Dear Fellow Essayists

This will be my final plea for fair treatment.,

FQXI is clearly seeking to find out if there is a fundamental REALITY.

Reliable evidence exists that proves that the surface of the earth was formed millions of years before man and his utterly complex finite informational systems ever appeared on that surface. It logically follows that Nature must have permanently devised the only single physical construct of earth allowable.

All objects, be they solid, liquid, or vaporous have always had a visible surface. This is because the real Universe must consist only of one single unified VISIBLE infinite surface occurring eternally in one single infinite dimension that am always illuminated mostly by finite non-surface light.

Only the truth can set you free.

Joe Fisher, Realist

Hi Philip, thank you for reading the essay and commenting. I'm glad you appreciated the part about progress in science. I hope that it is a useful way of thinking about it, that can be used to defend science. Which seems more important than ever with recently apparent anti-science attitudes in popular culture and US government, in particular. Even huge changes can be seen in a positive light and not as failure of science itself.

Hi Joe, I do not know why you think you are being treated unfairly. Your essay has been accepted into the competition and is on public display. You have had a number of comments left.I have noticed that Philip Gibs recently left an interesting question about it, showing that he has made an attempt to grasp your meaning. You are not bottom of the community ratings. There are now a huge number of competition entries. The competition process is what it is, imperfect for everyone but better than no competition. We do at least have the chance of getting our ideas more widely read than on the FQXi community pages alone. Georgina


Seems to be sparse reviewing and rating in this essay contest. I am revisiting those I have reviewed and see if I have scored them before the deadline approaches. I find that I have rated yours on 1/19. Thanks for your kind words about mine.

Jim Hoover

Dear Georgina,

Sorry for the late fulfilment of my promise to read your essay.

"Nothing can arise from nothing" interesting point of view. However if Nothing=Everything then the glass is not half empty but not dull at all.

"More here less there" this remark is maybe the origin of the existence of entropy. The goal of entropy is an even distribution of energy. I think that maybe consciousness is the counterforce of entropy because it is the creator of fluctuations. (irregularities, disturbances). Like you say "All forms of energy are kinds of change, and potential energy is the stored potential for change.". The forms of energy you mention are also irregularities submitted to entropy.

"Without the continuation of existence spread over time, there is only unitemporal simultaneous existence of all existing things" here you are touching my Total Simultaneity where time and space are non-existing dimensions.

What are you meaning with "Uni-temporal Now's"? Is this the same as the Eternal Now Moments from my earlier essay? Is it possible to implement such a "unit" and with what reference?

"Information obtained from signals arriving at the observer sense organ etc..." Indeed we are only aware of signals from events from the PAST (see also my essay). Our experience of what is NOW is a jigsaw of signals from all pasts that we can become aware of.

"The Earth/near Earth is at the centre of the entire Visible universe and the entire Observable universe,...." I would prefer to say the "Subjective Simultaneity Sphere" of an agent (with different lengths of radius) is at the centre of the agent's reality. The greater the radius the more overlap of SSSs of agents.

I liked very much your (a little bit too reductionist) essay Georgina. We have lots of thoughts in common, but also there are differences. But it is as you say:"The value of the failed hypotheses, theories and methods is not limited to their certain in-correctness. They might act as cautionary tales for future scientists working in that subject, or be seen as interesting historical works of high intellect, or mathematical beauty." If you see all these thoughts brought together in this foundational contest, there is a lot of richness. I rated your essay UP (7)right now and hope that you did it already for me also.

Best regards and good luck

Wilhelmus de Wilde

Hi Wilhelmus,

there are some similarities but also significant differences in our models. Uni-temporal Now is the existing configuration of the entire Object universe. All existing substance, material things, and the relations between them. It is where physics is happening. I sometimes refer to it as the causality front. As everything is in motion, the uni-temporal Now (configuration) changes and is not eternal but transient. EM signals persisting within the changing configuration of the Object universe can be received at different times by different observers, producing non simultaneity of (seen ) events.

Thank you for reading and your reply. Kind regards Georgina

In regard to gravity: "Mass tells space-time how to curve, and space-time tells mass how to move." according to John Wheeler interpreting Einstein's field equation. As I see it this is incorrect.

Mass does not tell space time how to curve. Instead the mass is affecting the distribution of the content of space around it. That effect is altering the paths taken by EM radiation passing through it. When the EM signals are received and processed into a product, the appearance is of curved space time because of signal delays. The space time product of signal processing has no affect on the material mass.

Instead it is the content of uni-temporal space that is affecting the motion of the mass. It is that base medium that is 'told' by the mass how to distribute and in turn 'tells' the mass how to move. Both the mass and the base medium are parts of the Object universe. The space-time product of signal processing is not where the physics is happening.

The above is what was meant by the brief description in the essay.

The base medium also provides resistance to change of trajectory. So force must be applied to overcome it. The amount of medium deceases moving away from the Earth or other gravitational mass and so the resistance decreases with distance, giving the decrease in the strength of gravity with distance, fitting the inverse square law.

    Dear Georgina,

    apologies for my late reply...

    "That comes from using Einstein's space-time continuum..." No! It comes from Parmenides! 'Mere happening' cannot be observed in principle. Assuming (just for probabilistic reasons) that you are not familiar with cricket, what you would observe in a cricket game is people moving in certain ways and doing things with bats and balls. Then, for you, every game-oriented 'move' by the players would be entirely unexpected, i.e. you wouldn't be able to observe the GAME. Likewise, what we see on an oscilloscope before synchronization is noise. The synchronization, however, is what WE bring to the measurement, namely, the a priori knowledge what it takes to make a signal of certain periodicity APPEAR to stand still. So, hypotheses, I think, are the most powerful scientific instruments there are, because -if they're good - they make things stand still, and they do this by finding the right way to think (speak) about the world (difficult job indeed). The solution of the equations of motion is always a body in space, e.g. an orbit or trajectory, which is why I said in a previous essay that in Newton's laws the apple does not even feature.

    Time, on the other hand, is what we experience when we are 'unsynchronized', because time begins to flow when we are permanently forced to change our expectations.' Time' is the indicator of things-going-wrong, and since disorder is wrong, the direction of time is in the direction of increasing entropy.

    I'll be back on evolution and species later.


    Dear Georgina,

    from my previous post it is clear that I think something is 'wrong' with evolution just for the reason of being set in grammatical-historical 'time'. When things begin to 'happen' - SOMETHING has happened! - we admit that we don't have the faintest idea what's going on. Then we don't know what it was, why or how. That's why Parmenides said that change (and hence time) are inexistent or illusions. So, it was important to me to first show that there is no time to be found in the equations of motion (for the reason that human experience concerning e.g. the moon as a phenomenon and its geometrical orbit (an ellipse) are timeless and share no common measure). Likewise doesn't H2O share any common measure with 'water' (he who claims that H2O is cool, self-cleaning and a precondition for life as we as we know it, simply claims too much; these qualities don't flow from H2O, but from water). That is, the 'hard' sciences have ADDED entities to natural language incommensurable with the phenomena and, therefore, not possibly contradicting them. The hard sciences, however, became soft the very moment when their entities were regarded as really existing, i.e. independent of the phenomena. Hence relations between their entities inevitably moved to the foreground with the effect that the past became the playground of 'theories', thus losing any foothold in the present.

    Now let's look at evolution. What happened to the hard sciences only relatively recently (their historicisation), happened to biology already in the aftermath of Darwin. By reifying the extremely successful concept of the biological cell, the becoming of life on this planet had necessarily to disappear in the past.

    However, if paper is patient - even more so is the past!

    I'll be back with comments on the 'species' concept.


    Attraction of the base medium to mass, and its distribution around it allows gravity to be an effect that is occurring locally between masses and the base medium, as a consequence of the mass, rather than force acting at a distance between masses (Newtonian gravity) or result of space-time curvature (Einstein's gravity).

    For example: The mass of a planet will affect the concentration of the base medium around it.The interaction that another mass has with the medium is related to the mass of the planet, the concentration of the medium due to that planet's mass, and radius that is the second mass's distance from the centre of the planet. Which are the things that relate to the distribution of the medium.

    A reason for tendency to orbit could be the difference in concentration of base medium above and below the object. The more concentrated providing greater inertia, producing a turning.This model makes gravity experienced at ground level a kind of compression from attraction of the medium to the planet, and that medium resisting change of motion through it, so there is inertia of objects on the ground. Energy required for elevation. This fits with the reading of a ground placed accelerometer being due to that compression.

    The additional torque needed for more acceleration at lower orbit could be just that turning from different concentrations previously mentioned. That seems like something that could be calculated.

    Maybe it just doesn't need saying here as it isn't directly about the essay. But it seems at first counter-intuitive that as concentration of the base medium increases there is no decrease in acceleration. Which is why understanding that the increase in concentration isn't increase in viscosity is important.A greater concentration is not hindering motion through it, as a greater viscosity would, but constraining the motion to that produced by the relation with surrounding medium and making change from that particular motion more difficult.

    Georgina Woodward, you have a very interesting essay. I liked this:

    A universe can not be constituted of nothing. Nothing can arise from nothing and that is very dull, as is the

    mathematics of nothing.Something rather than nothing, existence rather than void is a foundational necessity. To be a universe that has physics, chemistry and biology is happening, the existent something must have the quality of being able to have different distributions. More here, less there, so that from unknown (as it shares no information about itself), base existence, other kinds of existence can be happening and identified. Then there can be quantities and

    categories and geometry and mathematics is more interesting.

    According to the principle of identity of space and matter Descartes, matter is space and space is matter that moves. Time is a synonym for universal movementniya. Thus, space is the Foundation for fundamental theories. Look at my page, FQXi Fundamental in New Cartesian Physics by Dizhechko Boris Semyonovich

    Do not allow New Cartesian Physics go away into nothingness, which can to be the theory of everything OO.

    Sincerely, Boris.

      Dear Georgina,

      whatever trait, function or behavior is taken as a definition of species is an abstraction in the original sense of the word (from L. abstrahere, to draw away from, to isolate from, etc.). As such the notion species is a logical-positive (Humean) a posteriori rule over plain observations (which we know never converges toward truth). Hence the term species means whatever we want it to mean and it fails to be efficacious because it is complex. On the other hand, the electron, the EM wave and the benzene ring have in common that they cannot be observed as such for the reason of not being abstractions but, rather, a priori complements.

      A priori concepts tell us something about the present, whereas a posteriori rules tell us something about the past or the future, but never about the present. This is why there is Darwinism (the -ism being an indicator of an ideology) but not Newtonism or Maxwellianism.


      When length, breadth and thickness are attributed to an object an orientation has been selected for it. Orientation is not an independent property of objects. If an observer makes length, breadth and thickness measurements of an asymmetric object and then passes the object to someone else, that other may give different measurements for length, breadth and thickness because the relative orientation is different to the relation with the previous observer.

      The material object has relations with other objects in the surrounding environment including distance from them, which could be used to characterize the objects extension with position and orientation. This is a 'web' of relations rather than an artificially imposed co-ordinate reference frame.

        The consciousness of the people resists the recognition of the identity of space and matter of Descartes, because they used to think that I live in an empty space - it is convenient for them. While there was no reason to think otherwise. However, there will come a time when the level of education of the people will depend on their understanding of this identity. This requires the necessity to eliminate the difficulties in science. Fundamental should save our thinking, i.e. to be simple and straightforward. Physical space, which for Descartes is a matter that is the basis for fundamental theories in science.

        Everyone likes to look at the sky and it seems empty infinite space in which it moves large and small body. However, this impression is deceptive. According to the principle of identity of space and matter Descartes, space is matter that moves. When Copernicus asserted that the Earth revolves around the Sun, he had to add that along with the Earth revolves around the Sun, all the solar space. Space is what built the world.

        If the believer to ask, where is God? He will answer - in the sky. When you look into infinite space and I think that is the body of God, that needs to be asked, and how it works? The answer is simple, all the changes around and our weight is the result of his actions. In space there is a setting for changing the world. Time is a synonym of total movement.

        You are close to the ideas of Descartes on 10, if you leave a comment on my page and evaluation. Look at my essay, FQXi Fundamental in New Cartesian Physics by Dizhechko Boris Semyonovich Where I showed how radically the physics can change if it follows principle ofthe identity of space and matter of Descartes

        Sincerely, Dizhechko Boris Semyonovich.

        Descartes physical space is a matter, in which there are no voids. But if they are formed, then closes instantly. Taking into account modern concepts, the speed of light is the limit for any real movements, in the New Cartesian Physics the voids in the space closes to the speed of light. For intelligent people from this moment begins the real physics.

        It should be understood that there is a geometric space as empty and is physical space as matter and which is moving. In geometrical space there are no problems with measurements of length, width and height, they do not depend on the orientation in it. In the physical space is modified so that the speed not exceeded the speed of light.

        New Cartesian Physics needs your support to develop further. Visit my page and give there your assessment.FQXi Fundamental in New Cartesian Physics by Dizhechko Boris Semyonovich

        I wish you success! Sincerely, Boris Dizhechko

        I wish you success! Sincerely, Boris Dizhechko