Are there aspects of the universe that can only be represented algorithmically, and does this relate to the question of Time?
1. Statements like the following represent the type of information that law of nature categories and their associated numbers provide:
Relative speed = 23 (in some system of units)
2. Statements like the following represent higher-level information (this is information about information, where comparisons have been made, and questions asked about more fundamental-level information):
Relative speed > 17 is true
Relative speed = 23 is true
Relative speed has changed
The delta symbol in physics' equations (that represent laws of nature) represents higher-level information.
3. Are there aspects of the universe that can only be represented algorithmically? These algorithms would necessarily couple higher-level information with "higher-level outcomes" i.e. outcomes that cannot be achieved via laws of nature alone, because laws of nature are not affected by higher-level True/False information. Clearly, higher-level information can have no function, or reason to exist, in the universe unless it is coupled with higher-level outcomes.
Statements like the following represent higher-level information coupled with higher-level outcomes (outcomes that cannot be achieved via laws of nature alone):
IF relative speed > 17 is true, THEN make relative position = 41 (in some system of units)