The blackhole information paradox is based upon several dubious assumptions:
(1) That quantum theory describes everything that exists, rather than merely describing the detection process itself, and thus only the things being detected.
(2) That the information content of an emitter, like a blackhole, is indicative of the information content of the emissions emanating from the emitter. This is generally not true in the classical realm, and there is no reason to suppose it is true in the quantum realm.
(3) That quantum vacuum fluctuations, and thus Hawking radiation, are an actual physical phenomenon, rather than just a misunderstood property (the response to noise) of the Fourier transforms (wavefunctions) being used to describe the phenomenon. In other words, a property of the "map" of the "territory", that does not correspond to any actual property of the territory itself; if you only study the equations, you will find it, but if you study the actual observations, you will not. As Hawking himself said, "There is no more experimental evidence for some [scientific] theories than there is for astrology, but we believe them..."