I do understand, and like your confidence. My 2010 essay on 'wrong assumptions', called "2020 Vision", Suggested it's be 2020 before any paradigm change. Will that do you? But as well as our state of intellectual development state that was partly as it famously takes 10yrs to change a paradigm. So do you think we're now looking at 2028!?
You say; "If a known equation is used - it's over" so I assume you had no objection to my essay! What you would like is my recent 'Red/Green Sock Trick' essay identifying flaws in current mathematics - which came top in the community scores!
I understand you don't do this for money, nor me. I have the houses, yacht, Aston, Mercs etc. We share the selfless motivation of advancing humanity. I'm also not seeking 'recognition' or kudos (I had enough as a representative sportsman and it can be a pain) as I think that and the Nobels are the bane of advancement.
I had yours down for a decent score, mostly for originality and going deeper than almost any (I now assume no falsifiability then?) - but do you suggest you'd rather come last? Let me know.
Very best