Hi Steven,
I don't know what happened to your post, but I had saved it, so I can reproduce it below. I've been too busy today to respond to you and Victor. I will soon.
Edwin Eugene Klingman
Steven Andresen wrote on Jan. 28, 2018 @ 06:50 GMT
Hi Edwin
Great essay once again. Count on a top ranking from me.
Yes, gravity as Ether. Gravitational fields act as preferred reference frame. And to be preferred reference frame is a battle won by the larger dominant local mass. A car submits to the Earths preferred frame. The Earth submits to the suns preferred frame. Unless you are very very close to the car, or close to the Earth. Nearby Photons submit to the Earths Gravitation field as a preferred reference frame, they can be thought of in terms as being trained by Earths gravity, giving mmx results.
You question times operation as a fourth dimension and provide an alternative viewpoint in its stead. That at its fundamentals, relativity is a consideration of kinetic energy. Clock cycle counts, and variations of their cycle count can be interpreted as varied expressions of energy. And I believe you are correct.
Clocks after all are driven by mechanical force, not time. What is the nature of the justification for, "mechanical force drives clocks, but clocks measure time? No! Clocks are driven by force, therefore clocks measure force. And the clocks forces acting in relative environments of space and motion can be defined in terms of variable energy or force.
If two identical wind up clocks are wound up equally, then one placed near a large mass and one afar the large mass. Dilation effects having done their thing, then bring the clocks together for comparative. We note the hands are advanced on the space born clock, but then we peel off the clock faces for comparative of the springs. Like the clock hands, the spring from space displays an advanced position, and because a springs position can be defined in terms of how much energy or force it has expressed, (force over distance) the comparative of the two clocks can accurately be described as being "force Dilated". Clocks dont measure time dilation, they measure a definable quantity that is "force dilation".
When you associate relativities effects with a variable kinetic energy value, then it must be that your referring to a variable value of atomic energy/force. Atomic energy/force corresponding to mass, let us presume a variable Baryon mass.
Scaling atomic kinetic energy, scaling mass dependant on gravity's distance square law. It can be said that Baryon mass scales dependent on square law proximity to matter. "proximity to matter Edwin!". That includes proximity of stars to each other within spiral galaxies.
If you scale atomic force/mass dependent on square of average distance between stars in spiral galaxies, it readjusts the mass distribution within galaxies. Placing it as a precise antidote to deviation from General Relativities prediction. Because, the average distance between stars increases by square of distance from a galaxies centre. This proscribes an increase in baryon mass proportionate to square of distance from galaxy centre. As an ideal geometric solution.
Energy is indeed as you say, a primary consideration of relativity. Not time. This translates to consideration of Atomic energy/mass. Your hypothesis predicts anomalous galaxy rotations.
MOND attempts to adjust gravities square law, and although it comes tantalizingly close, it doesn't quite achieve it. This is because atomic force/mass is the variable instead of gravities square law.
My essay isn't up yet, so hopefully it will be qualified soon. It details these considerations in greater detail. I'd love for you to take a look if you will please?