Thanks Sue. looking forward to it.

Did I mention my 'Law of the Reducing Middle'? No more 'binary' exclusion, removes the paradox in logic! It's a Bayesian/Gausian distribution, just like most of nature. We can now be 'stoned' a bit not just not at all or to death!

By the way, to shock even more I've also falsified Cartesian 'wire frame' co-ordinate maths. If we use 'Cartesian Planes' making boxes which can move within & without each other but with transformations between the spaces (Maxwell's TZ's) I found logic returns. Might that solve the issue you mention?

And don't get me on Cosmology and redshift without accelerating expansion - the video's half an hour! This one's good though; Map of the Universe The Great Attractor & Laniakea.

very best.


17 days later


Hard work to read but excellent and agreeable. Well done.


Dear Sue

If you are looking for another essay to read and rate in the final days of the contest, will you consider mine please?

A couple of days in and semblance of my essay taking form, however the house bound inactivity was wearing me. I had just the remedy, so took off for a solo sail across the bay. In the lea of cove, I had underestimated the open water wind strengths. My sail area overpowered. Ordinarily I would have reduced sail, but this day I felt differently. My contemplations were on the forces of nature, and I was ventured seaward increasingly amongst them. As the wind and the waves rose, my boat came under strain, but I was exhilarated. All the while I considered, how might I communicate the role of natural forces in understanding of the world around us. For they are surely it's central theme.

Beyond my essay's introduction, I place a microscope on the subjects of universal complexity and natural forces. I do so within context that clock operation is driven by Quantum Mechanical forces (atomic and photonic), while clocks also serve measure of General Relativity's effects (spacetime, time dilation). In this respect clocks can be said to possess a split personality, giving them the distinction that they are simultaneously a study in QM, while GR is a study of clocks. The situation stands whereby we have two fundamental theories of the world, but just one world. And we have a singular device which serves study of both those fundamental theories. Two fundamental theories, but one device? Please join me in questioning this circumstance?

My essay goes on to identify natural forces in their universal roles, how they motivate the building of and maintaining complex universal structures and processes. When we look at how star fusion processes sit within a "narrow range of sensitivity" that stars are neither led to explode nor collapse under gravity. We think how lucky we are that the universe is just so. We can also count our lucky stars that the fusion process that marks the birth of a star, also leads to an eruption of photons from its surface. for if they didn't then nebula gas accumulation wouldn't be halted and the star would again be led to collapse.

Could a natural organisation principle have been responsible for fine tuning universal systems? Faced with how lucky we appear to have been, shouldn't we consider this possibility?

For our luck surely didnt run out there, for these photons stream down on earth, liquifying oceans which drive geochemical processes that we "life" are reliant upon. The Earth is made up of elements that possess the chemical potentials that life is entirely dependent upon. Those chemical potentials are not expressed in the absence of water solvency. So again, how amazingly fortunate we are that these chemical potentials exist in the first instance, and additionally within an environment of abundant water solvency such as Earth, able to express these potentials.

My essay is an attempt at something audacious. It questions the fundamental nature of the interaction between space and matter Guv = Tuv, and hypothesizes the equality between space curvature and atomic forces is due to common process. Space gives up an energy potential in exchange for atomic forces in a conversion process, which drives atomic activity. And furthermore, that Baryons only exist because this energy potential of space exists, and is available for exploitation. Baryon characteristics and behaviours, complexity of structure and process might then be explained in terms of being evolved and optimised for this purpose and existence. Removing need for so many layers of extraordinary luck to eventuate our own existence. It attempts an interpretation of the above mentioned stellar processes within these terms, but also extends much further. It shines a light on molecular structure that binds matter together, as potentially being an evolved agency that enhances rigidity and therefor persistence of universal system. We then turn a questioning mind towards Earths unlikely geochemical processes, (for which we living things owe so much) and look at its central theme and propensity for molecular rock forming processes. The existence of chemical potentials and their diverse range of molecular bond forming activities? The abundance of water solvent on Earth, for which many geochemical rock forming processes could not be expressed without? The question of a watery Earth? is then implicated as being part of an evolved system that arose for purpose and reason, alongside the same reason and purpose that molecular bonds and chemical process arose.

By identifying process whereby atomic forces draw a potential from space, we have identified means for their perpetual action, and their ability to deliver perpetual work. Forces drive clocks and clock activity is shown by GR to dilate. My essay details the principle of force dilation and applies it to a universal mystery. My essay raises the possibility, that nature in possession of a natural energy potential, will spontaneously generate a circumstance of Darwinian emergence. It did so on Earth, and perhaps it did so within a wider scope. We learnt how biology generates intricate structure and complexity, and now we learn how it might apply for intricate structure and complexity within universal physical systems.

To steal a phrase from my essay "A world product of evolved optimization".

Best of luck for the conclusion of the contest

Kind regards

Steven Andresen

Darwinian Universal Fundamental Origin

Hi Richard...

My time is prioritized by my research, but the Topic: "What is fundamental?", mandated I "give a vote"... and yes... a month reducing 20 years of UQS project "reductionist" insights as to what "fundamental" means, into 25,500 characters, makes for a dense, tough read, and I thank you for your "hard work".

In that you apparently found it worth the effort, I figured your essay would be worth a read... and it was.

Will go post my review of your essay, on your essay page.

Sue Lingo

UQS Author/Logician


So few have read your essay you may jump around a bit! Have a jump up on me. All who've missed it have missed out on some very deep truths.

Well done and I hope it gets into the final.


Dear Sue,

Thanks for visiting my Essay page.

In all honesty, I must confess that it has not been simple for me reading and understanding your Essay. In fact, I had to read it twice. I think that the second time was fruitful because such a second reading was pleasant and I think to have understood something. Being a theorist of gravitation, I found interesting your referring to black holes. Your statement that "It may be that a gravity collapse concept preceded actualization/verification of a Black Hole Physical/entity observation, but that is not always the case" is correct, because black hole formation depends on the initial mass of the collapsing object.

I have a question. is your statement that "a gravity collapse disassembles Physical scale entity choreographies of Energy information, freeing Metaphysical scale entity choreographies of Energy information, which a gravity collapse apparently has no influence upon" a proposal to resolve the black hole information puzzle?

In any case, you wrote a nice and entertaining Essay, deserving my high score.

Good luck in the Contest.

Cheers, Ch.

    6 days later

    Hi Christian...

    Thanks for your review of my essay.

    I write and sequence digital code conditionals, which does not necessarily enhance my communication skills, and I try not to burden others with my info dense feed... i.e. I rely heavily on visual geometry... but the Topic: "What is fundamental?", mandated I "give a vote", and yes, a month reducing 20 years of UQS project "reductionist" insights as to what "fundamental" means, into 25,000 characters, makes for a dense, challenging, read.

    In writing my essay, I had assumed the level of cognitive perception you demonstrate in your essay, and I thank you for your willingness to re-read.

    In that you have Metaphysical... i.e. other than physical... encounters, I will assume that applying the concept of Metaphysical scale entity choreographies of Energy information to the Black Hole discussion, would be an option allowed you, by your apparent level of access to the Knowledge Base (KB), and if you can assimilate it into your thoughts on the subject, I would review the outcome with interest due a gravitational theorist, which I admit, I am not.

    Actually I am not a theorist of any kind, and although I honor your assessment that a BH analysis of gravitation necessitates maintenance of the physical structure of the "gravity atom", I am not qualified to make an assessment of a BH approach to a TQG.

    As a logician, my approach to Quantum Mechanix, is to make logic reductions of fundamental elements utilized by theorist in formulating their theories... e.g. "initial state" can be logically reduced to a single point Source condition which facilitates pulsed emission of Energy equal in all directions... then I construct 3D CAD environments of the Spatial concept of the logic reduction, and animate/simulate emergence and distribution of Energy sprites, over time, within the CAD environment.

    REF: UQS Origin Singularity Geometry

    In this manner, inertia, can be logically/inherently derived, and visually verified, as Initial State unified/uniform minimum units of Energy (QE), choreographed by the path dictates of unified/uniform minimum units of Space (QI), that comprise the unified/uniform volume unit of the CAD environment quantization... i.e. Spatially differentiated Spin entities emerge in shell one of a Point Source UQS Singularity Emission, as a product of path dictate recursion within a valid Unified Field geometry quantization.

    I find visual geometry much more effective in analysis and communication of complex concepts than are alpha and/or numeric semantics, and/or equations, that in many cases have been diluted to the exclusion of logic inference, and I think you will be able to absorb a more in depth conceptualization of "Scale Invariance", as required to responsibly introduce Metaphysical scale entity choreographies of Energy information into the Black Hole discussion, by speed-browsing the illustration sequence at UQS Consciousness Investigation Geometry, than by reading any 25K character essay I could write on the subject.

    In any case, the statement "... a gravity collapse apparently has no influence upon" should be more concisely qualified as: a gravity collapse, as we perceive by it's influence on Physical scale entity choreographies of Energy information, apparently has no influence upon Metaphysical scale entity choreographies of Energy information.

    Thanks again Christian for your insights and attitude, and may your ability to comprehend challenging content, serve you well in your endeavors.

    Sue Lingo

    UQS Author/Logician

    Hi Peter...

    In that you "argue that 'fundamental' is relative, not absolute within reductionist hierarchies, and may be infinitely recursive", and orbital motion, and an "accelerating expansion" emerge from your work, as fundamentals of Cosmic and "middle ground" hierarchies, I can now demonstrate that the mechanix of a "more fundamental" hierarchy ... i.e. Point Source Emission... underlies your observational requirements.

    That is to say, that the Cosmic to Origin Singularity connection has been made, and represents a paradigm in political theoretics.

    Kudu #1:


    You dispensed with "point-like" singularities, thus facilitating consideration of observational requirements of the geometrist, the logician, and the digital info tech:

    - A distinction must be made between logic reduction... e.g. initial state... and accelerated particle annihilation.

    - Observed Energy activity... e.g. accumulation... requires Spatial containment, and Energy must be defined in terms consistent with it's Spatial container.

    - In that Energy is perceived as motion in Space, an Energy "fundamental" defined as a unified minimum unit of Energy (QE), will necessarily, be Spatially defined by a unified/uniform minimum unit of Space (QI).

    - A single point location differentiated as an (x,y,z) coordinate has no Spatial dimension, and although as an Energy Event location it can be associated with a timestamp, an entity with out Spatial dimension... i.e. a point... cannot contain Energy that is Spatially defined.

    - If an Energy containment is Spatially defined as a composite of 2 (x,y,z) field location coordinates, then as a discrete LINEAR entity, it has a Spatial dimension of 1, and if of unified/uniform geometry, such can be unified/uniform minimum units of Space (QI), but it cannot contain Energy that is spatially defined in terms of 2 or more Spatial dimensions, and a LINEAR entity framework... i.e. wire frame... does not facilitate integrated PLANAR multi channels.

    - If an Energy containment is Spatially defined by 3 (x,y,z) field location coordinates as a 2D PLANAR entity, it has a Spatial dimension of 2, and if of unified/uniform geometry, such can be unified/uniform minimum units of space (QI)... but cannot store Energy that is spatially defined in terms of more than 2 dimensions.

    - A Spatial field quantization by 3 coordinate 2D PLANAR entities, may or may not yield a unified/uniform minimum unit of Space (QI) within the field.

    REF: Comparative Singularity Geometry]

    - If an Energy containment is Spatially defined by 4 or more (x,y,z) field location coordinates as a 2D PLANAR entity, it also has a Spatial dimension of 2, but such can be defined as comprised of a 3 coordinate minimum PLANAR unit and a remainder, or as a PAIR of equal 3 coordinate minimum PLANAR units... i.e. the 4 (x,y,z) coordinate 2D PLANAR entity cannot be a minimum unit of Space (QI) even if of unified/uniform geometry.

    - If an Energy containment is Spatially defined by 4 or more (x,y,z) field location coordinates as a 3D VOLUME entity, it has a Spatial dimension of 3... and cannot be a minimum unit of space... i.e. it is a geometry composite of 2D PLANAR entities.

    - There can be no fraction of a minimum unit of Space (QI), no fraction of a minimum unit of Energy (QE), no fraction of a minimum unit of Time (QT), and no fraction of a minimum unit of Info (QFI).

    - A field point map can facilitate more than one wire frame/lattice map, and a wire frame/lattice map can facilitate more than one planar/lattice quantization defining the volumetric base unit of the field map.

    - In that the wire frame of the volumetric base unit of the lattice quantization, dictates the 3D form of possible Point Source Energy Containment Singularities... i.e. the enclosure geometry of singular Point Source... the volumetric base unit PLANAR frame, as comprised of minimum units of Space (QI), is a "most fundamental" element of a mathematical "foundation" for Spatially defined minimum units of Energy (QE).

    - Recursion as QE flow vector direction opposition at an Energy Event node, is herein differentiated from QE vector opposition within a minimum unit of Space (QI), which for lack of Available Information (AI) to choose a flow direction, is infinitely accumulated on subsequent pulsed Energy emission.

    - In that intelligence emerges from Energy Events matrix mapped in Space, Undifferentiated Space is unknowable.

    - In that all subsequent Spatial locations would be referent to an initial differentiation of Space by Energy, there can be only one ORIGIN Energy Point Source differentiation of Space by Energy location.

    Kudu #2:


    You "falsified Cartesian 'wire frame' co-ordinate maths", making boxes of 'Cartesian Planes'.

    Although I have experimented with various Energy distribution schema utilizing a Cartesian lattice quantized Singularity, I present here the least complex. All others boast mathematical complexity unshaven by Occam's Razor... i.e. hairy ugly.

    Although a single box wire frame volume in a Cartesian point map, does not encapsulate a Point Source, by "falsifying" a Cartesian point map as a box volume unit wire frame lattice map, in which the y and z axis planes are offset 1/2 unit from the x axis... i.e. creating boxes within boxes... access by unified Spatial containment, defined as 2 (x,y,z) coordinate 1D LINEAR units, to the Point source on emission pulse one, is facilitated, but no recursion emerges.

    That is to say that, your observational requirements are not satisfied... i.e. no Spin entities emerge without perturbative influence, and no increase in subsequent interactive density develops to facilitate accelerated expansion.

    Utilizing a "falsified Cartesian" box volume unit wire frame lattice map, in which the y and z axis planes are offset 1/2 unit from the x axis... i.e. creating boxes within boxes... also facilitates access by unified Spatial containment, defined as 4 (x,y,z) coordinate 2D Cartesian PLANAR units, to the Point Source on emission pulse one close... i.e. four y axis 'falsified Cartesian Planes', four z axis 'falsified Cartesian Planes', and four x axis 'falsified Cartesian Planes'.

    As per the geometrist's point of view, a 4 (x,y,z) coordinate 2D Cartesian PLANAR Energy containment cannot be a minimum unit of Space (QI) even if of unified/uniform geometry, but 1/2 of a 4 (x,y,z) coordinate 2D Cartesian PLANAR Energy containment, as an entity of a mirrored equal geometry PAIR, can be defined as a minimum unified/uniform Spatial unit (QI), and that would facilitate access to the Point Source by 12 unified/uniform minimum PLANAR defined Energy containment ADDRESSES on pulse 1 close.

    On Source Emission pulse 2, available intelligence (AI)... i.e. mirror extend... mirrors the 12 initial 3 (x,y,z) coordinate 2D "falsified Cartesian" unified/uniform minimum units of Space (QI), as PLANAR ADDRESS PAIRS, and creates a radial 3 axis plane Open Singularity...i.e. no volumetric closure of the point Source emerges... and no recursion at fundamental hierarchy = Origin Singularity occurs in the radial expansion.

    That is to say that, recursion is NOT fundamental to subsequent expansion, and no orbital motion is induced to satisfy your observational requirements for Spin as a "most fundamental".

    On Source Emission pulse 3 close, tension... i.e. QE/QI>1... accumulates in each of the 12 unified/uniform minimum "falsified Cartesian" PLANAR unit ADDRESS PAIRS.

    On Source Emission pulse 4 close, an Energy expansion distribution event of the accumulated 4 unified/uniform minimum units of Energy (QE)... (8 if double surface addressing is utilized)... in each of the 12 initial unified/uniform minimum "falsified Cartesian" PLANAR unit ADDRESS PAIRS, is offered 5 open PLANAR unit distribution options, and 2 shared... i.e. opposing vector direction within an ADDRESS PAIR... PLANAR unit distribution options, at each of the 12 exterior, tension energized, potential Energy Event vertices of the radial 3 axis plane Open Singularity, requiring a fraction of a minimum unit of Energy (QE) for equal distribution, and decision intelligence that is not available.

    On pulse 4 close, recursion as QE flow vector direction opposition at an Energy Event node, must be differentiated from QE vector opposition within an ADDRESS PAIR... i.e. as 2 minimum units of Space (QI)... and no available intelligence has emerged to facilitate subsequent vector flow direction decision in shared distribution options.

    As per the logician's point of view, there can be no fraction of a minimum unit of Energy (QE), and emission distribution decision intelligence, which must emerge prior to it's requirement for Energy Emission QE/QI resolve, is not facilitated by the familiar... i.e. seemingly less complex... "box".

    A constant pulsed emission utilizing radial emission geometry, generates a constant expansion ... i.e. Without recursion or stochastic pulse, increasing interaction density would NOT facilitate your observational requirements for an "accelerating expansion".

    As per the digital info tech's point of view, a constant open/close cycle pulse event, as a unified/uniform minimum unit of Time (QT)... i.e. the Cosmic Tick... is required for definition of a minimum unit of Information (QFI).

    Next GO:


    unified Quantization of a Singularity (UQS) as an alternative "falsified Cartesian 'wire frame' co-ordinate math", makes quadhedrons of Folded UQS Planes.

    The UQS model utilizes a "falsified Cartesian" point map in which y and z vertices are offset 1/2 unit from the x vertices, but UQS wire frame/lattice map is based on an M4 Ortho volume unit... REF: Wikipedia Ortho Lattice M4 which the relationship of M4 unity height = M4 unity width.

    REF: UQS Base Unit Derivation

    As per the geometrist's point of view, a LINEAR entity frame work does not facilitate geometry integrated multichannel discrete mechanisms for Inertia and Radiation, and ADDRESS PAIR sector specific addressing requires 6X duplicity of each of 8 LINEAR entities... i.e. Occam's razor shave required.

    A PLANAR entity solution facilitates geometry integrated multichannel path dictates for discrete Inertia and Radiation mechanix, and reduces ADDRESS PAIR sector specific addressing requirement to 24 PLANAR entities... i.e. shave and a haircut, 2 bits.

    Two integrated discrete function channel distribution is inherent in the UQS geometry configuration, but herein, for above "falsified Cartesian" comparative and sanity sake, I verbally simulate pulsed emission only in the Inertia Channel, and do NOT take into account the pulse count expended to energize the Radiation Channel prior to the Inertia Channel, as is implemented by a complete UQS emission solution.

    On Source Emission pulse 1 close, a configuration of 6 mutually perpendicular 1/2 M4 Ortho volume units of type h=w, facilitates access to point Source by 24 double surface addressed, 3 (x,y,z) coordinate, 2D UQS PLANAR units, of unified/uniform minimum (QI) Spatial quantization.

    REF: UQS Information System

    On source Emission pulse 2 close, available intelligence (AI)... i.e. mirror closure... mirrors an additional 24 unified/uniform minimum UQS PLANAR units (QI)... i.e. 24 folded PLANAR ADDRESS PAIR entities emerge... which close the 6 M4 Ortho base unit volumes, completing the double surface PLANAR geometry framework of the Volumetric Singularity encapsulation SHELL, and creating the 6 vertices of the Volumetric Singularity encapsulation SHELL surface... i.e. geometry path dictate for QE flow recursion emerges on pulse 2 close.

    Note: In CAD/SIM environment one can assume the geometry framework defined prior to pulsed QE emission simulation/animation, rather than simultaneous emission of geometry path dictates and pulsed QE, which is not likely the case with regard to Cosmic Computer boot and subsequent expansion.

    Also Note: Unless parallel CPU resources available, code sequencing requirements create a visual illusion of sequence emergence which should not be considered an inherent constraint on the Cosmic Computer.

    On Source Emission pulse 3 close, tension... i.e. QE/QI>1... accumulates in each of the 24 folded PLANAR ADDRESS PAIRS... i.e. 4 ADDRESS PAIRS in each of 6 M4 Ortho base unit volumes.

    On Source Emission pulse 4 close, an Energy expansion distribution event of the accumulated 4 minimum units of Energy (QE) in each ADDRESS PAIR, is offered 16 open PLANAR ADDRESS distribution options at each of the 6 vertices of the Volumetric Singularity encapsulation SHELL surface, and the cross node Energy Event triggers emission of 24 additional QE at each of the 6 vertices of the Volumetric Singularity encapsulation SHELL surface, which distributes 40 QE, exactly filling 40 available ADDRESSES in each of the 6 spherical SHELL ONE entities with 1 QE/QI... i.e. QE orbital motion and inertia emerge on pulse 4 close.

    No fraction of QE or QI required...i.e. a minimum unit of measurement for Space (QI), Energy (QI), Time (QT), and Information (QFI), is established.

    The initial 24 (QI) ADDRESS PAIRS are emptied ... i.e. the "stack pops"... which provide the first perception of motion from Singularity to SHELL ONE, the Singularity is reset for repetition of the fundamental function of pulsed emission, QE vector flow direction of SHELL ONE entities is established for subsequent distribution by Available Intelligence (AI), and mechanisms for Spin, Scale Invariance, separate interactive Inertia and Radiation distribution channels, unlimited single Energy Event Spatial effect, Gravity as Inertia, unoccupied "dark" Spatial units, etc... are visually identifiable/verifiable.

    In that a unified/uniform minimum unit of Energy (QE) is, as defined by a unified/uniform minimum unit of Energy (QE), indivisible, Origin Pulse Energy quanta is

    a constant... i.e. the Volumetric Singularity defined QI constrains the Origin Pulse Energy quanta to 24 unified/uniform minimum units of Energy (QE).

    In that a unified/uniform minimum unit of Time (QT) is indivisible, QE/QI resolve of each pulse is of constant open/close duration... i.e. until pulse cycle closure no temporal duration can be perceived... and the Cosmic Computer can "go to lunch" without evidence of absence.

    A constant pulsed emission, in terms of Origin Pulse Energy quanta and pulse rate, as required by the logician and info tech, for stable temporal referent, is facilitated by the UQS Singular Point Source emission of QE equal in all lattice ADDRESSABLE PLANAR directions from point of Origin, onto the UQS lattice... i.e. information structure... in a manner analogous to the boot process of a conventional computer, and emission simulation out to 75 pulses, has verified that increasing interaction density, inherent in spherical emission, facilitates "accelerating expansion", as per your observational requirements.

    Good to go:


    REF: Why Cross the Road?

    Complexity is a multi-faceted issue.

    Replacement of the concept of "point like" singularities by Spatial Energy Containment... i.e. volumetric enclosures of point Energy Events... in which unified/uniform minimum units of Space (QI) inherently emerge, vastly reduces complexity requirements of emergent Available Intelligence (AI) for QE distribution.

    Utilization of an M4 Ortho Lattice volume unit in which unity height = unity width... i.e. any vertices has identical distribution geometry... vastly reduces complexity in regard to geometry... i.e. subsequently, the UQS coordinate system generates infinite radius expansion of SPHERICAL SHELL CLOSURE, in increments of 1 UQS Base Unit (BU) height.

    REF: UQS Information System

    A Cosmic Tick (QT) vastly reduces complexity of point event timestamp referent, at all hierarchal temporal scales.

    Going on:


    REF: Evolution is Personal

    At 68 the Cosmic clock has my full attention, and I am not waiting 10 years for the blessing of credentialed opinions... i.e. I have resolved the UQS Emission to 5 SHELLS, and am coding a UQS CAD environment generator and UQS Enerqy Emission SIM module, to assist emission resolve of subsequent SHELLS.

    REF: UQS Data Bus

    Thanks again Peter, your acknowledgement of "more fundamental" hexarchies of fundamentals, provided a platform upon which to demonstrate "Spin" and "accelerating expansion" as "fundamental"... i.e. inherent... to the UQS Initial State Emission of Spatially defined minimum units of Energy (QE).

    S. Lingo

    UQS Author/Logician


    Hidden in Richards string, but found it. I found you were absolutely right, it's virtually unreadable!

    'Accelerated Expansion' popped up a few times. I've falsified it. Cosmic redshift can emerge from the expanding Schrodinger sphere surface 'photon' orbitals at

    • [deleted]

    Hi Peter...

    To date, I wear all hats on the UQS project, and spent Winter hibernation as CAD app. designer, writing and sequencing digital code conditionals... i.e. eliminate all ambiguity and duplicity in CPU instructions.

    Coding the degree of detail required to achieve anticipated output from the CPU, is a tedious task, and results in tenaciously precise content.



    IF ENZ


    We seem to have lost our ability to 'view entire posts' so must keep it short (always a problem for me!)

    Anyway, keep it up. I too seem to be doing 5 jobs at once; research, graphics & papers of 5 or more related topic. Did you ever see my full galaxy type sequence & recycling mechanism?

    Very best


    10 days later

    Hi Peter...

    No problem...

    Have posted all my FQXi "What is fundamental?" commo on-line in UQS Social Media and Forums Log

    The short of it:

    [(Redshift) NOT = (Evidence of Accelerating Expansion)] NOT = (No Accelerating Expansion)

    (UQS Emission to Shell 5) = (Evidence of Accelerating Expansion)

    IF (Redshift) NOT = (Evidence of Accelerating Expansion) AND (Accelerating Expansion Verifiable to UQS Emission Shell 5) AND [(Accelerating Expansion) NOT = Constant)] THEN (Recursive Entity Interaction Density) NOT = Constant

    IF (Redshift) NOT = (Evidence of Accelerating Expansion) AND (Accelerating Expansion Verifiable to UQS Emission Shell 5) AND [(Accelerating Expansion) = Constant)] THEN (Recursive Entity Interaction Density) = Constant

    (UQS Emission to Shell 5) NOT = [(Evidence of Accelerating Expansion) = Constant)]

    (UQS Emission to Shell 5) = [(Evidence of Accelerating Expansion) NOT = Constant)]

    Thanks Peter for the Energy to keep me "Going On", I am putting down tracks... i.e. I code all visual mapped UQS conditionals/differentials, for UQS "calculus", as digital logic statements rather than symbolic equations.

    S. Lingo

    UQS Author/Logician


    Keep up the good work. I almost understood that comment! If redshift is simply explainable by the increasing orbital paths on the Shrodinger spherical (causal) wavefront) at the DFM would imply, then that element will be constant (if subject to refractive perturbations in between). Of course there would still be both red and blue shifts from recession and approach, as we find locally.

    I'm pretty sure I gave you links to my paper & video deriving the related cyclic cosmology (a scaled up quasar jet distribution) and helical path expansion, but if not, here they are;

    VIDEO Time Dependent Redshift

    very best


    Dear Sue,

    I read your paper and found that your approach can be useful. Although, in a way, FQXI tries to frame the contest subject around existing currently accepted theory, such as quantum mechanics and relativity, etc., papers that are accepted for the contest generally allow for a relatively wide range of variation. My papers in the contests on this site, which go into the layer of physical structure that exists below the level of quantum mechanics and explains the basic substance and the internal structuring of that substance in fields, energy photons, and matter particles and how quantum effects emerge from their internal actions (motions) and external interactions, is a good example of that range. The biggest problem that I have found is that if a paper is not in accordance with the mainstream acceptable concepts it tends to get very little visibility. With 200 contestants in the contest, only those who are considered important figures in the scientific community or have an extended following for some reason tend to get much attention. As an example, my paper only got 5 community ratings and 2 public ratings. Of course, I don't play the games that many do to get attention, since I am not interested in winning the contest. I am just getting the information out there for anyone who is interested in understanding a deeper level of the physical structure of the universe to see. It would be good if contestants would get a record of the number of community and public hits on their papers (the number of accesses of the papers). This would give a better gauge of how much coverage a paper gets. My point is that it is good to have a large number of new concepts expressed in the contest papers, but if no one reads the new concepts, but only those that follow the currently believed line that is expected, the new concepts will not be properly evaluated and that leads to delayed or completely lost scientific development opportunities.

    We live in a universe that is composed of motions that continually move or flow from one point to the next in space in the absence of interactions and also flow through their interactions with other motions. The total amount of motion is continually conserved throughout all of these actions and interactions and the total number of motions may also be conserved, but I don't generally go into that, since man in this world cannot presently sense individual field particle motions. In a matter particle there are 5 individual motions that are continuing to flow and act and interact within the particle. These can be mapped, so that every possible combination of their conditions can be generated. When 2 matter particles interact, it is possible to generate a map of all of the possible different outcomes that can result from the interaction. From the ranges of cyclical flow distances that generate any given output result or outcome, it is possible to generate the probability of the occurrence of each possible outcome result. In this way the causes that generate the possible interaction outcomes and each outcome's probability of occurrence can be deterministically understood. Although there is a path flow structuring method that can be used to map these things, man in this world has not yet developed that concept. Your 3D CAD/CAM method could potentially be used to simulate these things with adequate resolution to allow man to visualize such things. When this is done a whole new level of structural understanding will be opened unto man in this world and much current quantum gibberish can then be discarded, while at the same time the reasons to keep the parts that are kept will be understood. My papers on this site's contests give some of the basic concepts from which more detailed structural information can be derived.



      7 days later

      Hi Paul...

      Thanks for your thoughtful review of my essay.

      Please note: My post have been truncated by the FQXi system without option to "view entire post"?... but I log all UQS Social Media and Forum commo online.

      REF:UQS Social Media and Forum Log

      It is my contention that CAD/SIM analysis, perhaps even the Unified Quantization of a Singularity (UQS) geometry, finds itself on University theoretical Physics mandatory curriculums in the very near future, and I was encouraged that you found my CAD/SIM analysis "approach can be useful".

      Perhaps indicative of my architectural academic studies, I have a concept visualization bias which gave impetus to my CAD/SIM approach to structural resolve of an Initial State and subsequent emergence.

      One can draw anything one can see, and one can draw what cannot be seen... i.e. can only be conceptualized... but if one cannot draw what one can not see, one should not draw conclusions as to the validity of the concept.

      A CAD environment SIM analysis, forces derivation of minimum units of Space (QI) and Time (QT), which allows one to forego a dependency on measurable particle constraints in one's conceptualizations of Energy, and I found your comment on my essay that a "3D CAD/CAM method could potentially be used to simulate these things with adequate resolution to allow man to visualize such things. When this is done a whole new level of structural understanding will be opened unto man in this world and much current quantum gibberish can then be discarded, while at the same time the reasons to keep the parts that are kept will be understood.", highly perceptive.

      I have now read your essay, and found many aspect of your analysis, definitive.

      As a logician, not a physicist, as the UQS Point Source Emission expands, kinematically searching out your hieratically constrained bottom-line "sub-energy

      particles", I will need to dig deeper into your FQXi post for "the basic concepts from which more detailed structural information can be derived."

      Thanks again Paul for your review, and for your conviction that a deeper understanding of what underlies what man can measure, will resolve quantum conundrums.

      S. Lingo

      UQS Author/Logician

      17 days later

      Dear Sue,

      I checked on your paper's page and was able to expand your comment to me on your page and also your comment on my page ok.

      I will start with your comment to me on your page and number my responses to the paragraphs starting with (1.) in response to your paragraph that starts with "It is my contention that CAD/SIM analysis,".

      1. CAD/SIM analysis can be used to allow visualization of many concepts, but must be properly applied. It is necessary to get a very good understanding of how the concept that is to be modeled works in all of its details, so that they can all be included in the simulation to give a model that is as complete and as accurate as possible without adding errors into the simulation that can undermine its usefulness or even mislead those who depend on it. Learning how to implement such a model properly is, therefore, an important skill to learn and it should be a part of university curriculums for which such analysis can be properly used.

      2. It is indeed very important to look at the universe in terms of what substance(s) are used to construct each entity that exists within it and how the substance(s) are put together or structured within the entity to give it the form, internal actions that it contains, and the external interactions that it produces. When one works in architectural design of a structure in the real world, a practical approach is always necessary to generate a workable structure. You could always visualize the use of infinitely strong yet infinitely flexible materials in its construction, but would not find that any such materials actually exist. You have to settle for materials that actually exist and that can actually be put together or structured in the way that will produce the desired result. You might think that diamond actually exists and that a fifty foot diamond I beam would work well for a given application, but you would soon find out that such a thing could not be made from that substance due to various limitations. This should give you an advantage over many that I see today who either try to make substance from nothing or try to apply or structure an existing substance, such as motion in a way that it does not operate, etc. As an example, I often see spin motion being applied to some zero dimensional entity. First, a zero dimensional object cannot spin because although it has a point about which a spin could occur, it does not possess anything outside of that point that could spin about it because if it did it would not be a zero dimensional point entity. This is a very simple understanding because the actual speed of the spin motion of an object (given a specific period of rotation) is determined by 2 times the radius times PI (about 3.14). The radius of a zero dimensional point is zero, so 2 times 0 times PI = 0, giving zero spin motion per rotation. Even if spin is applied to an object that has a size greater than zero, it is not a basic motion. Spin is a cyclical motion structure and cyclical motion structures generally require the periodic reversal of direction of motion in all of the dimensions in which the spin participates. A simple motion structure contains three primary internal information structures that control its motion through space, they are its current position in the spatial system, its direction of travel in that system, and the amount of motion contained within it (its motion amplitude (generally how fast it moves)). It can read and act in accordance to all three of these information structures, but it can only change its current position information as it moves from one position to the next in accordance to its internal direction and motion amplitude information. Its direction and motion amplitude information can only be changed as an output result of an interaction with another motion entity. Since a spin or rotation requires that the motion's direction information be continuously changed, a spin requires a continual motion interaction between two or more motions. To put it a different way a spin is generally a 2 dimensional composite motion structure generally composed of 2 motions.

      3. The important thing is that what you draw or conceive should conform or be in agreement with all real world observational data as much as possible and if possible it should give an explanation as to how the observed data is generated by the concepts that are illustrated in the drawing. You could watch a movie that portrays matter particles to be very little gremlins and you could then draw the gremlin particles that you saw in the movie or you could draw matter particles as little fuzzy orange balls even though you had never seen such a concept before that concept came into your mind, but in both cases what was drawn would not conform to data from observed reality. On the other hand, you might visualize a concept that you had not previously seen in the world that just came into your mind and you could have the ability to see how it works in your mind, but you might not have been given the natural ability to draw it or acquired the skills to program it into a computer to display it to others. In such a case you could draw conclusions as to its validity. You would just have a difficult time convincing others of its validity unless you could find someone else who had such an ability and was also able to understand the concept from your description of it in enough depth to allow it to be drawn or displayed, so that others could then also see it and see that it was valid.

      4. I am used to CAD equaling Computer Aided Design and SIM to likely equal Simulation. If that is the case, it does not seem that such a simulation program would force derivation of minimum units of space and time. It would only define the minimum and maximum size range of space and time that can be displayed on the screen at one time. As an example, you might specify that one dot on a display line would equal 1 centimeter. If the screen contained 2000 dots on each line and 2000 lines, a full screen display could only display 2000 centimeters in either the horizontal or vertical direction. This would mean that any spatial entity that was outside of the range of 1 centimeter to 2000 centimeters could not be properly displayed on the screen in those directions in the simulation. You would only be forced into derivation of minimum units of space if you desired that your simulation include the minimum units of space in its displayable range. Any entity that can interact with another entity must have at least a small interaction cross section to allow an interaction to occur. Even sub-energy particles contain physical size. Any entity that was truly a zero dimensional size point object could not interact with any other entity and would, therefore, not be detectable in any way or have any effect on anything else in the universe. This minimum interaction cross section may or may not be equal to a minimum spatial position size. Space could be discrete with some minimal size for each position or it may be continuous with no minimum size except zero size. Man does not presently have the ability to discern which is the case. In your case, you are attempting to explain the beginning of the universe starting with some type of singularity. If that singularity had a zero size, it could not transmit any entities that do have size into this world, since anything that had size would not fit to travel through the singularity. Since total motion content is conserved in all interactions in the universe, it is a reasonable likelihood that any motion that entered into the universe through the singularity would have to come from some other place that contained that motion in order for the total motion content to be conserved. If the singularity had a size, it would require the existence of enough space to contain it. There would also then be the question of what was on the other side of the singularity that would provide the motion that came through the singularity and what the singularity itself is composed of and how the motion transfer interactions operated, etc. If you believe that space was also created at that time, it would need to be transferred from where the motion was transferred or created by the motion, etc. and that mechanism would also need to be described. Unless you think that the motion transfer is still going on, you would have to explain what turned it off. If the motion came from some other universe, it would be reasonable to assume that all of the motion in our universe could at any time be transferred out to create some other universe through a singularity there, thus destroying all of the built up structures that now exist in our universe including us in the process. If you believe that the singularity somehow actually created all of the motion that is in our universe from nothing, not only would that not be in accordance with energy (motion) conservation, but you would still need to explain why it seems to be turned off now and the mechanism that caused that to happen. There would also need to be some reason why other singularities have not opened up and created more motion in our universe since then. The complexities go on and on from there, which is one reason I chose to not attempt to go all the way back to the beginning. Instead I chose to go to the next lower hierarchical structural level beyond the lowest level currently understood by man here. In the same way that observational information gained by studying the large scale object level helped man to get an understanding of the next lower molecular level and the observational information gained by studying the molecular level helped man get an understanding of the next lower atomic level and the observational information gained by studying the atomic level helped man to get an understanding of the next lower matter particle hierarchical level, I have used the observational information from studying the matter particle hierarchical level to gain an understanding of the next lower basic motion level from which not only matter particles are constructed, but also energy photons and basic field particles (sub-energy particles) are composed. This level of structure is the lowest level of structure of entities that exists in all that we can observe to be our universe. I have not attempted to cover the creation of the spatial system because it appears to have been in existence first and then the motions were added at later times. This cannot be intelligently discussed, however, until man gains an adequate level of understanding of the basic motion level of hierarchical structuring. Yes, at that time much of the quantum gibberish will be discarded and the good parts that remain will then be better understood. A better understanding of time will also be needed. As an example, a physical time dimension does not exist, etc.

      5. I am glad you have gained from it.

      6. You will not need to start from a point source emission to simulate the level of structure that I am covering.

      7. Even including the sub-energy particles

      8. You are welcome.

      Now I will cover the second message that you left on my paper's page starting with the paragraph that starts with, "The inherent conundrums of any language,".

      1. I am glad that you were able to structurally conceptualize the fundamentals given in my paper. That should make it much easier for you to generate a simulation of them if you choose to do so.

      2. I have looked at a great number of attempts to explain the beginning of the universe as a natural chance occurrence, etc., but they all ultimately lead to infinitely recursive structures or the creation of something from nothing, etc. that do not agree with data produced by observation of reality. When this is combined with the complex hierarchical structure of the universe and especially of living creatures within it, it is evident that it was designed by an intelligence that is much greater than man's and could not have come about from natural chance occurrences. I would, therefore, say that although there are many levels of structure that I have not yet attempted to fully explain, the ultimate seed of the creation is the intelligent creator who constructed it. There was a time when I was much younger that I tended to believe the natural creation theory, but developments in scientific understanding over many years have convinced me that it is impossible. It is sort of like if you traveled to a distant dessert planet and found it to be completely covered in sand except that sitting on the sand was a car. Would you say to yourself "That must have taken millions of years to have formed naturally.", or would you more likely say "Some intelligent being that is capable of making a car must have been here before me."? When you look at the universe and see its complex hierarchical structure that clearly shows all of the signs of being an intelligently designed device with assemblies, subassemblies, and sub-subassemblies, etc. with so many possibilities of construction parts out of which only the few right parts are used in its construction so that it works properly in situations where if any of the large number of possible wrong parts are used it would not work, etc., it just gets to the point where the natural creation theory looks more and more like nonsense. There is not just some singularity seed from which the universe came into existence. There is a structure that sits behind our universe that is much larger and more complex than our universe that generates our universe as its output. The mechanism that directly generates our universe is just a small part of that structure. It is contained in the first 4 of 8 dimensions). The fifth dimensional world (the first heaven) is controlled by beings called the Powers. Since their world contains an extra dimension, they can view everything in our four dimensional world and control it in the same way that if a two dimensional world existed in our three dimensional world as a vertical and horizontal plane on a wall in your house, you would be able to look at everything going on in that world, but those in that world would not be able to see you because they could not see into the third dimension. You could only be observed by them in any way if you or some part of you were to enter into their two dimensional plane. You could introduce motions into their world to create storms, etc. in such a way that they would not be able to detect that you caused them. The powers have the ability to control things in our world in a more detailed way because things in our world are controlled by a mechanism in the lower 4 dimensions and they control that mechanism. This means that they could control the programming and data within that mechanism that generates our universe as its output. We would have no way to trace anything back directly into that mechanism, and especially not to the ones who control it. It would be like the simulation of a man on the computer screen tracing back into the computer through changes to its programming back to the person who made the changes. The next higher 6 dimensional world (the second heaven) is controlled by beings called the Principalities. They can view everything in the lower levels, etc. Above that is the 7 dimensional world (the third heaven) controlled by the angels. Again, they have the same abilities over all of the lower levels. God's throne is located there and he tells the angels what to do and they either do it or pass it down to the appropriate level to perform it. Above that level is the 8 dimensional world, which is reserved for only God the Father and the Word. That is a short description of the whole creation, but God is mostly outside of the creation and he is the true seed or source of all things that were created. Many people believe that God created the world, but I find it strange that very few ask the question, Why or for what purpose did he do all of the work to create it or to put it another way, What does he get out of it? That is where it gets really interesting.

      3. The geometry of a sub-energy particle is that they are very small linear motions, but not zero point or zero dimensional and in the absence of an interaction they move in some three dimensional direction at the speed of light or possibly less. In a CAD SIM there is not initial point source emission. A large number of sub-energy particles were introduced into our universe all at once in various places. To follow one, you could just pick a spatial location for its introduction origination and have it travel from that point. You could give it any direction of travel and any motion amplitude or speed not greater than the speed of light that you desire.

      4. I can see your problem in this respect. You have two main ways to go. You can consider the singularity to be zero in size or zero point or zero dimensional using various terms that all basically have the same meaning. In this case nothing that has any size other that zero could pass from some other place through it to generate the space, energy, and matter that exist in our world. Since any zero size entities that would pass through it would contain no size, they could not generate space that contained size or any objects, such as energy photons or matter particles that contain any size. This pretty much leaves you with the concept that the zero point or size entity somehow creates space with size and also all other objects that exist within that space essentially from nothing. In all observed interactions in this world, the total amount of motion is always conserved. Sub-energy particles can receive motion from another entity in an interaction that causes them to become energy photons or even matter particles, energy photons can receive motion during an interaction and become matter particles. Some of the received motion can also be converted into the kinetic motion of the matter particle. They can also give up their fourth dimensional wave motion to another entity during an interaction and become a sub-energy particle. Matter particles can receive motion during an interaction that can add to their kinetic motion. If they receive enough motion they can break apart and produce many output entities, some of which can be temporary unstable entities and some can be stable final output results, etc. Matter particles can also give up energy and turn into energy photons or even sub-energy particles. They can even be converted into kinetic motion energy in another entity. They are all composed of motions and those motions can be transferred between them during interactions between them, but the total motion content always remains the same. The idea that some zero size point could create all of the space and motion that exists in our universe from nothing is completely opposite to the way that all of our observable universe works and is, therefore, nonsense science. Moreover, if a zero point exists, it would be likely that an innumerable number of them could exist. Since all indications are that there would have been only one beginning point, there would have to be some mechanism that triggered the creation action of one while not allowing others to do so. This would mean that there would either need to be some other existent entity that triggered it or there would need to be some mechanism built into the zero point itself that triggered it that would need to be explained as to how it works and why it only worked in that particular zero point that generated our universe and not in any others, etc. This is only a beginning sample of all of the complexities that result from this concept. The other possibility is that the point is not actually a zero size point, but has a small size that is large enough to allow motion to be transported through it from some other place and this motion transfer created the universe. The biggest problem with that concept is that the place that supplied the motion to build our universe would have had to be already in existence before our universe in order to allow the transfer of motion from it into our universe. The question then is, how did that place get there? This leads to an infinite recursive process of universe production from universes that already exist, which again is nonsense science. If the point has some size greater than zero, there would also have to be enough space in existence for it to be positioned in before the expansion that would somehow create the rest of space and all of the entities that exist in it were produced. Again there is no reason that a great number of such points would not be in existence, thus creating a large amount of space and also transferring large amounts of motion into our universe from many points instead of just one. It is for these reasons and many others that I gave up on the natural universe formation concept.

      5. What determines the minimum unit of energy (QE) and the minimum unit of space (QI)? Where does the energy pulse come from? Since there are apparently many energy pulses, there must be an energy source that contains the energy to be used to produce the pulses. What is that source and what is the mechanism that extracts the energy from that source and transforms it into the pulses and then emits them? What form does this energy take in each of these units of space and how is it contained in that spatial unit, so it does not go elsewhere?

      6. The energy apparently comes from the energy pulses, but where does the space come from? Since the point would not contain the concept of dimension or direction within it, how could it emit an energy pulse that would travel out from it in all directions in a three dimensional space? Why would it not just emit the pulses into one dimension? Why would it emit in two directions in each dimension to create bidirectional dimensions rather than just one direction to create unidirectional dimensions? These things ignore the easiest simplest path and go on a more complex path. This is contrary to most things in nature that tend to take the simplest shortest path. On the other hand, if a more complex path is somehow naturally generated, why stop at three dimensions instead of one hundred dimensions or at bidirectional dimensions instead of quad-directional dimensions, etc.? Since none of these things would be in existence until they were generated in some way by the singularity, the singularity or some other existent entity outside of it would have to contain the mechanism that would generate these things in this way rather than some other way, so what is that mechanism composed of and how does it work?

      7. Noted.

      8. Why would three dimensions be needed and no more or less? The fourth and fifth dimensions are actually physical spatial dimensions and are needed to control the generation of energy photons and matter particles and to sustainably support their operations and interaction outcomes, etc. through the motion flow cycles through these and the other three dimensions.

      9. It would seem that the initial point would have to first contain or occupy the energy within it until it is emitted as an energy pulse and as it emitted the pulse it would be facilitating the spatial displacement or motion of the pulse energy from it into the new spatial positions around it.

      10. The motion itself is displaced.

      11. Motions are very simple machines. Each motion possesses three information entities that control its operation in the absence of an interaction with (an)other motion(s). First is its current location in space. Second is its direction of travel in space and finally is its motion amplitude or what man would call its speed. A motion's only operation is to continually change its position in space from its current location to the next location in the direction of its travel according to the amount of motion contained within it or its motion amplitude.

      12. I am not sure what you are talking about here, but generally there are two types of charge effects, which are cyclical and static. An example of a cyclical effect is the variable effect that an energy photon can have on an object during an interaction with it that depends on the position, direction, and the motion amplitude of its fourth dimensional motion's back and forth cyclical motion in the fourth dimension. An example of a static effect would be the alignment of the sub-energy fields of a large number of matter particles/atoms/molecules in the same direction in a substance such as an iron bar. The combined aligned sub-energy flow produces a larger scale sub-energy flow through the bar from one input side to the opposite output side and then in the opposite direction outside of the bar back from the output side to the input side of the bar. If the two input or the two output ends of the bars are located so that they are facing one another and the field is strong enough, one bar can be supported above the other by the sub-energy field flow interactions of their sub-energy fields. Note that a static effect is seen, but it is due to the continual motion flow cycle of the sub-energy particles in the fields and their interactions.

      13. It appears that you may hold the belief that the singularity contains all of the energy necessary to generate all of the entities that are contained in the universe, which is the current predominate belief of man in this world. If such a condition existed, the first problem is how a point singularity could contain all of that energy within it. In your theory you say "a point has no Spatial Energy occupancy capacity". This would imply that energy could not be stored within a point entity. If it could somehow be stored within the point object, how is that accomplished? Most believe that the energy storage became unstable in some way, which resulted in an explosion that started the universe. In your theory, you specify that the energy is released a little at a time in the form of pulses. This would indicate a controlled energy release by some mechanism. What is that mechanism and how does it work? In the real world energy can take many forms, such as the mass energy of matter particles, the wave energy of energy photons, the linear energy of fields, and the kinetic energy that produces the motion of matter particles through space, etc., What form is the energy in when it is stored in the singularity before it is released and in what form is it in the energy pulses as it is released? If the energy pulses flow through the spatial form, as you say, this flowing seems to be the same thing as motion through it.

      14. You then say "The Initial State function, as Energy distribution, implies a mechanism derived from Available Intelligence (AI)... i.e. Energy be quantized as Spatial dimensioned structural entities that can exist independent of motion... i.e. have inert Spatial properties." This seems to imply that these spatial dimensional structural entities would not contain (AI) available intelligence since they could not have energy flowing or moving through them if they exist independent of motion. If the energy stored in the spatial units is inert, what form is it in?

      15. The whole concept of universe creation from a singularity is fraught with unresolvable complexities. Kinematic chain would mean the chain of motion from or to the initial state to or from some other state. Motion would need to be present in order for the initial energy pulse to leave the initial point and travel to the first position that would become the first spatial position. In reality the energy pulse would be the motion, since motion is all that really exists in this universe except for the spatial positions for it to be positioned in, to move in, and to interact with other motions in, but you seem to think that the energy pulse would be composed of something that could be not in motion. If this were the case then the motion would need to move this inert energy into the first spatial position outside of the initial point so that they could be joined together into the first spatially minimum unit of energy. If the unit of space (QI) is also emitted by the initial point it would also need to be moved into its position outside of the initial point by motion. One question in that case would be whether the (QE) and QI) are joined together somehow in the initial point and then emitted as a unit, in which case the mechanism of their joining together and how they are sent out of the point, etc. would be important to understand, or whether they are emitted separately in which case it would be important to determine which is emitted first and how they are joined together after they are emitted. The structural nature of this inert energy that does not move would also be important.

      16. Motion is the only thing that exists in the spatial structure. It is the only thing that can act internally or interact externally. If anything else existed that did not contain motion within it, there would be no way for it to act internally or interact with anything external to it unless motion was added to it or unless the entity that interacted with it contained motion within it. On the other hand cyclical motion structures can cycle through an enclosed path that can sit in one place giving it the appearance of an inert object when viewed at larger size scales in a similar way as the way that atoms and molecules can be joined together into large scale objects that appear to be solid inert objects even though we now know that they contain many cyclical motions within them at smaller scales. Interactions between two such motion particles will, of course, yield angular motion components as output results of those interactions as is observed in matter particle interactions. The angular motion as it travels through its curved enclosed path also generates a static mass effect as observed in matter particles. There is no need to invent other external particles to give them mass, etc. There is no need to have any inert particles in existence if the spatial system was created first and then the field (sub-energy) particles, the energy photons, and the matter particles were added later. This all agrees with observable reality. It looks to me like you need the inert energy to keep the minimal spatial units in existence when those positions do not hold other entities, such as matter particles, etc. This is only required because you use the inert energy entities to produce the spatial minimum units in the first place and this is only necessary because you are trying to generate both the spatial system and the entities that exist in it at the same time from an initial point source. This is one of the reasons to believe in vacuum pressure in space. The other main reason is to explain how energy photons and matter particles seem to appear or disappear from nowhere in interactions. Of course, that problem comes from not understanding the existence of sub-energy field particles from which they can be produced by the addition of motion gained during an interaction or how the energy photons and matter particles can be converted into sub-energy particles by giving up motion to other entities during interactions. All interactions are just motion transfers between entities. Once these kinds of things are understood, space can just be empty places where entities can be positioned in and the entities can all be composed of motions. The spatial positions can then be stable even when they are empty. The whole structure becomes much simpler to understand although it can still be somewhat difficult to model because of all of the interacting motions that exist within entities and between them during interactions between them.

      17. Why are you leaving out the movement of the energy and/or the space from the initial point into its position external to the initial point to create the minimum unit of space entity (QE/QI)? The motion is the mechanism that would come first and generate this position creation and transfer of energy to it? The two entities that would be displaced in relation to each other would be the initial point and the first minimum unit of space that would somehow emerge or move from the point and become separated from it and be positioned into its own separate position.

      18. Yes the speed of the travel of the energy and/or space from the initial point to its resultant position could be determined from the motion change from the initial point to its final position and so could the event time, event location, and event motion direction.

      19. Some problems in this area that would need to be addressed would be:

      a. What determines the number of dimensions that the energy pulse travels in away from the initial point? If the initial point was all that existed prior to the release of the first energy pulse, the whole concept of dimensions with all of their basic structural properties and interaction joining structures, etc. would have to be developed somehow by the energy pulse. This whole structure and how it would come about would need to be explained.

      b. What determines the number of directions contained within each dimension, I.E. unidirectional, bidirectional, etc.?

      c. Is the pulse a continuous analog wave that travels out in all direction combinations from the initial point, thus filling all possible spatial positions regardless of distance from the initial point or is it a digital wave composed of discrete energy packets that become more and more separated from each other as they expand out over greater distances from the initial point, thus allowing empty areas between spatial points that become larger in size the farther they are from the initial point? If it is analog the pulse amplitude would have to continually increase in each succeeding pulse in order to be able to carry the greater number of spatial positions that would need to be carried by the pulse front to allow it to fill the larger area that the pulse front would cover as space expanded. This would mean an increase in the amount of motion, the number of spatial units and the number of inert energy units contained in each pulse compared to the previous pulse that occurred before it. This increase would be exponential due to the increase in the volume of space over all dimensions in the spatial structure. Such a controlled increase would not likely occur naturally.

      d. What determines how much energy is released in each pulse and what equally distributes it into all of the spatial entities that are created?

      e. What is the mechanism that generates the spatial unit from the energy pulse or is there emission of space as well as energy in some way from the initial point?

      f. How are the spatial units joined together long term, so that they don't just separate and drift apart to create little islands of disconnected space?

      g. If the energy that is stored within each spatial point is inert (contains no motion), it seems that it would not be able to do anything at least without the addition of motion from outside of the spatial position. Is that the case?

      h. It would seem that the energy pulse would have to contain these inert energy entities, but would also have to contain motion to move them out of the initial point and into their place in the overall spatial structure. If that is the case is that motion depleted as it deposits the spatial units or does it continue to move at full speed? If it continues to move at full speed, it would seem that after it reached the end of the currently available space, it would bounce back to the initial point and interfere with the motion contained within the next energy pulse, likely causing it to not be able to properly deliver all of its new spatial positions properly. There are so many complexities of the generation of such a complex structure from a single point most of which are probably not even considered by most of those who propose such a process. I have only mentioned a few, but it should be enough to give an idea of the magnitude of the structural information that would need to be considered to really show how it could possibly work.

      20. You are definitely right that the whole structure would have to be able to be kinematically (through the flow of motion) resolvable or traceable back to or from the initial point because motion is all that there is when all things are considered.

      21. You are certainly right that current theories don't follow all of the motion structures all the way from the source to the selected end point and back, but to be fair, man in this world does not currently possess the ability to do so, both because of lack of knowledge of all of the structural details and also because of the lack of computing ability and power to fully simulate or model them.

      22. Why 2D and not 1D or 3D, etc.? How do the distribution mechanisms work to displace the QE from a QI? Where do the QE go when they are displaced and what happens to the QI that they were in before they move out of them?

      23. Why only 24 points around the initial point? Are these 24 QI positions spread only in a two dimensional plane around the initial point or are these 24 points spread over three dimensions?

      24. I looked at the emission log, but found it to be filled with terms that I am sure have great meaning to those intimately involved in your theory, but I found it to contain too little more common context to allow me to get a good in depth understanding of how it all works. I suggest finding someone who is both familiar with the theory and the math and software that goes with it and can also convert it into more commonly understood definitive terms of description that can be understood by those who are not intimately involved in your CAD SIM software programming and the UQS theory's various terms, etc. From what I could determine it appears that the energy pulses are in a square wave digital pattern of off all the way followed by on all the way rather than some form that has an output that varies in amplitude during the wave cycle. I didn't see anything that would tell me if the off and on times are of equal duration. As I mentioned earlier, my first question would be, what mechanism within the singularity generates the on/off switching? The next question would be; what is the nature (properties) of the energy that flows or moves out of the singularity and into the spatial units (or possibly generates the spatial units in some way and then moves into them)? Do the spatial units come out of the singularity or are they made in some way by the energy from the pulse? It appears that the energy pulse spreads out from the singularity in a spherical 3D pattern in your theory. The implication would be that the spatial units are somehow created and expand with the energy sphere. If the spatial units fill all of the space between each other and the expanding surface of the sphere they could not be spherical themselves, however. How do you understand their geometric form to be? In your theory does any motion move a whole number of units (I.E. no fractional units) so as to make all motion digital instead of analog? It still appears that the energy pulse amplitude would have to continually increase to generate the continually increasing number of spatial points that would need to be filled in each succeeding outer shell of the expanding spatial sphere or the expansion would drastically slow down as the sphere expanded with each new outer shell of spatial units requiring exponentially more spatial units to fill than the previous one if the number of spatial units emitted by the singularity remained the same with all pulses because all of the pulses contained the same amount of energy. What size do you consider that the minimum spatial units would be and how much energy would be contained within each inert energy unit within each spatial unit?

      25. It would seem to me that the first appearance of motion if it could be viewed from outside of the developing structure would be the movement of the energy pulse out of the singularity into the first spatial positions that would be formed in some way. I am guessing that the second energy pulse causes the emptying of the first 24 positions into the next row of then created spatial positions and would also then refill the first row of positions. Since the second row would be larger than the first, if the first row entities popped into the second new row they would only generate the 24 spatial positions that they popped into. How would the other positions needed to fill that row be produced? How is the mechanism for spin created and structured to produce the complex spin motion? What are the unoccupied dark spatial units?

      26. Both statements affirm the existence of God and that man is an image of God. The statement that man is created in the image of God would usually be interpreted by most to indicate the source of man as being made by God, which just adds this extra information. In his Word, God gives more information about man than the Vedic Science that was not given by God, but comes from information provided to man by and about others who come from other planets of the earth's heaven where the stars are located. Most of these are from the same quadrant of the Milky Way galaxy that we are a part of. They are more scientifically advanced than man here is, but they are still, mostly bound to this galaxy because they still do not possess fifth vector technology. There are those in the earth's heaven who do have that technology and they can travel at will about anywhere in earth's heaven (such as between galaxies) that they desire. This can be done even without ships although it is always safer to use structured fields. Even they are, however, still limited to the earth universe structure. They cannot leave it and enter into the mechanism that sits behind and generates our universe in its lower four dimensions or go into the fifth, sixth, or seventh dimensional heavens or into the eighth dimensional place in God's creation that is reserved for only God the Father and his Word. Neither can they exit the creation altogether as God can. When those from other planets first came to this planet, they found it useful to them to convince the people here that they were gods, but just like those who came to America from Europe had rifles, canons, and armor, etc. that made them appear to be more than men to the local people, those who came from other planets were just forms of men with more toys to play with than the local people had. Many men are still at this time being deceived by them. God created this world to use it to build a body for himself to live in. Since we are made in his image it is usually easiest to start by looking at our structure. We are composed of three parts. First is our spirit, which is the image of God the Father who is a Spirit. It produces our intents of what we desire to do. Next is our soul, which is made in the image of God's Word. The soul can receive the intents of the spirit and translate them into thoughts that our bodies can understand. It then sends those thoughts to our body. Our body is the third part of us and it receives the thoughts from our soul and does the work that fulfills the spirit's intents. The needs of our bodies are also communicated to our spirit through our soul and the spirit then generates intents to take care of those needs. The way that we live and work in our body is similar to the way that God desires to live in and work through us as his body members or parts. Once he has created all of his body members in this world, he will no longer need this world since his body members are made to live in him without end, so he will not need to make new members to replace old ones. He will, therefore, then take back into himself all of the motion that he took out of himself to create this whole creation, which will effectively burn up this creation. After a final judgment of all who have ever lived, he will make a new bigger and better creation that is not subject to entropy, etc. and he will live in that creation in and through his body members without end. God does not desire to force us to be his body members, so he has made a way for those who do not want him to rule over them to believe a lie and live out their lives in this world believing that they are in control of their lives and then to die and after the judgment to be destroyed. The lie is that we can be as gods. Of course, not only can't we ever hope to be able to do anywhere near what God can do, we can't actually be in control of our lives. Those who do not chose to have God in control over them are put under the control of another being that God made for that purpose. He is called by many different names, but a couple of them are Satan and the Devil. As far as I have seen, most of those from other planets do not know much about God. If they have a spirit to generate their intents and a soul to translate those intents into thoughts to their body and a body to receive and carry out the spirit's intents, they are just a form of man and could come to God though His Word Jesus Christ and be saved as members of God's body also. It would appear that there is a big opening to spread the gospel to new worlds. Those who desire to believe the lie that they can be as God would rather accept the statement that "Man is the image of God" than the other form that is given because it does not mention that they were created in his image, so they can believe that they somehow attained to that level by themselves. Of course, if they examine the statement closer they find that first they are accepting that God exists and secondly that they are only an image of him. In reality an image is never as good as the real thing. Ask your friends if they would rather have you with them or a picture of you with them. If they all say the picture, you either need to get new friends or seriously examine yourself as to why that would be. My guess is that most would prefer you to the picture because they know that you can do things that the picture could never do.

      27. Yes, but the below ground part is actually more complex than the above ground part, as I showed in the little bit of it that I covered above. That is why I usually don't cover it with many people, since most of it is not observable by most men and even though the scriptures tell us that a couple of people have been given a look at that structure and what they saw has been recorded in the scriptures, it is hard to find many who would believe it, since most current scientists, especially those that control the dialog, mostly do not believe in God or if they do believe that he exists, they do not accept him in the only way that he allows us to come to him through his Son Jesus Christ and, therefore, they tend to work against him rather than for him, even when they sometimes actually think that they are working for him. Nevertheless, God will save those whom he has chosen and if even one of them reads these things and if it in any way is used by God to draw him to God and he is saved, all of the work to do this will be well spent. I also hope that the scientific information that God has given to me to give to others also is received by those for whom it is given and used to make life in this world better for all as much as possible. I do understand that even mentioning God will likely cause many to automatically reject the scientific information that is provided, but it may just be God's way of transferring the information only to those who will use it properly.

      28. Do you believe that spatial positions actually exist before the energy pulse arrives and it differentiates and makes the positions observable or usable by the deposit of a small amount of inert energy into each spatial position or that the spatial positions are actually created by the energy pulse, etc.? If you believe that they are actually created by the pulse, how does that creation mechanism work?

      29. Do you believe that the pulses are still occurring or that it went on for some period and then stopped due to lack of energy remaining in the singularity to continue to generate the pulses, etc.?

      30. The word resolve implies that something is already there, but not discernible or observable until the pulse acts upon it. Is that the case?

      31. You are welcome. I try to help in any way that God gives me to be able to do. I will put this comment on both your paper's page and mine for easy access by both of us and any who read either paper.



      4 days later

      Hi Paul...

      Appreciate your thoughtful response, and will at first opportunity reciprocate in kind.

      However, if FQXi does not graciously maintain contestant essay pages after May 1st., I will need an e-contact.

      In the interim, if one keeps in mind that UQS is not a belief/theory... i.e. UQS is a math model that resolves a visual geometry solution, and associated digital code, for pulsed distribution of minimum units of Energy (QE) equal in all directions from a single point source... one can find answers n the UQS Project on-line archived papers, to many of the question you pose.

      For example: "23. Why only 24 points around the initial point? Are these 24 QI positions spread only in a two dimensional plane around the initial point or are these 24 points spread over three dimensions?"... is contextually addressed and 3D CAD illustrated at:

      Comparative Singularity Geometry

      Thanks again Paul, for sharing your insights and providing opportunity for exchange.

      Sue Lingo

      UQS Author/Logician

      15 days later

      Dear Sue,

      I await your response.

      The contest pages stay on the site and can be accessed with new comments for at least a year after the contest is over. My first paper on the FQXI site was in 2008, which I think was their first contest and I can still access it and print copies of the paper at this time. I have not tried to put a new comment on that old paper lately, but I did put one on last year's paper after the start of this year's contest. If you at any time desire to communicate privately for security considerations, etc., you could send me an email address, etc. where I can contact you privately and I will send an email address to you where you can contact me. The email account and address password should be private to you only in such a case.

      In most cases when someone develops a math/ CAD, SIM model of the universe it is designed and produced to model what they believe to be true. You could, of course, just be producing a model that conforms to the beliefs of one or more others as a way to help them test and further develop their theory even if you believe differently. People do design and build complete world SIM models that they know do not reflect reality when they make video games, although that is usually done to acquire a monetary gain. So my question to you is; do you believe that the world actually came about and works in accordance to the UQS math model or are you just experimenting at this time or helping someone else to check a theory, etc.?

      I will try to check out the link that you gave me. The security on my computer sometimes prevents me from viewing movie type simulations, but I will try to see if it works on it.

      I checked out the main article of your link and although I couldn't play the image files on my computer due to security concerns, I was able to view four of the Nassim Haramein files on a smart TV and found much repetition in them. They seemed to be out of order and several files seemed to be missing. One had a name and said part one of six and another had a different name and said part six of six, but even if they were both parts of the same set of files, parts two through five were all missing, etc. His concept is built around an infinitely recursive universe in size in both the larger and smaller directions of size. The main problem with this in terms of observed reality is that although the observed universe is composed of several hierarchical structural size levels or layers, they are not just copies of each other. As they increase from small to large in size they also increase in the numbers of different structures and in the complexity of those structures. The implication of this is that as you progress downward in size, you will reach a most basic level that contains the simplest most basic structure(s) that can be made, from which all other things are constructed in that level and in all of the levels above that level. This is actually the case because a simple linear motion is the most basic structure that can be made in this universe that has the ability to act and interact, which are both necessary to allow the progression of structural complexity upward from that lowest level. He says that as you get far enough away from any object it just becomes a point object in your visual field and then jumps to the conclusion that they are all the same. All he is seeing, however, is man's inability to work at all size scales. If you approach to the proper distance from a galaxy, so that when you look at it your field of vision is filled and if you also could look at an atom in the same way, you would see that the atom is not a miniature copy of a galaxy, but is actually a much simpler structure. He doesn't appear to see these things because he is concentrating on the structure of space instead of the entities that exist within that space. He views space as being constructed of triangles that are joined together to form more complex triangle based structures that can be replicated at smaller and smaller or larger and larger sizes infinitely. He does not mention what the boundaries of the triangles are composed of that might in some way contain the infinite energy level that is considered to be contained within each triangular structure. Of course, if an infinite energy level were actually present in the universe, it would likely fill the infinite space equally at all points within that space, since if it didn't, one part of space would contain a greater infinite level of energy than another, which would not make any sense because all infinities would have to be equal. If it were not so, the lower level infinity could not be considered to be truly infinite because more energy could still be added to it to bring it up to the level of the higher level infinity. This means that a space that was filled with infinite energy could not support any action or interaction because it would not be possible to move some of the infinite energy level from one place in space to another place because the place that the energy was removed from would no longer be truly up to the infinite level and the place that the energy was move into would then become the new true infinity and the rest of space would no longer contain infinite energy. It would be a completely stable world in which nothing could happen, so no structures could be built within it. He does not cover whether he believes this energy filled space to have always existed or not. He also does not cover why it is three dimensional. If the space somehow came into being at some point, it would be much simpler in structure and function if it was one dimensional in accordance with the Occam's razor concept that the simplest and shortest path will always be chosen by nature. The space within a one dimensional world could also be infinitely broken down into smaller and smaller dots, etc. Of course, you could not construct the much more complex structures that can be made in a three dimensional world, but to make that choice would mean that the whole structure of the universe would have of necessity been guided and selected by a higher level of intelligence that was purposely designing it with the ability to produce such complex structures even though that would produce a structure that was much more complex than what would be expected to occur from a natural unguided creation. This intelligent being would have to be in existence before the production of the spatial system in order to first have planned it and then to have constructed it. This intelligence could not have been the universe itself because it would not have been in existence yet to be able to plan and build itself in such a complex form. He seems to get many of his concepts from analysis of ancient structures and traditions passed down over time. I believe that this is what you refer to when you mention Vedic Science. It is true that since some of these traditions and relics came from those who possess a greater level of knowledge than is currently available to man on this planet, these traditions and such relics as the pyramids, etc. contain some valid information for man to learn, but they are somewhat hidden in the vagueness of the purposes of their construction and the lost meanings of the details of the traditions, etc., along with the additions of many false concepts over time, so that many of the current understandings of man here are flawed by the lack of a detailed and error free understanding of them. As an example, a pyramid is a very stable structure when constructed on an object that possesses a large gravitational field because as it is built up from the surface of that object the higher levels become progressively smaller and remain centered on the lower levels, thus concentrating the pull of gravity on the center of the base of the structure at all levels. The point at the top of the pyramid and the vertical corner lines can also be used to accept or transmit linear energy entities and the sides present a variable induction pattern due to the variation in their physical size as you proceed from the bottom to the top of the structure. These concepts do have valid useful functions in the construction of devices that can transfer kinetic motion from the surrounding environment into a device that can then be used to channel that motion to produce useful work, such as the generation of electricity or sub-energy fields, etc. A half sphere is also a very stable structure on a large gravity object, but it is more stable in space, when away from such objects than is the pyramid. Those who deal with the fifth vector velocity as a power and transfer source generally use the sphere to a greater degree because the fifth vector velocity generates a curved motion structure in our three dimensional structure that is more or less spherical. Those who only have access to the straight line and angular motion of the fourth vector motion would more likely identify more with the straight line forms of the pyramid, etc., as practical for their usage. In nature the sphere is always the form of large gravity objects although it is often greatly flattened by large scale polarized sub-energy field structures, etc., such as in galaxies, etc. It appears that you differ from Nassim Haramein in that your CAD SIM starts with one singularity and somehow, by the emission of energy pulses, generates all of space and places a very small amount of energy of some form in each spatial position, which in some way divides space into individual measurable positions. This is a much better concept than an infinite amount of energy in each and every spatial point. It would seem to me that the only reason to believe that each point in space contains some energy is to satisfy the quantum mechanics need for space to contain some vacuum energy to account for the production of energy photons and matter particles during interactions, etc. Once an understanding of the existence and operation of sub-energy particles and the sub-energy field structures that are composed of them is obtained, it can then be seen that the energy photons and matter particles that result from interactions are just a result of interactions between energy photons and/or matter particles and sub-energy particles that transfer enough motion to the sub-energy particles to change them into energy photons and matter particles without the need of any energy content that is a part of space itself. All interactions are just energy (motion) transfer operations between motions that already exist. That is why energy conservation works because no new energy (motion) is produced and no existent energy (motion) is destroyed. It is just transferred from one entity to another entity. This eliminates the need to have any energy stored in each spatial position. All that is needed is the initial creation of the spatial structure and the introduction of the motions into it in the form of simple linear motion (sub-energy particles), some of which receive additional motion to convert them into energy photons, some of which also receive additional motion to convert them into matter particles. The main other concept that is necessary to gain an understanding of why an interaction can generate one of several possible outcomes and what generates the probability of the occurrence of each of those outcomes is that sub-energy particles, energy photons, and matter particles all have non-zero physical sizes and that energy photons and matter particles both contain internal motion components that operate within them at angles to their direction of travel. The positioning and current angle of these internal motions at the point of interaction between two entities can, therefore, determine the actual outcome that occurs out of all of the possibilities that exist. Each outcome can occur over a specific range of the total cyclical motion path structures contained within the interacting entities. The size of each range generates the probability of the occurrence of each outcome. Together, understanding these concepts frees one from much of the quantum nonsense and allows a deterministic understanding of the causes of the operations of all interactions between entities. There is then no need for such things as virtual particles or special particles to generate the static mass effect in matter particles, etc. As an example, the static mass effect is clearly seen to be generated by the three dimensional angular motion component of the photon contained within the matter particle as it travels in its cyclical three dimensional curved enclosed path due to its fifth vector motion repetitive cycle. I guess I am getting carried away with things at this point and should stop now until I receive your return comment, which could answer some things that would make some of this comment unnecessary.

      You are welcome. Sharing insights and providing opportunity for exchange is what I am here for to all that can receive and/or add to an understanding of the true nature of the universe that we live in and even beyond that for those who can receive it.




      Please have a read at my essay. Yes, the fundamental is knowable!

      But we have to identify it... in the logic of the universe.
