Dear Article Readers.
Irrefutable evidence exists that conclusively proves that the earth had a visible surface for millions of regular Gregorian calendar years BEFORE Newton and Einstein ever appeared on that surface and began their unrealistic physics FINITE informational guesswork, and before any timepieces were ever manufactured, and well before quantum physics were ever even thought of.
All of the Popes who have ever lived and all of the theoretical physicists that have ever lived have been mistaken by assuming that any VISIBLE infinite surface could have emerged from out of a void. How could INVISIBLE black holes possibly collide and start emitting FINITE vibrations?
It logically follows that Nature must have designed the only REAL VISIBLE structure of the real planet earth, and the real VISIBLE Universe the real VISIBLE earth am contained in, obtainable.
The real Universe consists only of one real single unified VISIBLE infinite surface eternally occurring in one single infinite dimension that am always mostly illuminated by finite non-surface light.
My essay, REALITY AM NOT ROCKET SCIENCE, which was published online by the Foundational Questions Institute ( on January 10th, 2018 explains natural reality more fully. The essay is located at url:
Joe Fisher, Realist