Responding to Peter Jackson (above) -- with thanks -- re:
"Juan et al,
Eckard is correct, apparent 'non-locality' only arose from our inability back then to classically explain output. I agree Gordon's essay isn't a complete classical formulation, he doesn't claim that, but it's an important move in that right direction. ... ."
PJ, imho, Eckard has it wholly correctly and your are partially correct. That is, in relation to my work, I often talk in terms of my "neo-classical" approach: but that's because many others see QT (with its quantum) as a non-classical theory. However, in my terms: my theory is wholly classical.
Background to this engineer: I hold fast to three classical mantras:
(i) Reality makes sense and we can understand it.
(ii) Correlated tests on correlated things produce correlated outcomes without mystery.
(iii) Only the impossible is impossible.
Background to my theory: Wholistic Mechanics (abbreviation WM; logo w@m, pronounced wham) began in 1989: against Mermin's "Spooky action at a distance; mysteries of the quantum theory" (Britannica's GBWW 1988).
WM is a wholly classical theory that brings QM into the classical family of physical theories: WM = unification = {classical mechanics, QM, special relativity, general relativity}.
As for the logo (poorly rendered here) its origin is this:
Preparing for my initial phone-call to David Mermin, I pictured two separating particles 'wi' and 'mi' and used the analogy of entangled twinned "worms" separating -- wi (womanly, heading toward womanly Alice's locale A*) and mi (manly, heading toward manly Bob's locale B*) -- ie, heading in opposite directions from their common source, a one-off twin-producing worm-egg @ [see its spin]. Thus each twinned-pair is correlated by their common DNA and anti-correlated via their sex.
And while most analogies are unsuccessful in explaining entanglement, those with a nod to mysteries have difficulty rebutting the arguments with our worms. Thus, if Alice finds pristine 'wi' to be a female, is it any wonder [whatsoever] that she knows Bob will find a male if he does the related test. Likewise, if Bob tests pristine 'mi' for its DNA, is it any wonder [whatsoever] that he knows the DNA Alice will find if she does the related test; and so on! Of course, QM with its entanglements entails many more correlated relations: and GHZ worm-eggs produce triplets; GHSZ worm-eggs produce quads; etc.
Now, to be clear: I see my role at this stage to be the one advocating for CLASSICAL approaches (like yours; against all others who use non-classical approaches) to understand and reformulate QM, without mystery.
[ps: Alan Kadin uses the term neoclassical; perhaps like I have used "neo-classical". I believe that Alan (with many others on this path to reformulation) will deliver a classical theory if he is successful. Moreover, I do not see WM's basic classical principles being negated by such. Comments welcome.]
Cheers; Gordon