
I agree, duality is explained. But considering the fermion as spherical rotation with seperable momenta state pairs is also critical to allow a classical derivation of QM's predictions. I disagree photons and any 'signals' are particulate until re-quantized by interaction ('measurement').

I have yours on my list.



I will definitely look at the article. Here is an open letter on the "big bang" issue... I recall the good thought of Karl Popper: "I, however, believe that there is at least one truly philosophical problem that any thinking person is interested in. This is the problem of cosmology - the problem of knowing the world, including ourselves (and our knowledge) as part of this world. All science, in my opinion, is cosmology, and for me the value of philosophy is no less than science, it is solely in the contribution that it has made to cosmology."

All the best.


I just want to thank you again for looking at my theory... I re-read you essay and I just would like to say - The reason why the theory of everything has not been found is because everyone seems to think that it can be derived from current math or through explaining an new experimental finding - Those methods will not work.

I can tell immediately if a person is on the right track or not.... If a known equation is used - it's over. All known equations must be derived from the primordial ingredient and energy - My book does just that and answers basic questions - What is distance? Why does spacetime has three spatial dimensions? WHat determines Straight? How are energy fields created? And I derive the math of maxwell's equations, GR and QM but under one model.

I entered this contest for people to be introduced to my work. I don't need the money - I am an orthopedic surgeon and my wife a cardiologist. I also entered because I will eventually be writing a book about how long it took for my work to be recognized. To show how my essay came in last place will be quite the irony in my story! LOL!

All the best!

Hi Peter,

I highly appreciate Your statement "

The two 'pillars' of science, Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, often seen as fundamental, may share a single derivation, perhaps even the most ridiculously simple one."聽

We are on the same track!

see my introduction:

Neil Turok: "And so we have to go back and question those founding principles and find whatever it is, whatever new principle will replace them.". Cheers Leo


    I do understand, and like your confidence. My 2010 essay on 'wrong assumptions', called "2020 Vision", Suggested it's be 2020 before any paradigm change. Will that do you? But as well as our state of intellectual development state that was partly as it famously takes 10yrs to change a paradigm. So do you think we're now looking at 2028!?

    You say; "If a known equation is used - it's over" so I assume you had no objection to my essay! What you would like is my recent 'Red/Green Sock Trick' essay identifying flaws in current mathematics - which came top in the community scores!

    I understand you don't do this for money, nor me. I have the houses, yacht, Aston, Mercs etc. We share the selfless motivation of advancing humanity. I'm also not seeking 'recognition' or kudos (I had enough as a representative sportsman and it can be a pain) as I think that and the Nobels are the bane of advancement.

    I had yours down for a decent score, mostly for originality and going deeper than almost any (I now assume no falsifiability then?) - but do you suggest you'd rather come last? Let me know.

    Very best


    Dear Dr Peter Jackson,

    You wrote in the Abstract: "Einstein's view; "For the time being, we have to admit that we do not possess any general theoretical basis for physics, which can be regarded as its logical foundation." That am because physicists obsess over trying to explain the Universe in finite terms.

    I have concluded from my deep research that Nature must have devised the only permanent real structure of the Universe obtainable for the real Universe existed for millions of years before man and his finite complex informational systems ever appeared on earth. The real physical Universe consists only of one single unified VISIBLE infinite surface occurring eternally in one single infinite dimension that am always illuminated mostly by finite non-surface light.

    Joe Fisher, ORCID ID 0000-0003-3988-8687. Unaffiliated

    Your barmaid quote is evidently not Einstein but Rutherford instead.

    Anyway...your approach has certainly evolved from the old days, nicht vahr?

    As long as you continue to cling to the allure of continuous space and time, you will always be limited in the cosmos.


      Indeed. As an RNLI governer to me it looks rather like this; Most of moderate intellect on the ship agree; "It's foundered and slowly sinking, we need to leave and find better ones.", Yet run the lifeboats alongside and none even looks at them!

      I look forward to reading your essay. Please do look at, comment on or question mine.

      Very best,



      You're right that Rutherfords (slightly different) comment almost certainly came first; "If you can't explain your physics to a barmaid, it is probably not very good physics."

      But I quoted Einstein's; "you should be able to explain physics to a barmaid," which I'm sure was derived from it, as much of his work (and most of all of ours!)

      The point is I think both are very wise and true but don't you agree habitually ignored by most of the academic community?

      On the Cosmos; I agree. As a Cosmologist ('observational') and RAS Fellow I feel the need to focus attention on understanding the cosmos better before we try to fly beyond it. That's not to say I don't explore hints from the data now & then!

      I gave your essay a 1st speedread and hope you'll be pleased I market it as worth reading again & discussing. Being brief may have helped in that but I found that didn't diminish quality.

      I wonder if you read & understood mine and have any intelligible questions or comments? (doing so in conjunction with Declan Trail's helps).

      Very best



      Thanks. No. Spin is no illusion, but so called 'quantum spin' it CAN be reprodcud from simple rotation, which YES; produces north and south poles (left/right 'curl'). BUT; OAM (in spherical rotation) is more complex than most theorists have assumed, we should include BOTH Maxwell's state momenta pairs; so LINEAR (zero curl) at the equator and CURL +1/-1 at the poles.

      Correcting that allows the whole of QM to become classical (if retaining recursive uncertainty, i.e. of left/right near the poles). SR then needs the same mechanism and Einstein's 1952 ideas to unify it.

      Yours is nearing the top of my list.

      Very Best. Glad you're still going strong & hope you're well.


      Peter Jackson

      Yes, my health is OK. Thank you.

      I am glad that you like my article. My main interest is in SRT. Light takes the fastest way as pronounced by Schnell's law. Stokes missed that when he reduced Michelson's prediction by half. The missing part opened for Lorentz to introduce the GAMMA factor, and thereby absurdities.

      If you like my article, as you said, you can comment on my page.

      Thanks and good luck from ______________ John-Erik Persson

      Dear Peter,

      I think might be trying to find out if there could be a Natural fundamental. I am surprised that so many of the contest's entrants do not appear to know what am fundamental to science, or mathematics, or quantum histrionics.

      Joe Fisher, Realist


        That is a very forceful and clear description of various of the more taken for granted problems in physics(which is to say a lot deeper than strings), but I do think it misses the obvious. In trying to peel away the layers of the physical to find what is fundamental, Physics ignores the context, space. Which is something else Physics has spent a few generations trying to reduce to geometric abstraction, yet unlike more energetic processes, it sits there quietly.

        There can be no proven "first cause," but space doesn't need or provide cause, just primary context. That, like a blank sheet of paper, or canvas, is fundamental.


          Anything in motion in a matter medium creates paired vortices. Often we see them; in smoke, at wing tips and in all viscous fluids. If 'dark energy' has some sub-matter existance, and the same applies (i.e. pair production, Unruh effect, Higgs process etc.) Then the vortex will be the electron positron pairs (as their opposing 'spin').

          As of 'what they're made of'? It's what you and I and everything in the universe is 'made of'! Apart from ever smaller states of motion we don't have a clue and haven't even yet thought it needed a name! Some years ago I suggested 'Comprathene' just for the sake of a name. I'm sure we can do better. Any ideas.

          Good to see you back.

          Very best


          So, an electron (for example) is a spinning vortex of smaller matter particles. The positron has the opposite spin. When vortics of opposite spin collide their energy sums to zero. Vortices of the same spin can add.

          I'll think about your suggestion.

          I had been thinking the vortices were in an inviscid medium (plenum. ether, space, etc.) as a result of the motion of matter. Electron produce vorticies with a spin opposite to the positrons. Only 2 rotation directions with an axis in 3D. The vorticies manifest as the coulomb field that travel outward according to the spherical principle (1/r density). Neatly solves "What is charge?'

          The next issue I thinking about is the EM signal within the STOE.



          Your 2 descriptions both loosely describe what I hypothesised, but a Majorana fermion is found to be 'it's own antiparticle' which is exactly the paired opposing polar spin states of a SINGLE sphere of torus! Think about that for a bit; we can never interact with both hemspheres at the same time, so only FIND either clockwise OR anticlockwise (+1, OR -1)!!

          Yes it's 'motion' (of matter) that creates the vortices. Electrons (or rather all fermions) then don't 'produce' spin, they ARE spin! The energy density reduces around the vortex so the overall spin density distribution in the greater area around a 'vortex' will be 'flat'. We'd experience the local uneven density distribution around matter as 'gravity'. If the matter is 'annihilated' the potential goes flat (no gravity).

          The validity of that general approach is supported by the resolving power of the model when turned to QM. i.e. the astonishing classical derivation emerges!

          EM waves (fluctuations) can only propagate in the ether at c, but not 'couple' or be modulated by it. However interaction with fermions DOES modulate, to LOCAL c giving CSL, so producing the effect we call SR in the process.

          Does that help your understanding of the hypothesis, or compatibility with you own model?

          Very best. (Yours is on my list)


          Hi Joe,

          I'm not sure 'fqXi' or most anyone would recognise a 'natural fundamental' at present! As Sabine H says, it's clear Academia really doesn't know what the f*** is actually going on, and it's unlikely the solution will come from that direction!

          She's probably right, but then also applying to your second sentence regarding most all outside academia. I've suggested that's no shame, simply a function of the state of mans intellectual evolution.

          I predict a heap more 'quantum histrionics' in the next few years as the revolution takes it's toll!

          Very best



          Glad you're back. I've described 'space' as a 'sub-matter' medium, certainly not condensed matter but possibly just smaller states of the 'spin' that forms matter, i.e. the condensate, just with slightly different behaviour at that scale (see my post to John H above).

          After presenting the evidence for it's existence as obvious I then said lets focus on the lowest 'matter' state before we get deeper into speculation, which identified a key solution. So one step at a time!!

          Of course 'between' those smaller ('dark') energy states may be none! though there's no actual evidence of that apart from that we don't 'see' anything, and we don't 'see' 98% of the universe that we know is there!!

          So in that case did I really "miss it"? And could it give the same solution to QM & SR?

          I hope to get to yours before too long.

          Very best
