Thanks :)
I have had your file open the whole also some other Days...
The sub-quantum' or root function is beginning to see light. It is the monopole as instance, as a bending loop, rotated. The most surprising (or not surprising at all?) is it is an solitonic expansive state. What cause the expansion? Maybe just the vanishing complexity? It must go into i-World, as I don't understand the 'annihilation' aspect at all...
"the Higgs process or fermion pair production 'popping up' from nowhere' implies a smaller perhaps more fundamental 'sub quantum' scale of rotations as a 'sub-ether'. but we principally constrain ourselves to the testable realm and scale of condensed matter. This domain limit is also the lower end of electromagnetic (EM) coupling."
This is what I talk of too. But the scenario you ask for is beyond this, and reversed actually, see the finnish scientist as instance the links here!vladimir.eltsov
There is btw. very Little discussion about a non-Higgsian material emergence today.
About motion I would suggest harmonic oscillation as one good candidate to explore in GR.
On the vector model of angular momentum, Peter Saari, 2016 fig 2. you see if you have it on a Bloch sphere, you get Three rotations.... hope you can open it.
The problem with Bob and Alice is the assupmption the entanglement is broken by gravity, but at the same time gravity cannot break it otherwise.... maybe an informational theoretic approach would be fine? The head/tail approach is like coin flipping and has Little information, you need something more complex, and I have thought a bit about the Three-states. Can they be entangled? They should?
Also amplitude is an important factor, at least in the semiconductors. It can maybe give some flip-flopping?
I see you have the same problem as me, too Little space, but we do as well as we can. Your text reminds me of someone, Mr S.
Thanks, it would be interesting to talk more with you.
Ulla Mattfolk.