Dear Georgina , Time is a synonym for universal, total movement of space, which is matter. Universe soup forever bubbling and boiling. We do not see the space that is in a state of physical vacuum, it is transparent as glass, but we see particles that have merged in the body. Corpuscles also created from space, which is matter and which rotates in the corpuscle. The rotation creates a centrifugal acceleration. Flux of a vector of this acceleration is mass. Multiply any mass on the gravitational constant and you get the value of the flow vector of the centrifugal acceleration. Multiply the mass by the square of the speed of light, and you will get the energy that is accumulated in the corpuscle in the movement of space, which is matter.

I was also against Einstein, but then I realized that all the paradoxes arise from the inertial reference systems with infinitely long numerical axes. If you take the inertial frame with an infinitely small numeric axes, it turns out all good. Nothing wrong with that in them time stops, no, because they are infinitely small.

Thank you for the discussion, I give you 10. New Cartesian Physics нужна твоя высокая поддержка, чтобы развиваться дальше. Посети мою страницу и дай там свою оценку.FQXi Fundamental in New Cartesian Physics by Dizhechko Boris Semyonovich

I wish you success! Sincerely, Boris Dizhechko


    Uni-temporal passage of time is change in configuration of the entire extant universe. Which can be likened to your total movement of 'space'. However a time is configuration of the universe, it is not a property possessed by individual particles or objects. The time inside an atom requires the context of the rest of the universe external to it. Also since the universe is uni-temporal there is no different time for things to be at. So time stopping inside an atom but not outside does not fit with my own explanatory framework. Though time apparently stopping (no information update) when movement is keeping pace with the speed of signal transmission does make sense, but does not apply inside atoms.

    The paradoxes are due to a category error, not differentiating between products of EM signal receipt and processing, and independently existing material things.

    I like the idea of filled space. I'm not convinced about the rotation you mention. I think there are different kinds of particle behaving differently, which gives them their recognizably different characteristics. Things with mass are differentiated from the base medium and have inertia, there is resistance to their movement through it. That seems different from flux of a vector of centrifugal acceleration due to rotation.

    Thank you for reading my essay and for your kind comments. Georgina

    Hello again G.

    While I ranked your essay generously on February 2nd., my comments regarding your essay were too trivial to be useful. so, I would like to make amends by offering you a few belated comments.

    Concerning your statement 'what is causal and what is consequence', the notion of a singular subject and a singular predicate only holds momentarily.

    More generally, all causes generate events that instigate effects, which effects in turn become the next generation of causes.

    I concur with your statement that 'Nothing can arise out of nothing'; however, not withstanding our general understanding that the predominant constituent in the universe is vacuum, there is a significant quantity of unevenly distributed matter, interchangeably masquerading as energy, that together are the cause of our concerns about causation; all of which may have led you to conclude that 'it is better to assume there is only one kind of base of existence'.

    Which leads me back to my own conclusion: that 'existence' is the single prerequisite fundamental to the whole shebang.

    Lots and lots,

    G too.

      Hi Gary, The place in the essay where I write about not mistaking consequences for causes is to do with the anthropic principle. Although the argument also applies to other areas such as evolution. Eg, Flight is a consequence not a cause of the evolution of flying birds. Birds do not have wings so that they can fly but having wings enabling flight has aided survival. Leading to predominance of best wings (and genetics for them) in the breeding population of birds able to fly.


      3 months later

      There can be true relative velocities and apparent relative velocities. A true velocity requires that there is a relation between two actualized things, parts, or phenomena, or parts thereof, that are co-existing. That is within the same and only existing entire universal configuration. If one reference object is actualized but the comparison is with a manifestation formed from received signals then the velocity calculated for the manifestation is attributed to the material object it appears to be but is not in essence the same as the true relative velocity which is the relation between the two actualized things or phenomena.

      It is said that Newtonian gravity is an approximation of Einsteinian gravity. However Newton is dealing with two actualized bodies in space, whereas Einstein is dealing with a space-time manifestation ( necessarily formed from received EM radiation or calculation of that ). Therefore the solution is an attribution which although it may be similar in numerical value is in essence something fundamentally different. The difference is between what is actually happening and what is seen to have happened,

      Re. Einsteins field equations "The equations must be wrong! Although the theory and the equations have passed every test, they are intrinsically incompatible with quantum theory (which has also passed every experimental test). The problem is that the equations require the energy and momentum to be defined precisely at every space time point, which contradicts the uncertainty principle for quantum states. This is not a just a problem at high energies or short distances, it is a conceptual incompatibility that applies in every lab." From"Einstein Field Equations (General Relativity)" via Retrieved 7 jun 2018

      Quantum theory is dealing with what is (unitemporal material existence) that is prior to the making of a contextual observation, without context; that providing a singular value or state. Whereas space time represents a manifestation, the product of observation, and that product is of definite states and or values., Contextual manifestation, results, not externally real (actualized) source reality.

      The solutions to these equations are the components of the metric tensor g_{munu}, which specifies the space-time geometry. The inertial trajectories of particles can then be found using the geodesic equation. From"Einstein Field Equations (General Relativity)" via Retrieved 7 jun 2018

      The inertial trajectories mentioned are trajectories of a manifestation of an object ( formed from EM processing ) and not a material object in unitemporal space being affected by the distribution of the existing content of space unobserved.

        I think I need to clarify what I meant by "Quantum theory is dealing with what is (unitemporal material existence) that is prior to the making of a contextual observation, without context; that providing a singular value or state." I am talking about what is happening in a quantum experiment - the evolving relations between an actualized entity or phenomenon and the actualized environment of the apparatus unseen prior to observation. That is what is occurring in the actual territory rather than a "map" representation. (It can be represented by evolution of a superposition of result states, eigenstates but that isn't precisely what is happening.)

        It still isn't made clear. Perhaps rather than saying " prior to the making of a contextual observation" I should have said prior to obtaining the result of having applied a context, meaning by that the environment provided by the experiment and the protocol used that only permits a singular fixed state outcome. Prior to considering the singular state obtained ( a measurable) the actualised, beable, entity or phenomenon and beable environment provided by the apparatus are in an evolving relationship.

        I wrote "Nothing can arise from nothing and that is very dull, as is the mathematics of nothing. " There can be no differences in distribution of nothing that would allow gradients and flux in it. It can not host a field. Rather than Newtonian action at a distance, Newtonian gravity can be written as a field theory as demonstrated by (November 26, 2012) Leonard Susskind General Relativity Lecture 9 Stanford university. This gives the effect of mass on something producing 'geometry' in space. It can not be the effect of mass on nothingness. The geometry obtained from Newtonian gravity can not then be substituted by the geometry of Relativity. Space time is generated from received EM. The space-time landscape is a product, not the source reality. Its generation requires simultaneous existence of the receiver and the carrying signal, IE same temporal location. It also requires interaction by coming together in space of signal and receiver. So it could be said that all space-time originates in a unitemporal (same and only time everywhere) spatial process.

        Newtonian type gravity but with unitemporal change in configuration of the universe as foundational passage of time rather than Newtonian time can be written so that there is gradient of distribution of the 'host of fields' around a mass. That gradient of the host will effect the paths of light, affecting receipt time, leading to a space-time distribution of the information obtained form the received EM.

        4 months later

        Correction. "Charm allowed trees to grow and bloody mindedness kept them up, and so on." Terry Pratchett. The Light Fantastic (1986).

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