You are being unfair to Sabine and physicists in general, Peter. The system is far from being perfect, and our knowledge is limited, but it is completely not true that physicists are accountants "shuffling last years books into order", "eschewing real 'advancement' to just shuffle past theories". We know very well what we know and what we don't know. I can understand your frustration, and why it would resonate to other "outsiders", but it is just not true that the doors are locked for them.
I know because it happened to me. My first PhD advisor was very happy to have me, but he got angry when I showed him my papers, and he didn't even read them because I didn't work at his problems. I understand him, he wanted me to follow the "safe" path, but I didn't care, so I left and stayed without advisor for 2 years. Without any support, without mentioning the affiliation in some cases, I continued. I put my articles online, and got favorable emails from a few experts in the field, and invitations to some great conferences. I got my first job invitation at a great institute before my first paper was accepted, even if they thought that I was unaffiliated. With publications and the thesis written, I could find a new advisor and get my PhD. Before getting my PhD I already had 10 publications in peer reviewed ISI journals, single author, and without any support. This simply shows that the system is open to the outsiders, you can publish even without PhD. And none of my articles is in mainstream approaches, if you think that this is why they accepted them. I work at my own projects, even if this means more difficulties and less financial support. I am aware that only a few experts see me as more than a minor league player, but I play by my own rules. And I am not a unique case, many articles are published by people who left academia. The system may be imperfect, but if you have viable ideas, you work very hard to formulate them well, both mathematically and physically, and obtain relevant results, then the doors are open. I hope you'll take this as good news :)