But the philosophers belief in the correctness of their disagreement could be wrong. E.g. Sometimes people are talking about the same things in different words. And so there need not be just one correct philosopher. I think the statement by Paul Skokowski is just a put down regarding philosophy; as if the explanation of things is unimportant. Is agreement without understanding, or the attempt to understand, better? I think not.

Dear Georgina,

Please remember that: Cogito, ergo sum is (sic) a Latin philosophical

proposition by René Descartes usually translated into English as "I think,

therefore I am". The phrase originally appeared in French as je pense, donc je suis in his Discourse on the Method, so as to reach a wider audience than Latin would have allowed. Wikipedia

René would have been closer to telling the truth had he averred: Je suppose que,

comme tout le monde sur la planète "I guess, just like everybody else on the

planet does." All philosophers and theoretical physicists would come closer to telling

the truth if they would only preface all of their remarks with the term:

"I guess." Professor Markus Mueller of the Vienna Institute for Quantum Optics

and Quantum Information has confirmed to me by email that all philosophers and theoretical physicists have always guessed about the real structure of the Universe. But he insists that he only makes "good" guesses, not arbitrary ones.

Joe Fisher, Realist

The 2019 FQXi conference [1] has pinned this article [2] to the top of its twitter page. The speakers and attendees have spent a lot of time trying to decide what life, agency and free will are, and whether they are compatible with current physics, or whether new physics is required.

But the topology of life, agency and free will is completely different to the topology of determinism:

.....Determinism means that laws of nature determine all outcomes for matter.

.....Agency/ free will means that matter itself determines some of its own outcomes. This is new physics only in the sense that it is a different view of matter.

The other issue is that the nature of life, agency and free will is only representable as (but not determined by) algorithms; the nature of life, agency and free will is not representable as equations and numbers alone. Yet there is no way that equations and numbers can transmogrify into algorithms. This is new physics only in the sense that the behaviour of matter needs to be represented by algorithms.

1. Mind Matters: Intelligence and Agency in the Physical World, 20-25 July 2019.

2. First Things First: The Physics of Causality, https://fqxi.org/community/articles/display/236 .

    Does this mean all of your statements about reality will be prefaced with "I guess" from now on?

    Philosophers are never wrong, they just never completely agree...

    Thinking you are right is a natural part of consciousness, but is subjective and a natural part of philosophy. Being right is a part of objective agreement with others, which philosophers never seem to have and only comes from the measurements of science.

    ...however, it is not possible to know all of the precursors for agency/free will...otherwise, agency free will would also be determinate.

    This is why quantum uncertainty plays a key role in agency/free will...

    a month later

    NATURE made the only version of reality VISIBLE.

    Joe Fisher, Realist

    4 days later

    I read Sean Carroll's piece in the New York Times. Very insightful. I would say we'll probably never have a complete theory of quantum mechanics because there is always more to know about different dimensions, or degrees of freedom. Quantum mechanics happens at 10 ^-35, but there are other degrees of freedom above and below this dimension. Sometimes when these dimensions interact, we have interesting things, like reverse causality in the transactional interpretation of QM. When the pilot wave or DeBroglie wave extends to infinity, QM kind of can't be complete. Descriptions of other dimensions are not static. Neither are relations between degrees of freedom.

      Hi Joe,

      I agree somewhat. I question some of the specific terms you use, like unnatural. I think what Von Neumann and the non-Copenhagen schools taught was that there was a natural, real aspect to QM wave functions. For Von Neumann, it was geometrical. We're beginning to see the confluence between physical properties and numerical properties, such as the interesting research out of Princeton last year about prime numbers being encoded in special crystals.

      Please Joe, stop to post Always the same,it's odd ,it's autistic like comportement,if you explained different things and details,it could be interesting,but there it's crazy and irritating.Develop please what you tell us.Thanks

      Dear Steve,

      NATURE provided only one form of VISIBLE reality. If you only like reading about "developed" unnatural humanly contrived codswallop, all you have to do am NOT READ MY COMMENTS.

      Joe Fisher, Realist

      Joe,all what I say is that you must add details,philosophically,mathematically,physically.There people see Always the same with your visible surface.What is this surface?what is its cause?do you beleive in a kind of Eternal infinite consciousness? have you explainations at different scales,quant or cosmol? please improve your ideas.

      "Please Joe, stop to post Always the same". Perhaps you have almost nothing to say. Learn conciseness from McEachern.

      While I doubt that dealing with entropy is a promizing way to answer most fundamental questions, I ask myself for an explanation of the obvious fact that there can be the same time for not causally related to each other events. Isn't this almost the only mystery?

      Yes,I agree with Eckard,there it's totally to be frank crazzy and irritating now. Are you autist or what ? it's really crazzy Joe.

      Steve, I guess, Joe (Joseph?) will ignore your advice how to comport himself here.

      May I humbly repeat my question? "I ask myself for an explanation of the obvious fact that there can be the same time for not causally related to each other events. Isn't this almost the only mystery?"

      What about neutrinos? I heared there are experiments at KIT to measure their tiny mass.

      I referred to


      Dear Steve and Eckard, I am not presenting my own personal theory of reality. Where do you think reality came from? Do you think it possible that there was reality BEFORE human beings ever set foot on this planet? Has the real planet Earth (and all matter) had a VISIBLE surface for millions of years?

      Joe Fisher, Realist

      Joe, your words do not mean Nothing. A visible surface for millions of Years? already Joe,our earth has 4,5 billions years and universe 13,7 billions years. A surface in in 2D and we observe in 3D ?? You say too that there was reality before human beings,yes we know all this,humans are youngs considering evolution and what Joe,please add ,improve,explain.