Dear Sabine,
I am happy that you still decided to particpate.
Your approach of "weak emergent" and "strong emergent" is refreshing so is the "resolution" of experiments and theories and useful for my own thinking.
Reductionist elementary particles do NOT influence your behaviour is a perception that I can underwrite a good example to underwrite this perception is the essay from Erik P. Hoel from last year about "Causal Emergence" link.
You are right when you say that many physicists don't accept strong emergence because it is incompatible with their ideas. I think mankind need an open mind and even has to accept to say "I don't know" (if you can then you start thinking and searching...)
"Stuff is made of smaller stuff". Indeed but it is possible to start at the bottom then we can conclude that this ultimate bottom is unknown, it is no longer "stuff". so Unknown-Quarks-Atoms-Chemicals-Cells-Organs-Agents. At each step there is a larger choice of possibilities. Each step is a threshold where new entities are emerging.
A correct candidate for a fundamental theory might not reveal itself at "first sight". That is the problem with science. It is like we thought for a long time that the sun turned around the earth, difficult mathematical structures were found to prove it because at first sight it "seemed" as if. Maybe the same for theoretical science in our era.....
Your example of the Chief of CERN is a nice one. My perception is that the agent (chief) is at a specific MOMENT in time where the whole block universe that he is part of (his emergent reality) takes his decision. At that very moment ALL emergent phenomena (including the bottom ones) are simultaneous "existing" and interacting.
(so all are shaking hands).
I am very happy with your conclusion Sabine, because it means that we can think FREE. I hope that you will find time to read and rate my essay where I am also trying to find a strong emergent model.
Best regards and good luck