The blackhole information paradox is based upon several dubious assumptions:

(1) That quantum theory describes everything that exists, rather than merely describing the detection process itself, and thus only the things being detected.

(2) That the information content of an emitter, like a blackhole, is indicative of the information content of the emissions emanating from the emitter. This is generally not true in the classical realm, and there is no reason to suppose it is true in the quantum realm.

(3) That quantum vacuum fluctuations, and thus Hawking radiation, are an actual physical phenomenon, rather than just a misunderstood property (the response to noise) of the Fourier transforms (wavefunctions) being used to describe the phenomenon. In other words, a property of the "map" of the "territory", that does not correspond to any actual property of the territory itself; if you only study the equations, you will find it, but if you study the actual observations, you will not. As Hawking himself said, "There is no more experimental evidence for some [scientific] theories than there is for astrology, but we believe them..."

Dear Article Readers.

Irrefutable evidence exists that conclusively proves that the earth had a visible surface for millions of regular Gregorian calendar years BEFORE Newton and Einstein ever appeared on that surface and began their unrealistic physics FINITE informational guesswork, and before any timepieces were ever manufactured, and well before quantum physics were ever even thought of.

All of the Popes who have ever lived and all of the theoretical physicists that have ever lived have been mistaken by assuming that any VISIBLE infinite surface could have emerged from out of a void. How could INVISIBLE black holes possibly collide and start emitting FINITE vibrations?

It logically follows that Nature must have designed the only REAL VISIBLE structure of the real planet earth, and the real VISIBLE Universe the real VISIBLE earth am contained in, obtainable.

The real Universe consists only of one real single unified VISIBLE infinite surface eternally occurring in one single infinite dimension that am always mostly illuminated by finite non-surface light.

My essay, REALITY AM NOT ROCKET SCIENCE, which was published online by the Foundational Questions Institute ( on January 10th, 2018 explains natural reality more fully. The essay is located at url:

Joe Fisher, Realist

A new version of the classic circularity: "nothing happened for a long time, then something happened, and time began."

13 days later

Hello all,

I liked these fuzzballs and this artcile,congratulations to Mrs Hebden?Mr Mathur, we search answers, we search to encircle our unknowns, this universal sphere and its spheres, the Dark matter, the Blanck Holes, this quantum gravitation, we try to encircle better the secrets of physics. BHs are fascinating in fact. Thanks for sharing, it was a relevant reading.They turn so they are these sphères, quant and cosmol,inside this universal sphere in optimisation of matter energy.It is fascinating this universal mechanic when we see the complexity of matters and properties.We imrpove the sphere with sphères :) spherically yours :)SPHERISATION .....

Best Regards

    Dear Executive Board and Members,

    I'm back.

    Joe Fisher, Realist

    I know you must have been terribly disappointed when as a child you learned that there was no real Santa Claus, but you got over it, right. Well I am now telling you that there was never any invisible empty void, and there has never been any invisible black holes. The same visible surface you see around you must be constituted eternally. Although your capability for seeing any surface might seem to be subjective and temporary, the fact remains that all observers will only ever see some sort of visible surface for only one real single unified visible infinite surface occurring eternally in one single infinite dimension that am always mostly illuminated by finite non-surface light has ever had any real existence.

    Joe Fisher, Realist

    I know you must have been terribly disappointed when as a child you learned that there was no real Santa Claus, but you got over it, right. Well I am now telling you that there was never any invisible empty void, and there has never been any invisible black holes. The same visible surface you see around you must be constituted eternally. Although your capability for seeing any surface might seem to be subjective and temporary, the fact remains that all observers will only ever see some sort of visible surface for only one real single unified visible infinite surface occurring eternally in one single infinite dimension that am always mostly illuminated by finite non-surface light has ever had any real existence.

    Joe Fisher, Realist

    • [deleted]

    Reading this article, I for some reason recalled TV series The Big Bang Theory, the fan of which I am. Although I am working in a completely different industry and writing articles in, this article was very interesting to me. How many great minds are working on studying a black hole and string theory, but every year, scientists are discovering ever new theories. It's beautiful and very informative. Thank you so much for your work!

      Hi Joe,

      I can understand. I beleive that you have understood that something above our understanding was beyond this physicality, now of course you must prove your works.Like me with my sphères.Your interpretation is philosophical and I like.Now I say me that photons are not the only one piece of puzzle and that light and dark matter are still more than we can imagine.Your surface seems like if it was electromagnetically and photonically linked with this infinite eneternal consciousness.Now the aether exists and is for me gravitational and so we see that the physicality is linked with this infinity creating a physicality with laws.The relevance is to encircle how all this acts really.Spherically yours Joe, best regards jedi

      lol to all, here in belgium I have a team of psychiatres who thinks that I am crazzy, lol they think I am schizophrene because I speak about sphères, They give me a med, invega,for the schizophrenia ,I have stooped, oh my god, it is odd this med.I am going to finish in a psychiatric hospital seeing sphères everywhere and there I will have all won lol I am isolated, non adapted socially and always my mind in stars but I am rational.It is sometimes dangerous to explain the generality of a theory to psychiatres lol now in my country I am taken like a schizo.It is the life,and all this for the rotating sphères and the spherisation.

      Hope you shall come tell Hello to Steve in psychiatry the small belgian seeing sphères everywhere, oh my God, sometimes, this planet is tiring and it is difficult to be understood.

        Dear Sonia Spring,

        I have been wondering why my irrefutable assertion that Nature must have designed the only visible structure of the real Universe obtainable, and that as only surface am visible, only one visible unified infinite surface occurring in one infinite dimension that am always illuminated by mostly finite non-surface light, does not seem to have been accepted at this website. Your posted comment has enlightened me. My writing about reality am not interesting! Only articles about invisible black holes, or invisible particles that can be in lots of different invisible places at the same time, appeal to the readers. Thank you ever so much for informing me of this.

        Joe Fisher, Realist

        • [deleted]

        Dear Steve,

        Hang in there. I cracked up and spent some time in a psychiatric ward after being diagnosed as have unspecified episodic schizophrenia. They gave me lots of Thorazine pills.

        Joe Fisher, Realist

        Dear Steve,

        Hang in there. I cracked up and spent some time in a psychiatric ward after being diagnosed as have unspecified episodic schizophrenia. They gave me lots of Thorazine pills. I was let go after four months of treatment.

        Joe Fisher, Realist

        Dear Joe,

        Thanks for the discussion and the fact to be frank. I take at this moment 5 meds , you imagine, invega is a med with paliperdidone a molecule for schizophrenia.I take also others like benzodiazepins, antidepressors, neuroleptics...Wowww not easy all the days lol my life is a film you know Joe, an ocean of problems more this Heath.Oh My God but I will survive lol


        5 days later

        In the small section of the televised program, The Universe, I managed to watch this morning on the History channel, it was announced that although most theoretical physicists were convinced that there were invisible finite black holes out there that were so dense light could not escape them, there might also be some finite invisible white holes somewhere else, capable of spewing out matter as easily as a volcano spews out lava. Unfortunately, finite invisible white holes can only maintain their whiteness briefly before changing into becoming finite invisible black holes; or so the announcer solemnly stated.

        When are the theoretical physicists going to realize that Nature must have produced the only real physical structure of the Universe obtainable. All real matter has a real VISIBLE surface. The real earth has had a real VISIBLE surface for millions of years. Every ocean, lake, river, stream and puddle has a real VISIBLE surface. Every cloud and puff of steam or smoke always has a real VISIBLE surface. It logically follows that there can only ever be one unified VISIBLE infinite surface eternally occurring in one infinite dimension that am always illuminated by finite non-surface light.

        Joe Fisher, Realist

        Dear Dedicated Fisher Fans,

        Yesterday morning, I forced myself to watch a small section of a televised program, The Universe, on the History channel. It was announced that although most theoretical physicists were convinced that there were invisible finite black holes out there that were so dense light could not escape them, there might also be some invisible finite white holes out there somewhere else, capable of spewing out matter as easily as a volcano spews out lava. Unfortunately, invisible finite white holes can only maintain their whiteness briefly before automatically changing into becoming invisible finite black holes; or so the announcer solemnly stated.

        When are the theoretical physicists going to realize that Nature must have produced the only real physical structure of the Universe obtainable? All real matter has a real VISIBLE surface. The real earth has had a real VISIBLE surface for millions of years. Every ocean, lake, river, stream and puddle has a real VISIBLE surface. Every cloud and puff of steam or smoke always has a real VISIBLE surface. It logically follows that there can only ever be one unified VISIBLE infinite surface eternally occurring in one infinite dimension that am always illuminated by finite non-surface light.

        Thanks for your continuing support!

        Joe Fisher, Realist

        21 days later
        • [deleted]

        Interesting direction, Samir. I'm just a ways up the road from you, in Wooster Ohio where Arthur Compton grew up. Which brings us to the assumption of quantum information.

        At origin, Spin is firstly uni-directional and rests on the assumption that the observed magnetic field that arises from a physically rotating electric charge, would require a charge to in some way be defined as a rotation for there to be an associated magnetic field. And, as there can only be one direction of rotation at a time, even as a vector, symmetry requires that there be a corresponding symmetry of opposite directional Spin. Hence we assume that massive, massless bosons are requisite as messengers of information as to whether the signs of two zero point particles are alike and thus repel, or opposite and thus attract as likened to gravity.

        But there is no reason to assume that for a magnetic field to be extant would require an electrical rotation of some sort, even if its only angular measurement. We can only say that electrical rotation differentiates magnetic moment, that is to say that it imparts a antipodal orientation in the associated magnetic field.

        Cutting to the chase, the results at CERN fall smack dab in the middle of choice for either supersymmetry or point particle rationales. Perhaps the middle course should be that symmetry already exists in the behavior of energy compressed under its own inertial domain into a "fuzzball" real particle. That we are not correct in telling energy how to behave to suit our theories, and that energy can existentially be going in all directions at once, and only oriented to the normal line in a self-gravitational masse of energy. In this sense, simple connectivity would be the non-paradoxical message.

        Best wishes All, and onward! through the fog! jrc

          Dear John R Cox

          Visible reality has nothing to do with meaningless speculation about invisible quantum particles. The contention by theoretical physicists that any invisible quantum particle could be in multiple invisible positions at the same time is utterly absurd. To go further, for the theoretical physicist to maintain that any invisible quantum particle could perform a finite spin in a finite invisible direction is delusional.

          Please get real. All real matter has a real visible surface. Theream only one visible infinite surface occurring eternally in one infinite dimension that am always illuminated mostly by finite non-surface light.

          Joe Fisher, Realist

          3 months later
          3 years later
          • [deleted]

          The supertranslations filling in the new vacuum left behind after a black hole has passed, reflect a different angle to surrounding galaxies' relation to the absence of the black hole.