Mr. LeBel,
Indeed a very nice logical journey, and I think further words are useless
Read and rate it accordingly
If you would have the pleasure for a (very) related essay, I will appreciate your time.
Mr. LeBel,
Indeed a very nice logical journey, and I think further words are useless
Read and rate it accordingly
If you would have the pleasure for a (very) related essay, I will appreciate your time.
Dear Marcel-Marie,
It is nice meeting you here in FQXi again.
Thank you for your elegant and inspiring essay. It deserves highest estimation.
Maybe you could be interested in my Essay, where I discuss on fundamental issues with... Albert Einstein!
Good luck in the Contest.
Cheers, Ch.
Note to the reader.
In my essay I claim that space as a static dimension does not exist. This comes from the following reasoning. Say we use the standard meter. If we send a beam of light from one end to the other end, it will take some time. It will take half that time to reach the half of the meter. There is no faster way in the universe. So, because it takes time to reach the end of the meter, the end of the meter is not at the same time as the beginning of the meter. As a matter of fact, no two points of this meter are at the same moment. This means that the meter is not an actual object residing all at once in the same moment (other than a moment of perception). Therefore, "space" does not exist for the universe. It exists only for us.
Our perception is contemplative and allows for a concept of "space", as conceiving separated points as being all at the same moment, when they are not. The final judge is the universe in its operation, and it has no place or use for the concept of space. The problem is that physics tries to understand the operational aspect of the universe by studying our contemplative experience of the universe.
The concept of space is Extremely useful in physics and everyday life, but it has no existence or role in the working of the universe. In other words, we need space in order to describe and know things but the universe has no need for space in order to do anything.
One may use the concept of "spacetime" as long as he takes in consideration the above fact.
(Similarly, from a previous essay, our natural satellite is but an aggregate of matter across time that becomes the Moon, "an object all at once in the same moment of perception".)
The point made in my essay is simple. We can always ask "why?" some event happens. But the moment we look, measure etc. it becomes a point of view, a description. As such, a description is essentially a "how" answer. This is always "How" things work, no "why".
If we really want to know "why" something like gravity works, we have to work hard at answering "why" it logically works. I mean we have to look for a logical answer. For this, we have to admit that something does exist out there. For example, in physics, an electron is not made of any kind of stuff. An electron is the sum of our knowledge of it. Its mass, spin etc. As long as we will think that the universe is only the sum of our experiences, we will not grow out of the observer's status, i.e., the physics or our relationship to it.
No amount of "how" questions answered will ever replace the logical question "why". They are mutually exclusive questions, but complementary aspects necessary for a complete knowledge.
Hi Marcel...
Your FQXi Topic:1928 post of Aug. 30, 2017 @ 00:19 GMT caught my attention, and I actually composed a 4 page reply to that post... but it has not been edited yet.
I have now read your essay, and will get back to you with commentary... but I wear all hats on the UQS project and am now in a code phase... i.e. absolute focus mandatory to progress.
In the interim, I will reference you to UQS Consciousness Investigation Geometry
Therein, I think you might identify parallels in our motivation... i.e. "A formalized logical system will have to be developed, with mathematics, logic, and the "how" side of physics helping us stay in line."... if not our resolve.
Thanks for sharing your insights and providing opportunity for our exchange.
Sue Lingo
UQS Author/Logician
Thanks for sharing and for the reference website.
All the bests (and stay focused)
Congratulations to all the winners. Their essays cover the subject matter in one form or another, are well written, argued and documented, i.e., "publication ready".
But, if FQXI is, like I think, a sort of disguised global think tank, their knowledge mining will reveal the power of asking the "logical why?" question for the purpose of true understanding, as explained in my essay.
Asking the "logical why?" question is the only way to introduce "substance and cause", both required for removing the observer from the equations. So much more we could do if we knew what it is that we are really doing!
See you all next year!
Hi Marcel...
Please note: My post have been truncated by the FQXi system without option to "view entire post"?... but I log all UQS Social Media and Forum commo online.
REF:UQS Social Media and Forum Log
Being precise in one's application of language and decisive in directives, can indeed polarize a poll and diminish an essay's deserved recognition, but if grant of FQXi forum recognition should be taken seriously as an insight to momentum for theoretical physics directives, determination of recognition should not encourage emulation of a political campaign process in which it behooves the candidate to apply imprecise language and be intentionally ambiguous.
Therefor I greatly appreciate your effort for clarity, and whether in agreement with your assessment or not, in that your final analysis is conclusive... i.e. "A formalized logical system will have to be developed, with mathematics, logic, and the "how" side of physics helping us stay in line"... I applaud your essay.
Having participated in the FQXi 2017 "What is fundamental? essay read and review process, I observed considerable momentum for your directive, and a majority concurrence that no-resolve of the ambiguous state in which theoretical physics has found itself, is not an option.
It so happens that I am, and have been for more than half of my 68 years, in agreement with your conclusion, and for the last 20 years have pursued derivation of logic systems, formalized as digital mathematical/geometry structures... i.e. visually verifiable CAD environments... in which to analyze our current understanding of the "how" side of physics, utilizing digital 3D SIM operations... i.e. 3D animation techniques.
Specifically, Unified Quantization of a Singularity (UQS), was developed as a digital structural/geometry model to formalize a logic system in which minimum units of Spatially defined Energy (QE) can be derived, for digitally simulating pulsed distribution of QE, equal in all directions from a single point source.
I do understand that epistemological and/or ontological implications arise from such.
In open forum communication, attempting to linguistically address epistemological and/or ontological implications, without verifying prior assessment by all communication participants, as to the ability of the specified mathematical/geometry model to visually verify a participant's understanding of the applied linguistics, may obfuscate the significance of the model.
On the other hand, not responding to epistemological and/or ontological issues can impede acceptance of the model.
That being the case, to minimize the risk of undermining the value of a minimum unit of Energy (QE) per minimum unit of Space (QI) approach to verifying mechanisms of Energy distribution, I will reference all epistemological and/or ontological inferences herein to the highly CAD illustrated UQS Project available online at UQS Project Virtual Home
In that a condition in which no differentiation is perceivable, provides no means to verify logic statements, I will also, for the purposes of epistemological and/or ontological discussion, insist that speculative logic can not be applied to a condition in which no differentiation is perceivable.
In that phenomena, as what is experienced/sensed, is distinguished from the substance in itself, a logic kinematic chain from substance to phenomena may be difficult to verify.
Whether or not the current standard interpretation of E=mc^2 reflects Einstein's intent, is arguable, but current standard interpretation does indeed promote the notion that "Energy is phenomena and mass is substance"... i.e. mass sufficiently accelerated releases constituents of mass as phenomenal Energy... but without an understanding of the quantum functions of the constituents of mass as the participants in the event, all that can be inferred is that a measureable Energy Event... i.e. Energy as phenomena... perceived as motion, occurs over measured area of perceivable effect, and Energy as phenomena cannot exist without motion.
If Energy is motion, what are the constituents of mass?... i.e. what exactly distinguishes mass from Energy??
Equally arguable with regard to Einstein's intent, but in line with 10K BC Vedic Science in which Einstein was most likely familiar, if we say that minimum units of Energy (QE) are the "single unified substance" of our model, then the fundamental constituents of mass are QE, and as is visually verifiable on Pulse-8-Close of the UQS Emission SIM, E=mc^2 can facilitate the notion that mass, as comprised of choreographed entities of our "single unified substance", recursive bond within the mass, can be impelled to release the bound, allowing the imperceptible QE within the mass to interact in a motion-event... i.e. Energy-phenomena... measurable in terms of human perception... e.g. coulombs, watts, waves, bang, etc... and Energy as substance can exist without motion... i.e. as potential motion.
However, if we do say that QE is the "single unified substance" that comprises the Spatial form of a mass, then we must developed a mathematical model that deals with Energy in terms of Spatial containment...i.e. a minimum unit of Energy (QE) must be Spatially defined by a minimum unit of Space (QI)... which neither conventional mathematics nor Vedic mathematics has resolved.
If the observer refrains from application of logic statement to a condition in which no differentiation is perceivable, and process cause can be inferred from process result, then Energy distribution is the cause... i.e. Energy distribution is apparent as the result of the emergence process.
Develop and verify a mathematical model that deals with Energy in terms of Spatial containment...i.e. a minimum unit of Energy (QE) must be Spatially defined by a minimum unit of Space (QI)... and facilitates assignment of both inertial and inert properties to Energy as the "single substance", before applying speculative logic.
Where to begin the mathematical model?
In that logic requires perception of a differential... i.e. 2 bits or more... differentiation as a dynamic process from which knowledge/logic emerges creates an inherent knowledge boundary, which suggest differentiation as the fundamental principle underlying all subsequent Energy emergence and distribution.
How to expand the mathematical model?
In that Energy distribution is apparently being spontaneously, harmoniously, resolved, one has reason to suspect an Intermittent Calculation State (ICS) is inherent in the differentiation process, and a continuous pulsed emission facilitates expansion.
I also suggest that a "formalized logical system" implies CAD/SIM.
"It is not that something is being created from nothing, it is that undifferentiated potential information is being differentiated as minimum units of Space/Energy/Time/Information" ~ sl FQXi Essay
In that perception is the ability to differentiate between two bits, a state in which no differential is perceivable is unknowable... i.e. upon differentiation the knowable system boots. REF:UQS Origin Singularity Emission ... 6 sec. CAD/SIM
Perception is required as means to evaluate logic statements, and logic differentials... e.g. something/nothing, prior/subsequent, background/foreground, etc.... produce ambiguity, when applied to a condition in which no differentiation is perceivable.
Can "before" differentiation exist?
We know differentiation, therefor we can logically perceive a condition in which no differentiation is perceivable... i.e. a field of nothing... but we can not apply logic to determine properties of that field, to include properties of its existence.
Time can not exist "before" time is differentiated?... and if "before" time can not exist??... then time has always been???
If one refrains from attempts to apply logic to a condition in which no differentiation is perceivable, the conventional, if not formal, logic differentials between process, substance, and phenomenon... i.e. process yields both substance, as a product of process which exist independent of process Temporal comparative, and phenomena, as a product of process which can be experience/sensed but do not exist independent of process Temporal comparative... can be maintained... i.e. process is differentiation, not the substance being differentiated or the phenomena being experienced.
If cyclic... e.g. UQS pulsed emission of QE... the pulse count of the fundamental process of differentiation facilitates a minimum unit of Time (QT), and although the fundamental process pulse count, as a variable associated with the process, defines the Q-tick of the quantum clock, pulse count does not exist independent of experience of process... i.e. Time as the pulse count of the fundamental process as differentiation is a phenomenon, not substance.
Interval time associated with any subsequent cyclic event... e.g. atomic phenomena, heartbeat, etc.... is an event logicon associated with phenomena.
In a UQS Space/Energy/Time/Information field the entities that emerge as a consequence of the differentiation process, and exist independent of process Temporal comparative, are the "single substance", and are of uniform geometry.
That is to say that if the fundamental process as differentiation quantizes Space by Energy, then Spatially defined Energy is the "single substance".
Logical operations are performed on an entity... e.g. a process entity, a substance entity, a phenomenon entity... and precise definition/terminology of the logic intent and minimum unit properties of the entity which the operation is to be preformed upon, are required, if one expects to verify intent of operation successful.
That is to say that, a logical operation can be not be preformed on a given entity if minimum units of entity properties do not correlate to terms of the logic operation.
To verify terms of the operation are applicable to minimum unit properties of the entity being operated on, an emergence analysis... i.e. subsequent to "boot" of knowable system... is required, and I herein attempt a formatted linguistic presentation of such an analysis utilizing the UQS Space/Energy/Time/Information field and emergence model, but I highly recommend, for a more definitive analysis. one reference the CAD visually illustrated version... i.e. UQS Emergence Analysis .
- 1st. logical operation= differentiation of Space by Energy which yields:
>>> Substance... i.e. the thing itself as:
Spatial form= quantization geometry of Space by Energy which yields:
>>> substance logicons= unified unit of geometry, coordinate location, vector direction, and count
... to define Spatial Energy form with which Origin pulse Energy quantizes Space and becomes substance
... to provide Spatial components for subsequent Intermittent Calculation State (ICS) logic operations... e.g. push
Note: Substance as minimum units of Spatially defined Energy (QE), is intrinsically inert in any one frame of an ICS resolved field state...i.e. QE occupies fixed QI
Note: Substance as QE can be operated on by the fundamental process only during the ICS Open/Close cycle... i.e. substance move operation an option on each Q-Tick
Note: Substance as QE exist as Spatial entities w/o dependency on Temporal comparative... i.e. are not phenomena
>>> Phenomena... i.e. experience of process as:
event= Temporal dependent product of Energy quantized by Space which yields:
>>> event logicons= differential comparatives between 2 field frame configurations.
... to define Time as process sequence count... i.e. minimum unit of Time (QT)= Pulse-1-Open Pulse-1-Close
... to provide Temporal component for subsequent Intermittent Calculation State (ICS) logic operations... e.g. next
Note: no Spatial logic component associated w/ QT... i.e. Q-clock Time is the same anywhere in the field on any given pulse count
Note: in that a minimum unit of Time (QT) is indivisible, no determination of Pulse Open/Close interval can be made and must be assumed constant
>>> Available Intelligence... i.e. process mechanism emergence as:
information= process expansion options by logic inference which yields
>>> Information logicons= CAD environment elements, default logic operations, and subsequent inferred logic operations
... provides CAD environment default logic component for subsequent ICS logic operations
... defines and constrains mechanix options available for Intermittent Calculation State (ICS) resolve of QE/QI... e.g. recursive repeat
Note: repetition yields Energy distribution, by Fundamental Process as differentiation of Space by Energy
Note: Spatial and/or Temporal logic components may be required for any given logic operation on information... i.e. minimum units of entity properties must be
compatible with terms of logic operation.
In a UQS Space/Energy/Time/Information field, the fundamental differentiation process, as the quantization of Space by Energy, yields Information in terms of Space as minimum units of Spatial field quantization (QI), minimum units of Energy (QE) as defined by minimum Spatial unit (QI), and minimum units of Time (QT) as pulse count of fundamental process.
Therefor logic operations... e.g. repeat... can be preformed on process, utilizing visually verifiable units of QI, QE, and QT, which greatly reduces the potential for illusion.
In a UQS Space/Energy/Time/Information field, substance as the Spatial form of Energy, occupies Space and can exist independent of process Temporal comparative, and all conventional logic operations... e.g. accumulate... in UQS spatial coordinate terms, can be preformed on substance.
Minimum Spatial units (QI) can accumulate QE as event potential, and subsequent to quantization by Energy QI can exist without any QE occupancy, but any requirement by a logic operation for a Temporal component... e.g. accumulate over time... must be derived from specified event logicons.
In a UQS Space/Energy/Time/Information field, event logicons... e.g. rate, relative position, etc... are properties we associate w/ an experience of the fundamental process... i.e. their existence is comparative dependent and thus do not exist independent of Time... and logic operations performed on events must have a Temporal component. A spatial component may also be required dependent on logic operation to be preformed.
In a UQS Space/Energy/Time/Information field, knowledge as the QE/QI state of the field which is required by the Intermittent Calculation State (ICS), is derived from environment analysis, but is Temporal dependent... i.e. is not substance... but logic operations performed on QE/QI field state may have both Spatial and Temporal component requirements.
If no valid mathematical framework can visually verify a logic kinematic chain for the substitution, substitution of a variable specified in interval Temporal units... e.g. associated with rate of change... by a substance entity of unresolved minimum units... e.g. mass... is subject to illusion.
Conventional logic operations may utilize Temporal and Spatial components... i.e. rate of evolution... and assuming your linguistic application of "place" is referent to location on a rate graph, rather than a Spatial coordinate location, the perception that "time flows from place to place" could be valid, but With reference to the above UQS emergence analysis, logic substitution of Q-clock time, by an interval time referenced to evolution of a substance or event, or vice versa, is invalid unless an unbroken Temporal logic kinematic chain from Origin to event can be verified.
QT process pulse count has no Spatial logic operation component, has increasing magnitude, but no Spatial direction, and is a constant throughout the field on any pulse count.
If the process generates Time independent Spatial substance ... e.g. minimum units of Spatially defined Energy (QE) which have both inertial and inert properties... logic substitution from "place to place", in which "place" is linguistically applicable to the Spatial domain, will require a Spatial coordinate component... i.e. assuming "form" is Spatial, it requires geometry to substantiate your statement: "If a form exists in one place within the logical system, then, that place is taken by logical substitution".
That is to say that, in the UQS model an initial evasion of the Spatial component... i.e. geometry... introduces a broken logic kinematic chain if geometry is subsequently required to substantiate Time "flowing unequally from place to place" in the Spatial domain.
May the above linguistic convolution demonstrate the necessity for a visually verifiable mathematical model, to precisely verify linguistic application.
"The life and form of effect is the activity of cause." ~ B.T. Spalding
From the essay content I can not clearly distinguish "cause" from "why", but in any case, one can infer either from result, or one can conclude result not intent of "cause"/"why".
As eluded to in the above intro, UQS does not invalidate E=mc^2, but it does alter the current conventional interpretation of E=mc^2, and many of the postulates in your "Discussion" can be addressed in the same manner.
However, until agreed designation of a mathematical/geometry model that can visually verify our common understanding of the applied linguistics, I do not think it would be an efficient expenditure of our time, for me to do so.
In regard to your expressed requirement for "A formalized logical system will have to be developed, with mathematics, logic, and the "how" side of physics helping us stay in line.", I herein submit the UQS CAD Environment and Emission SIM for your evaluation. REF:UQS Project Virtual Home
I am currently in the design/code phase of an app. to test validity of the UQS CAD unified field geometry, by Energy Emission SIM.
Having coded the differentials, conditionals, and sequencing for the UQS 3D CAD Environment, facilitates Cartesian codec output to any generic Cartesian CAD/SIM Engine, for manipulation by the Cartesian Engine's 3D spatial object operations.... e.g. the UQS QLab/Game environment module can name, spatially define, and output any UQS Spatial element as Cartesian coordinates required for any generic Cartesian CAD/SIM Engine object detection operation, from Origin to specified emergence.
Hope this year to get a window for continued development of the SIM interface, ICS mechanix module, and AI module, as per CAD illustrated UQS Quantum Lab/Game Design Format
Given the language confounds as discussed by Paul Butler in his essay The Fundament of the Fundamentality of What is Fundamental, in all fairness to Sir James Jeans, Mario Livio, and others, who claim that what is "fundamental" is unknowable, it should be noted that without designation of a mathematical/geometry model that can visually verify a resolved singularity that inherently provides a logic boundary for support of any "fundamental" quest... i.e. "fundamental" is a differentiation from "not fundamental"... application of the term "fundamental" is easily obfuscated.
Utilizing a model which resolves differentiation as the boundary condition, we can know that a system with no perceivable differentiation has no "fundamental"...i.e. the condition can NOT logically exist prior to emergence of a 2 bit differential... and we can "stop digging" at the Space/Energy/Time/Knowledge Origin Singularity.
Although there can be NO logic support for "fundamental" before a differential emerges, given a valid structural model of the Origin Singularity and subsequent emission mechanisms, we can derive all knowledge subsequent to differentiation.
To know/evaluate what is fundamental requires an information system, and in the UQS system, all knowledge lies within the framework of Space/Energy/Time... i.e. the quest for knowledge is bounded by Space differentiated by Energy over Time... and fundamental minimum units of the "single substance" QE, as a consequence of a "single fundamental process", are indeed knowable... i.e. emerge as knowledge from the fundamental process of differentiation.
Although the UQS geometry environment is a valid resolve of a unified field Space/Energy/Time/Knowledge origin singularity, the successful correlation of the mechanix derived from QE emission w/in the UQS environment, to observation, is required to validate it as the mathematical model you, and others, have expressed a requirement for.
"The conclusions at which man arrives in his calculations depend upon the foundation or principle from which he moves." ~ B.T. Spalding
Although I will stand and cheer the FQXi forum team for developing and maintaing a highly effective worldwide virtual "think tank", the FQXi administration's top choice in the 2017 "What is fundamental? essay contest, is indicative of the current ambiguous state of theoretical physics, as addressed by many of the essays submitted... i.e. the winning essay, Fundamentl?,is in its final analysis, inconclusive.
In line with current academic media spin, the winning essay author, a recent PhD recipient in quantum information and foundations from the University of Cambridge, promotes "objective chance"... i.e. phenomena of undefined participants?... as justification to undermine any requirement for "fundamental" pursuits... e.g. reductionism, initial state analysis.
Then just short of declaring "fundamental" meaningless/non-essential, the author capitulates over the "fundamental" significance of the atom, thus diluting prior exhibited confidence in the "objective chance" directive with which the author had negated the wisdom of the long established and often verified precept that whether one acts from a true or false knowledge of principle effects the success of the application of the knowledge.
If it is "the existence of the regularity and not the specific form that we particularly needed to explain", then fundamental may "not matter", but if one hopes to have results forthcoming that are consistent with one's fundamental nature, knowledge of fundamental principle is essential, and it is my conclusive expedience, that one who acknowledges self as comprised of a "single substance" which is spontaneously, harmoniously, resolved by the Cosmic Computer's Intermittent Calculation State (ICS) on each Q-Tick, is far more likely to self- heal than one reacting to the phenomena of one's "chance" condition... i.e. "I am that" is essential to the "Zen" of quantum mechanix.
Sue Lingo
UQS Author/Logician
I was away in the woods... :-)
Thank you for the long discussion-reflection. It will take some time...
But quickly...
The discussion may be clarified by stating the system used. If we talk about physics, we use space, energy etc. If using the ontological system, there is no space, no energy,etc. Just substance and cause.
With the proper conversion we may move concepts of physics into ontology into ontology or back. The difference in demonstration is that the physical system requires a test in our reality on the test bench.
On the other hand, ontology is evaluated on the logic test bench.
For example, "energy" is a concept on paper; it is about knowing a potential for action. But if one considers this "energy" as existing, one has to specify the volume containing this energy... and its release time-duration.
Take a few mega joules of energy for example. It could be released for eons by a dripping faucet... in which case you get a hole in your sink. Release the same amount of energy in a pico-second ... and the whole house is gone! In terms of action and results, the concept of energy is just knowledge on paper until you know the actual delivery time.
In that sense, all photons carry the same amount of "energy" or quantum of action Planck. The only difference in the effect or result, for example between UV and IR, is the delivery time (period) of the photon. ... The UV delivers its Planck much faster than the IR photon ... which result we describe as "energy". The price for placing a snapshot description on paper is the loss of the time background. We describe the event "done" and miss on the event "happening". "Causality" may be understood within the event "Happening", not in the event "done".
More reading.... More comment to come...
I was thinking about your simulation program. The substance and cause, from a dynamic spontaneous process, are ontologically characterized by one variable (the local rate of evolution) and one property (the finite Planck size). Rates influences other rates close by. An automaton could do that. The rate of time could be simulated by equation of pressure with range as the inverse square...(?)
There is the base vacuum, an exploding fluid. There is matter substituting the exploding fluid. Matter is in a state of happening, somewhere between nothingness and "being". The motor or cause of it all is the contradiction in existence which prevents "being" but allows "happening".
The first contradiction is existence from nothingness which forces the state of happening in all direction. Passed this first contradiction, there is another one which is NOT "happening in all directions". A non uniform rate of happening determines where existence will move toward. This applies to both the substituting matter and the fluid itself.
An automaton appears to be good for the SIM IF there is no uniform/overall clock beat for all the automatons. The processing and rendering by a computer may force such overall clock beat, unless we cheat. A vacuum automaton does not move per se; only its rate of evolution is shared, transferred and moves. The rate of evolution in quantum size is what travels.
On the other hand, the matter automatons do remove some of the rate and do travel toward a relatively lower rate. In summary, a matter automaton does not move if the substitution it produces is symmetrical, but not necessarily spherical. The symmetry of the substitution is broken if the matter automaton is already moving (inertia) or if the rate of evolution of the local vacuum automatons being substituted is not uniform from close to close (gravity field).
From this, I think that a simulation based on a pressure analogy would be effective. 1- An object moves because of a pressure differential. 2- Even without an object, pressure will equalize according to any differential. 3- An object does substitute the gas it is in 4- IMO gravity is a thermodynamic process characterized by spontaneous dispersion into "larger space"... actually, into the lower end of a time rate differential.
So, the automatons rules could be simple analog of laws governing pressure in a gas.
My thinking simulation was the following. In a strong room, two tennis balls are suspended from the ceiling by a fine thread, 1 meter apart. The room is filled with an explosive gas mixture that can be set off by light, like hydrogen and chlorine. The walls are fitted with flash lamps. When the lamps are fired, the explosion occurs everywhere in the room at the same moment. Everywhere except where the two balls are. Each ball replaces some explosive gas mixture which substitution does not contribute to the local pressure around each ball. Each ball is therefore surrounded by an explosive deficit or lower pressure. How will the balls move during the explosion? Since the lowest pressure is found between them, they should be pushed (and pulled; a differential) toward each other. IMO, there is a unique cause for motion in the universe, and a proper ontological analysis should recover here a differential in the rate of time as the cause for their motion.
In conclusion, I don't know what you can do with this expose .... Good luck!
Hi Marcel...
n that I consider "fundamental" a structural concept, your thoughts on my paper focused my attention on a requirement for the geometrist to graphically illustrate a logic mechanism to resolve the "something from nothing" discussion necessitated by a philosophical analysis of "what is Fundamental?"
By differentiating Spaceless-Timeless Cause Energy from Space-Time Energy, I was able to resolve a valid geometry sequence that transforms Spaceless-Timeless Cause Energy, into Space-Time Reality Energy facilitated within the UQS CAD environment.
This gave structural foundation for single point pulsed emission of Energy as substance in Space-Time Reality.
I utilized the illustrated sequence in my 2019/11/15 paper: Space-Time Energy As Substance Underlies All Space-Time Phenomena, which is a discussion on the necessity to revise the Knowledge Base (KB) directory to facilitate a clear distinction between Energy as spatially defined substance and Energy as measured properties of physical phenomena, and I have therein acknowledged your contribution to the discussion.
Thanks again for your thoughtful commentary, and may one's patience in discovery be justified.
Sue Lingo
UQS Author/Logician
Thanks for the good news. I am still working at the above concepts and
I am back at the university full time, this time, in philosophy.
Hi Marcel...
Delighted to hear from you, and do please provide links to any on-line commentary in which you continue to focus on developing "a formalized logical system of the ?how? side of physics".
Also want to pass kudos to FQXi for maintaining a communication channel to facilitate continuity to this discussion.
Sue Lingo
UQS Author/Logician