Essay Abstract

The most important thing is what Richard Feynman told us: "All things are made of atoms." We have had our observational senses enhanced by invention of microscope and telescopes, allowing us to seek answers to the deepest questions of today: including how was our Universe created and what is Physics of Chaotic Dark Energy? Today, unsupported by physics, is our poor cosmological concept that our Universe's atoms were created from a 'singleton' popping out of 'nothing' and consequently not well received. That indicates that we need to study atoms for a better explanation. Here assembled is a number of pertinent facts when properly arranged, allows us to understand atoms and how 'physics' of dark energy was employed before, during, and after Big Bang. Assembling some of these 13.8 billion year old spherical atoms into a match, when struck, emit light photons instantaneously at 186,282 miles per second, indicating that some energy must drive atom's orbiting electrons at light speed. We note that a very tiny gram's worth of ancient uranium atoms when properly configured for Fission; redirects its power source during a 'chain reaction' and destroys a city. Both atomic processes, fission and fusion, redirects power in star's atoms. Where is this tremendous redirected power coming from? The best consideration is Chaotic Dark Energy running prior to Big Bang, converged and created matter just like at Stanford Labs where a tiny amount of atomic matter was created by smashing massive energy beams in '97. Based on all above, plus more, we find that creation of our Universe was constructed out of Chaotic Dark Energy -vast, powerful, and timeless, existing prior to the Big Bang and continues to exist based on all the atoms in stars shinning in all the galaxies in our Universe. Science finds the tools Philosophy seeks the craftsman

Author Bio

I am an Observational and Theoretical Cosmologist pursuing independent research for the last 20 years that included some 22 conference presentations listed at my web site: and am the author of The Big Bang Book: How, Where, & When Demonstrated available at:

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7 days later

Dear Charles John Sven, in your essay you have well described black energy as, without substance generating our Universe. It's great that you made this world closed and without expansion or acceleration. However, talking about energy without its carrier is nonsense for physics, which should study precisely the motion of matter, and not abstraction (dark energy) that exists separately from it.

In the neocartesian generalization of modern physics, based on the identity of Descartes's space and matter, space is matter that moves relative to itself. It is the movement of space that creates a closed universe. The movement of space relative to itself is due to the fact that in nature there are no rectangular "bricks" from which a solid body of the Universe would be built, there is always a void between its parts, large and small, which fills the rest of the space with the speed of light (black holes) . Therefore, space is not passive, but an active medium, passing into the substance that forms the visible part of the Universe. The activity of space is characterized by the law of constancy of the flow of forces through the surface of closed neighborhoods of its points. This flux is equal to the product of the Planck constant by the speed of light - ch (Casimir force). It is Casimir's strength that explains the formula for the equivalence of mass and energy. I invite you to discuss my essay, in which I show the successes of the neocartesian generalization of modern physics, based on the identity of space and matter of Descartes: "The transformation of uncertainty into certainty. The relationship of the Lorentz factor with the probability density of states. And more from a new Cartesian generalization of modern physics. by Dizhechko Boris Semyonovich ".

    Greetings Dizhechko Boris Semyonovich :

    My work, using only common 3d physics, is the beginning description of Chaotic Dark Energy's [energy a substance equivalent to matter noted by Einstein] power role in the propagation of light photons which I describe and trace back and explain how our Universe's atoms were created, unexplained by any theory up to now.

    This first step opens up the door to deeper introspection of the nature of Chaotic Dark Energy.

    3 months later

    well said.brain builds universe.well deserved votes. I think my essay too,builds on and extrapolates from that. please take your time to rate/review my essay here-

    i cannot follow all the arguments there still it's reminding me of this and you don't mention in your essay about , some connections there, the same thing ?

    Greetings Marcovici:

    I apologize that my post is somewhat complex due to the number of basic common 3D physic elements not found in general cosmology that make up my presentation. I suggest that it might take several readings to keep all parts in perspective.

    This paper is a explosive expansion of the first chapter extracted from my book - The Big Bang Book: How, Where, & When Demonstrated available at Amazon. You might find this book easier to follow all the various parts along with the reference materials therein.

    I think that the links mentioned by you do not include the all the basic common 3D physics that I use and consequently come to different understandings.

    16 days later


    It was a great pleasure to find an essay speaking the same language as me. I see you to are an observational & theoretical cosmologist, so nor surprise we seem to be in agreement over so much. (I also liked your original format). Great to find another who can think beyond the 'Big bang' and naive 'expansion' model. You also derive something very similar to my own 'discrete field' model which leads to a cyclic cosmology of re-ionised 'dark' and condensed energy & matter. Top marks!

    I hope you get to read mine, which goes well beyond just cosmology in exploring the model's implications.

    Thanks for cheering e up. I needed that after being hit with a whole bunch of 1.0's! Is it cosmology that puts people off?

    Well done for yours. Hold on for the big whoosh!

    Very Best


    Greetings Peter Jackson:

    I'm glad that you find that we have so much in common.

    My desire was to explore cosmology and keep my descriptions

    as clear as possible.



    Greetings My name is Charles Sven:

    The basic problem with cosmology is that physics cannot account for our existence; the creation of our universe.

    What obscures that event is the reworking of Einstein's equations by Wilhem de Sitter, Alexander Friedman, and Georges Lemaître.

    What should raise a powerful red flag that their work obscures understanding is -- Friedman's 1923 notation - he writes "This brings to mind what Hindu mythology has to say about cycles of existence, and it also becomes possible to speak about the " creation of the world from nothing,"

    As if that wasn't enough we have Georges Lemaître's published comments in a 1931 letter to Nature magazine where he says IF! "If the world has begun with a single quantum," - HIS IF! becomes that singleton forming in de Sitters 1917 expanding space and according to - Friedman's Hindu myth -- out of nothing

    --- So much for reworked Einstein's general relativity.

    All I did was examine all we know about the closest thing to a singleton that we find on Earth --- the atom.

    And following Richard Feynman's method of attach; start from scratch - just use his most important tool -described by Einstein -in Einstein's 1921 address to science " the truth of physics and other natural sciences can only be established through observations or experiments."

    The result is this essay describing the physics of Dark Energy, - how we physically observe its existence, and describe the mechanical conversion of dark energy into atoms - This puts us at the time of the big bang physically observing the creation of our Universe with 3D physics. Mystery of creation solved!

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