Dear Georgina,
Sorry for the late fulfilment of my promise to read your essay.
"Nothing can arise from nothing" interesting point of view. However if Nothing=Everything then the glass is not half empty but not dull at all.
"More here less there" this remark is maybe the origin of the existence of entropy. The goal of entropy is an even distribution of energy. I think that maybe consciousness is the counterforce of entropy because it is the creator of fluctuations. (irregularities, disturbances). Like you say "All forms of energy are kinds of change, and potential energy is the stored potential for change.". The forms of energy you mention are also irregularities submitted to entropy.
"Without the continuation of existence spread over time, there is only unitemporal simultaneous existence of all existing things" here you are touching my Total Simultaneity where time and space are non-existing dimensions.
What are you meaning with "Uni-temporal Now's"? Is this the same as the Eternal Now Moments from my earlier essay? Is it possible to implement such a "unit" and with what reference?
"Information obtained from signals arriving at the observer sense organ etc..." Indeed we are only aware of signals from events from the PAST (see also my essay). Our experience of what is NOW is a jigsaw of signals from all pasts that we can become aware of.
"The Earth/near Earth is at the centre of the entire Visible universe and the entire Observable universe,...." I would prefer to say the "Subjective Simultaneity Sphere" of an agent (with different lengths of radius) is at the centre of the agent's reality. The greater the radius the more overlap of SSSs of agents.
I liked very much your (a little bit too reductionist) essay Georgina. We have lots of thoughts in common, but also there are differences. But it is as you say:"The value of the failed hypotheses, theories and methods is not limited to their certain in-correctness. They might act as cautionary tales for future scientists working in that subject, or be seen as interesting historical works of high intellect, or mathematical beauty." If you see all these thoughts brought together in this foundational contest, there is a lot of richness. I rated your essay UP (7)right now and hope that you did it already for me also.
Best regards and good luck
Wilhelmus de Wilde