotopes remain unaffected by change of proximity to dominant gravitational domains.
"And the NASA findings agree with a real, physical time dilation as predicted by GR, otherwise the RTGs would suffer shorter working lives rather than the extended ones operationally".
On first reading, these two statements sounded contradictory. But I understand how one leads to the other now. But I admitted it was probably my fault, so all good.
"real, physical field interaction"
"I'll just leave with one observation; ever notice that E=mc^2 is a statement of the inverse square law in different terms? Therefore, mass is energy decelerated from light velocity. It is still only a masse of energy until a unit quantity specific to a unit volume can be determined which exhibits the characteristics of matter. And that's where I very much agree with Doc. :-) jrc "
and yes again!!
I find it fascinating/riveting that you are playing with the term "deceleration of light". Deceleration and acceleration are equivalent terms. Both correspond to expression of energy/force. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this you suggest as the mechanism for mass?
In my essay which will hopefully be accepted, I refer to this association you mention. I refer to it in terms of being an association between photons and gluons, whereby their expressions of force are correlated via magnitude. Velocity of photon C, and gluon C2. Deceleration of photon C to derive value of mass C2, is a very appealing notion.
If deceleration of light is the mechanism that gives mass, then you will appreciate how a variant C would act to give variant mass. Mass would be proportional to change of velocity. Do you hold constant C as sacred? Are we speaking the same language?
I believe my term "force dilation" is the same concept to which Edwin refers, "energy of oscillations" but I define it as value of force.
Edwin recently quoted Richard Feynman as saying "when we observe an acceleration, we should look for a force".
A clocks increased oscillation in orbit constitutes an acceleration. Edwin has referred to it in terms of increased "energy", terms of energy are interchangeable with "force".
I believe the breakthrough occurs when atomic oscillations currently interpreted as "time dilation" are associated with variant atomic energy/force. Atomic energy/force extends to variant mass. It's usefulness applies to, Atomic energy/mass scales dependant on gravities square law proximity to matter. This consideration of variant mass extends to "proximity of stars to each other in galaxies". Average distance between stars in galaxies, increases by the square of distance from galaxy centre.
It will sound fanciful to most, but it should be considered a curiosity that, if a baryon is considered to increase its mass proportionate to distance from galaxy centre, "dependent upon dilated proximity of stars to each other", then it does place mass where it needs to be to predict anomalous galaxy rotation velocity. An ideal fit.