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Nobody needs Clinton's Monika and Fisher's "are" as to understand non-causalities. I noticed that Rob used the German expression acausal instead non-causal.

By the way, professionals know that while there is only the one ideal property of "being infinite", mathematics operates with differently constructed infinities.

A measure "infinite surface" may be rejected as self-contradictory as also is an infinite measure of length. I dislike Weierstrass's "two infinite numbers".

Eckard Blumschein


From the perspective of humanity, two or less children per woman are best. I regerett that insightful people like you have on average less kids while stupid ones tend to have much too many. While I see Alan Kadin correct, the "Nobel" price was recently awarded to someone else also of Harvard. The necessary amended ethics is still far away.

Eckard Blumschein


Personally, I believe that the "stupid ones" are mostly the result of "poor nurture" rather than "poor nature"; thus, physicists have been taught to believe in stupid concepts (indoctrinated, may be a better word to describe what occurred), like the supposed weirdness of quantum reality. They were not born with such stupid ideas; stupid ideas evolve, like life itself. But it is time to drive both "quantum weirdness" and human over-population into extinction. I hope to have a greater impact on the former, than I will ever be able to have on the latter.

Rob McEachern


In nature, trees don't grow endlessly. The absolutely sure dead of any individual is perhaps a most important precondition of ongoing life. What you called indoctrinaton is based on tenets that were causally solid and reasonable for groups of humans. Meanwhile, the unreasonable humanism of humans endangers humanity as a whole.

If there was a responsible common God for all people, he was obliged for the sake of the entity of his creatures to remind all people together of their deliberately ignored responsibility: Do partially abandon in the sense of fundamentally modify the traditional ethics that leads to endless economical/physical/material growth, needless over-population, and destruction of nature.

Eckard Blumschein


The faulty tenet in quantum theory, was never "causally solid". The tenet that identical particles are perfectly identical, has no basis in reality at all. It was simply an idealistic fantasy, pulled out of thin air, that has now been so long forgotten, that physicists have even forgotten that it was just a naive assumption, and not an established fact.

I do not believe that there is any entity, god or human, taking responsibility for all people. That is precisely the problem; each group/tribe/nation is mostly just interested in taking care of itself at the expense of everything else; consolidating all the benefits, while dispersing all the costs. So, when the winds carry one group's pollution across a border, it becomes some other group's problem. But that only works while the other groups remain so few in number and so far away, that they seldom disrupt each other - a condition which no longer exists.

Rob McEachern


I will tell you later the surprizing key result of my effort to find out the decisive cause for acausalities with Fourier transformation.

What about consequences for the infamóus "shut up and calculate", you might judge yourself. I am not an expert in quantum theory and also not in set theory. Nonetheless, I am convinced having strong arguments, and I feel supported by those with similar professional background as you.

As already Lessing did not, I too don't believe in a God who is common and responsible to all people. I merely see the increasing necessity for humans altogether getting aware of their common responsibility. Kadin doesn't deserve to be ignored. I contempt an Ajatollah and a Groefaz who demanded woman to have at least four children. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights will prove useless if we altogether cannot balance it by adding decisive obligations and restrictions. In other words, Strict easoning compels me to question some very basics of traditional ethics.

Nutrition produced by means of cyanobacteria cannot solve the problem of a not yet adult menkind.

Eckard Blumschein

Really Joe you are totally crazy you know ,take your meds please,you tell nothing of relevant and you repeat like you had found an important thing,it is not the case and it is irritating now,I ask me if you are conscious of your ignorance and your stupidity ,if not,really go see your doctor medecine because it is serious,you don t develop nothing and your Words are pure nonsense.

:( stop now please ,it is irritating.You don t respect the people or what ? you have a problem really you know Joe,you are what? a creationist? your Words are relevant for nobody ,nor on Facebook,nor here,nor everywhere,nor for the Dr Khun,nor for dr,nor for the Phd or others,so stop ,are you crazy or what???

Dear Steve,

You do not have to read my comments. There are dozens of topics at this website.

Joe Fisher

4 days later

Read well this Joe about God,A little bit of philosophy about our main cause of our reality ,it is so complex to encircle this main structure of God if I can say,I beleive strongly that we have two aethers,one luminiferous and one gravitational with the gravitational one like primordial essence,coded from this infinite eternal consciousness,in my model I consider like you know an universal sphere in optimisation and a central cosmological sphere sending these finite coded series of spheres permitting to create our spacetime and its topologies,geometries,matters and properties,so the photons are series coded too like a fuel permitting this electromagnetism,the life Death ,our heat and thermodynamics,like a fuel in fact.But they don t seem to be the main essence of our universe.I am happy that a team of scientists have proved that universe was a closed sphere.All this is very philosophical about the main cause of our reality inside this universe.I don t consider these strings,waves fields implying our particles but the opposite ,spherical particles implying the Waves,the relevance is that this can converge respecting tthe wave particle duality because I consider this gravitational aether with series finite of spheres where space disappears,because we have series the same than the cosmological number of spheres and we take a central sphere after we decrease the volumes aand increase the number with primes for example and so the space disappears and so we have a superfluid coded for this gravitational aether.These series from God are coded between the zero absolute and the planck temperature and God beyond is without space,time,matters,it is only pure infinite conscious energy,so this infinity needs to transform all this to imply our reality,that is why the cosmological spheres are like transformators,the luminiferous aether can be better understood with this gravitational one at my humble opinion.God has not only created photons and waves simply.

Today's Closer To Truth Facebook page contained this peculiar piece of supposedly finite information:

"Our universe appearing out of nothing does not violate any kind of conservation of energy, or something like this." Astrophysicist Mario Livio shares his thoughts on the complicated topic of why anything exists at all." Watch the interview series:

I have posted this sensible comment at the website and on the Community Board and on my own Facebook page:

When the finite question: "Does (abstract) our (abstract) universe appearing out of (abstract) nothing violate any kind of (abstract) conservation of (abstract invisible) energy?" was submitted to the finite Google Search Engine, it elicited: "About 3,100,000 (supposedly finite) results (0.89 (finite) seconds) Only real visible surface could ever appear. The only truth every physicist who has ever lived has been able to prove was that the real planet Earth and all real matter has had a real visible surface for millions of years before Mario Livio ever appeared on that real visible surface and began publishing his unnatural silly parroted supposedly finite guesswork concerning invisible energy. Obviously, Nature could have only provided one sort of visible reality. There has only ever been, and there will only ever continue to be one unified INFINITE visible surface eternally occurring in one INFINITE dimension that am always mostly illuminated by one INFINITE sort of finite non-surface light.

Joe Fisher, Visible Realist

No Joe you are false,There has not only this, and there will not continue to be one unified INFINITE visible surface eternally occurring in one INFINITE dimension that am not always mostly illuminated by one INFINITE sort of finite non-surface light.

It is total nonsense because you Think that we have only photons and thatr god is linked with you with your am,it is total nonsense,today closer to truth,Joe is still false.

Joe you confound all about God,the light,you ,the philosophy,the altruism,the universal love,the general relatyivity,the special relativity,the volumes,the surfaces,the religions,the rela interpretation of infinities,the infinity,the finite series and the evolution and the time,the eternity and the real meaning of the generality.And nobody here on FQXi,nor dr Khun,nor Zeeya nor the members of FQXI or on Facebook will agree with you ,never in fact at this present and in the future ,it is fact.

Let s be frank,you have not found a relevant truth,and nobody is interested in these things about light ,eternity and infinity because you are simply false about your philosophy,God,the light and your am.In fact you are like all, a human created by an infinite eternal consciousness ,you are not an elected because we are all equals and in the same boat of evolution.You repeat a thing totally ironical for all general thinkers and philosophes and even religious persons.Your ideas are simply a total nonsense without relevance.You Think maybe it is relevant for you to share this but no,you are not relevant,it is a kind of thought stupid from an ordinary human.I have nothing against you,I just tell that you loose your time in insisting.

Today's Closer To Truth Facebook page contained this peculiar piece of supposedly finite information:

"Why is there a world, a cosmos, something, anything instead of absolutely nothing at all? If nothing existed, there would be, well, 'nothing' to explain. To have anything existing demands some kind of explanation. David Bentley Hart, Christian philosophical theologian, explains his answer to this difficult question.

Watch the interview series:"

I have posted this sensible comment at the website and on the Community Board and on my own Facebook page:

After the finite question: "Why is there a world, a cosmos, something, anything instead of absolutely nothing at all?" was submitted to the finite Google Search Engine, it elicited: "About 24,600,000 (supposedly finite) results (0.94 (finite) seconds) Well of course, Nature provided only one form of visible reality. The only true fact every physicist was ever able to prove was that the real planet Earth and all real matter always had a real visible surface for millions of real years before David Bentley Hart ever appeared on that real visible surface and began publishing his unnatural silly parroted supposedly finite guesswork concerning an abstract world, an abstract cosmos and imaginary something. All language consists of finite expressions, but there has only ever been, and there will only ever continue to be one unified INFINITE visible surface eternally occurring in one INFINITE dimension that am always mostly illuminated by one INFINITE type of finite non-surface light.

Joe Fisher, Persevering Realist

They are false like you your friends,it is pure creationism ,a kind of religious thoughts that nobody inside the sciences Community having a Little bit of education will accept,you loose your tine and it is not relevant.We are on a platform of physics and maths, and we are not here to listen and read ironical things about God,religions and thre christianity,do you understand this dear illuminated of a infinite surface ,it is total nonsense your religious thoughts.You repeat in insisting like if it was important,not it is not important for all determionistic thinkers simply.Make this on Facebook to convice the persons about your creationism without education,here you loose your time Joe,you are odd simply and all what you tell us is total ironical things.

The creationists like the extremists religious are dangerous for the humanity,they teach to innocent persons false truths and it is not acceptable simply.Make sciences here or stop your posts without real relevances and meanings,it is a fact.

5 days later

Re."To explain why time only flows in one direction, physicists often invoke the one law without a rewind button: the second law of thermodynamics."(from the article.) The problem within classical mechanics of time reversibility is use of Newtonian time;"stretching from eternity to eternity" Sir Issac Newton. Not only does it permit time reversibility but temporal paradoxes. The problem within Relativity of time reversibility and temporal paradoxes is using space-time, the space of seen things as if it is enduring space-time of existing beable things. Instead existence, independent of observation, should be considered uni-temporal, the same and only time everywhere. Parts of existence are not at different times. There is no time reversibility as to go in reverse the entire change of configuration of existence would have to be stopped and put in reverse.

    Today's Closer To Truth Facebook page contained this peculiar piece of supposedly finite information:

    "How do you know what you know about divine beings? How do you know God exists? How do you know God doesn't exist? Nancey Murphy, philosopher and theologian at Fuller Theological Seminary, provides a Christian and academic perspective on theological epistemology." Watch the full series:

    I have posted this sensible comment at the website and on the Community Board and on my own Facebook page:

    When the finite question: How do you know (an invisible) God exists?" was submitted to the finite Google Search Engine, it elicited: "About 120,000,000 (supposedly finite) results (0.55 (finite) seconds)" When the finite question: "How do you know (an invisible) God doesn't exist?" was entered into the finite Google Search Engine, it yielded: "About 138,000,000 (supposedly finite) results (0.80 (finite) seconds)" But Nature could have provided only one INFINITE visible reality. There has only ever been, and there will only ever continue to be one unified INFINITE visible surface eternally occurring in one INFINITE dimension that am always mostly illuminated by one INFINITE sort of finite non-surface light.

    Joe Fisher, Fearless Realist