Essay Abstract
The most important thing is what Richard Feynman told us: "All things are made of atoms." We have had our observational senses enhanced by invention of microscope and telescopes, allowing us to seek answers to the deepest questions of today: including how was our Universe created and what is Physics of Chaotic Dark Energy? Today, unsupported by physics, is our poor cosmological concept that our Universe's atoms were created from a 'singleton' popping out of 'nothing' and consequently not well received. That indicates that we need to study atoms for a better explanation. Here assembled is a number of pertinent facts when properly arranged, allows us to understand atoms and how 'physics' of dark energy was employed before, during, and after Big Bang. Assembling some of these 13.8 billion year old spherical atoms into a match, when struck, emit light photons instantaneously at 186,282 miles per second, indicating that some energy must drive atom's orbiting electrons at light speed. We note that a very tiny gram's worth of ancient uranium atoms when properly configured for Fission; redirects its power source during a 'chain reaction' and destroys a city. Both atomic processes, fission and fusion, redirects power in star's atoms. Where is this tremendous redirected power coming from? The best consideration is Chaotic Dark Energy running prior to Big Bang, converged and created matter just like at Stanford Labs where a tiny amount of atomic matter was created by smashing massive energy beams in '97. Based on all above, plus more, we find that creation of our Universe was constructed out of Chaotic Dark Energy -vast, powerful, and timeless, existing prior to the Big Bang and continues to exist based on all the atoms in stars shinning in all the galaxies in our Universe. Science finds the tools Philosophy seeks the craftsman
Author Bio
I am an Observational and Theoretical Cosmologist pursuing independent research for the last 20 years that included some 22 conference presentations listed at my web site: and am the author of The Big Bang Book: How, Where, & When Demonstrated available at: