Dear Peter,
I don't quite follow what is meant by "However to remove the weirdness from QM {one} just needs those colours {gotta love that British spelling ;} to 'bleed into' each other rather then just 'switch'. Is that excluded in QED?"
The colors are the partitioned ~string-theoretic basis for well-known QCD color local gauge fields. There is no reason to 'bleed' but rather 'average out' their effects over weak and higher scales. Thus the cardinal importance of the mathematical operator "|" [i.e. |planck is inaccessible to colliders, |strong indirectly detectable, and the traditional use of |H> becomes (*)|H>|weak ].
The electron representation geometry image has (c) 1992, so it is with welcome arms that I find a fellow traveller on this austere path.
I am familiar with the ontology and didn't find that finale added much to the veracity of the idea. For my part, I take the massive oscillating neutrino as evidence of 'new' physics, since it clearly was NOT considered SM when I first published on the subject. Your illustrated discussion was interesting, yes, but a path to new fundamental insight?