marcovici alexandru

  • a month ago
  • Joined Apr 21, 2020
  • i have not looked and verified at the exact numbers i tend to believe is true

    all the forest that was in the 15 century is half the forest today

    a study case - the wide crop/ grains gathering tractor that has increased the quantity of production
    because the size is wide and favors flat surfaces this might have also favored deforstation
    what if this is being reinvented to handle crop inside forest, i mean the wide spread field crops should be mixed with forests and the tractor redesigned to go agile between trees

    forest capture carbon and brings rains
    this project is a proposal for plantation of a trillion tree
    i think is an emergency to plant trees (entire new forests)

    ---more links
    https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article/59/4/341/346941 how forest attract rain

    • Georgina Woodward
      Feynman .asked, in one of his lectlres, lecture Richard Feynman on Quantum Mechanics Part 1 - Photons Corpuscles of Light why it is necessary to add lots of little arrows to get the pobability anplitude. Now .the need to know where in the wave cyclr it makes sense.

      Feynman asked, in one of his lecture, Richard Feynman on Quantum Mechanics Part 1 - Photons Corpuscles of Light why it is necessary to add lots of little arrows to get the probability amplitude. Now .the need to know where in the wave cycle it makes sense.

      • never saw this argument (explicitly in this form) before with this details namely (for global warming /heating debate)

        people not wearing the right clothes waste heat,
        the- i'm not sure how- thermoregulation works in human i remember readings something about inner brain and kidney hormonal / circuits, if people sense better the temperature with the skin around the abdomen than having a thick cloth could mess up with the sensing of the surrounding

        in big cities this could be a problem imagine all the people taking a bus for example and having more clothes than needed this adds up to the kilograms of weight carried /displaced

        lets say since the early universe patches of universe are connected /entangled and can offer an instantaneous way to "communicate" with extraterestrials, is this a far fetched idea ? asuming superdeterminismtic reality , than little behaviors like: what outfit(clothes) did you put on yourself when going outside, or did you consciously saw or did something in a specific order, might have a relevance.

        i have made a comment a few months ago about encouraging people to pause , think and recapitulate often.

        still , if ET exists or not , maybe does not exist, so
        this could be called -living, making decisions, by composing with elements of the consciousness experience

        doing a jump returning to ecology, i would even say that,
        an organization like a space exploration agency , in my opinion , can have the authority and make happen, social experiments that say : we try to reduce this datapoint in a flowchart by 0.7 if you do this and that the following next years we will be paying attention., doing close monitoring

      • Intriguing , i would definitely take part if i can at this conference . How much time its lasting ?

      • tell or care, i wanted to edit, before you rushed to reply, im not convinced byy own reasoning / reached a clear result is a hunch.

      • Robert McEachern i have done excavations around what are the things that you mention, by seeing a couple of papers, i have not tried to remember/ understand exactly , however if by theorem , you refer to shanon capacity of communicating symbols, this does not tell much about the symbols/ states/ figures / distinctions,(things that end/change); a number is the outcome, and in a previous post ive said why numbers letters are bad . now i check to see. confirmed

        • letters and words are in the same category like the comment with numbers only here is a lot more complicated

          so imagine a device that can take and print pictures that zoom in or out magnify or minimize and those can replace parts of the text fast in a special typewriter , than after that there can be made extra links connecting the surface with various colors.

          firstly the human language does not need such complicated story telling
          secondly the human language does not need such complicated story telling

          human language has evolved in an environment with certain grammar based on voice and brain constraints
          to solve certain problems

          the environment is such that the actual language is more or less sufficient,
          maybe the fantasies match the complexity of the environment and culture
          why sci fi has not been written in the 15 century ?

          fantasies , play a role in generating and using artificial models , activate.use the imagination
          that is the first step in science for science new hypothesis generation

          what is the pathway towards better imagination ,
          computer programs externalize / multiply the imagination , the control is those who program them
          that fixes certain imagination structures, by having programable hardware that uses letters is a huge impairmant

          some care only about the result , some wants imagination options i'm in the second category

          the units off measure used in physics are connected with the entire discussion
          more fantasy might mean more complicated/ advanced science

          All that physicists can say is that IF some numbers change, THEN other numbers will instantly change, so that there is no violation of the ratios/ mathematical relationships that physicists have experimentally found to exist. But physicists can’t explain the “IF” bit: why any number would ever change in the first place, and why the numbers would continue to change.

          drop a rock in a water pond lots of changes happens without any number

          Life is like one bad adventure. however the graphics is unmatched
          what would be a physics engine based on physical hardware like mixing two solutions that do all the" number calculations"
          so i look in to doing hyper graphics maybe related with language/ (inventing new interaction), what it would be the best for me given my actual experience and goals ?

          will make a few days , maybe a week pause of verifying what is written here on this forum, i assume that among readers are people that can understand and help.

          at the admission at a math bachelor in 2017 ive tried to solve/explain all the problems without any letters, only with sequence of drawings. if the admission hat one or two extra hours i would have completed all the tasks.

          the problem i had was how i should explain with no letters that i'm solving with drawings, typically for example in a geometry problem there are names with letters for the sides of a figure so i used a type of naming with no letters , the problem that an admission like that assume (reading ability)( speech comprehension so the first step was to show how i understand the request than to actually show lots of transofrmations for drawings , than solving the equations with no algebra , because the request was in a way evident after the reading and the drawing showed all the answers to first part of the test , i had to make pathways of evident geometrical transformations that are typically called a proof , the result of that exam was under the necessarily minimum for passing the test .

          confirming what is the expected result is a communication bias caused by react quickly language / behavior/ habits , there is no intent in developing a communication in itself, only the message matter.

          💬 abcdEfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqRstuvwxyz 🗨️

          💬 👂🗨️

          • i'm going to say something with voice, tongue teeth, and face , look at the other person if he is listening , use the ear to listen to my own voice and to the response about 5 second with ten words after that i will wait about 2,3 second for a reply,
          • we have a video streaming platform where people can make videos sound and images and other can writte comments
            example 3
          • we are a respectable institution we evaluate prospective students at the highest standards using written tests
            example 4
          • we are a research lab with advanced terminology and technology

          here i'm changing the subject
          a problem is that once you understand this interfaces there could be an intent to fake ,
          so in a one to one conversation a fake smile is detectable because m the wire circuitry is for smile is closer to emotional
          center and a fake one could make a detour ,

          the genuine association of the code(language) with the internal (emotional) states
          , looked from outside how this appear and unveil and what roles plays the self awareness

          is the message really meant or not (human problems)

          in the visual abstract realm anything can be a meaning (for a species of extraterrestrials with high levels of imagination)
          especially simple codes can be ambiguous (some simple codes might not because they spell emergency)
          what enviroment would force et to have visual communication

          if people in the 14 century had maps and made exchange to navigate territory, with the horse/ elephant or by sea or river

          maybe the octopus ET live on a liquid planet like lava lamp soup that has always changing territory , with dangerous regions to be avoided while traveling, and the communications must include always changing maps to avoid and adapt

          the fixed placement of resources for humans also fixes the communication of maps .
          a human is not simply just a human is also the territory he comes from/ lives/ feed, and buildings like an invisible leash/ root . the same static attitude (imovable ) may be applicable to language of mathematics

          doing math means to know how to use brain resources (because those are necessarily) , is an expensive activity
          to develop special attention skills , rare and precious, not redundant and flexible.

        • tinnitus is an attention refocus condition , learning to isolate the sensation is a first step towards coping with it
          is a way of forgetting that is there , like forgetting that you have legs or a face until you don't move or bring it to the conscious attention,

          maybe something similar can happen with physical reality such that there are inaccessible realms because the governing groups interacting attention is focused on other processing, and ignore potentially obvious

          at the interface between neuroscience and quantum research

          does reality/ consciousness, has an edge / surface ?

          this surface/ or volume might be with hills and valleys , caves or bridges
          what is this relief made of? constraints in the space of actions

          so going in weirder than usual places might be just a refocus shift of attention
          external viewpoint ,- i am in the movie of my life attitude
          using all the experiences to learn as much as possible maybe
          or using all the life-data given like in a math proof ,
          when you are stuck and you dont know what is the next step check if al the memories data have been used
          if something seems random ( it might be from a relfex of ignoring to survive )

          if used at maximum all the choices given reality might statr to pixelize, time to flow entirely backward.

          changing the subject

          lets say there is a connection * between accelerated universe expansion and the number of humans and this connection can be probed only with a 1000 year experiment . the more people wants the faster the universe is accelerating :))

          * someone
          already had a similar idea

          why not considering a 5 billions years delays and some remapping of scales life is a serious issue , is affecting the past retro causally

          an other idea is about historical past-future disbalance ( or hidden symmetry)
          for example
          most of the famous physicist that worked on development of quantum theory were doing their activity before the widespread of television

          the order of physical discoveries(history) might tell something of physical nature

          maybe every moment in the past is exactly the same like every moment in the future

        • references from various sources
          a)it's easier to explain quantum mechanics to an absolute beginner than to a classical physicist
          b) error correcting code at the hearth of quantum mechanics
          c) locality space or time
          d) empty space at the atom level
          e)universe vastness

          abcde) it may be therefore, reasonable to try to imagine what if human flight or telekinesis is possible by some not yet known means ; why humans and not bees or lizards ostrich or walrus or ants ?, and after answering that , next question how would such magic could be possible ?

          infinite sequence of finite fields
          firstly with lifeless objects
          lets say there is a certain order of movements(physical actions/ measurements changes,) of an inanimate object
          that can release/ or unlock a special properties

          considering only movements, like on a board game , where to start, there are lots of objects that can be moved and also lots of various ways those movements can happen. it is there something with minimal effort that anybody at a desk can do or it is needed special vehicles with speed control,

          than comes the animate why/how would reality care about what happens with the animate or inanimate?

          maybe there are symmetries or other rules for this caring, like going out of moving sands, if a person moves to fast is being abducted, only by certain pressure balance swimm on surface float is there a possible escape

          this time only considering an entire universe , if the universe is like the cube- a horror movie, with only a solution find it or not

          or the entire universe body has some way to start small and find a smaller subset of the solution (with detectable reactions) (of transforming the entire itself ) or there is only a reverse action for all at once

          why would there be an apparent 13 billion years of evolution ,if we are stuck in a simulation

          is the mechanism that links consciousness to physical reality unique? is this link stronger or weaker, what are the characteristics of this links, can i use words /sentences to describe those characteristics?

          does consciousness/ (layer of simultaneous causality) apply equally to al objects (things observed by consciousness play an active role in the consciousness itself)an all encompassing substrate, how does the study of consciousness affect the consciousness?, are there a reason for a strong local appearance ?

          what is a question , what would an ET language questions be ?

          is language like a telescope to random sample choices? are there other such interacting mechanism that extract choices out of reality,

          are humans life detectors for choices like particle detectors in an accelerators,

          do all of this choices grows / gathers/ have an interconnected effect?
          can ai be built to have such similar degree of freedom
          how would communication look if the decision /thought process is not opaque
          would that lead to a better understanding of a random seed substrate that generate those thoughts

          are there random social experiments
          how can utility be maximized / optimized for any particular placement of atoms ?

          is any reaction (words) a measure/quantification of past experience?

          does a deaf language has a blurred/ different , higher level experience

          is there an uncertainty (knowledge) principle, manifold surface for doing science in terms of consciousness

          does reality consciousness, has an edge / surface

        • roughly speaking a communication medium has things that can be varied (abc)

          a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c
          a b c a b c🇦 b c a b c a b c a b c 🇧 a b c a b c a b c a
          a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c

          a person has to use the things that can be varied to explain those things
          that cannot be varied and constitute the message. ( ABC)
          (ABC) = (relA(abc),relB(abc),relC(abc))

          a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c
          a b c a b c🇦 -------ABC------- 🇧 a b c a b c a b c a
          a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c

          the number of #(abc) to chose from is much larger >> than the number of messages # (ABC)

          it is unfortunate that the symbols typically chosen are from some alphabets
          that interfere with sound based communication

          why would changing them it every time :
          would be a good thing ?-for practicing general pattern recognition maybe even notation hybridization and symbiosis
          and a bad thing? -for focusing on the deciphering and not how it relates with other knowledge

        • resource factors

          the sensation i have when i write is like the edges and corners of meaning , stretching in many ways to make clear room for the ideas , if i am to make a histogram with all the words used my vocabulary is constrained an limited

          if i have an idea,, and i dont want to store(reinforce ) it in the written form i have other techniques for memorization like for example writing with objects ( placing them in various positions) and repeating the thought idea until it is fixed
          other people practice a techniques with telling a story ,
          slightly related comment
          an image about a few megabytes has more memory than my entire vocabulary possible in all languages i know
          this is something i think often

          imagine type of handwriting that recapitulate many of the memories with a certain word/ idea that is much slower, higher bandwidth for each word ,
          and this handwriting has lots of hooks, or binding points that can be expanded at will in a sideway meanings or they are connected across horizontally

          now speaking of a visual with drawings handwriting
          if the meaning is in the actual shapes and the drawing techniques
          who would care if a line has a certain slope and not an other or if i have used a special drawing instrument

          so its a problem of caring ,( giving any dams) about a specific content of communication.

          if people talks nobody say, wow you have pronounced this word with a nice sounding melody.

          the same with draw-writing : this three figures are well aligned and at the right size and colors, is it the angle between the center of figures also part of the message ( question asked by drawing /animating the same with different angles)

        • there are lots of people that have a phone that can be used for sound voice conversation ,
          i have a phone. 📱

          why nobody is calling me, (where is everybody?)

          to compare it with a neural network that does a split of the (visual )input in to multiple area of processing

          lets say e person receiving calls and making calls is like a neuron that fire a signal to other neurons if there are enough input neurons , lets say the flow of electricity goes from axon to dendrites , maybe neurons don't fire back to the incoming signals only forward and if there are other intermediary neurons that return to the original point than it could be considered a firing back , so in order for a human phone conversation to look like a neuronal signaling it might be necessarily to have more persons to intermediate the message

          +ro 0726841334 (insist,i if don't answer first time)

          this question is sociologically related how a person makes friends , what are the habit of talks
          at the moment only the phone operator knows who i talk with on the phone , what if there could be something more
          nuanced and differently balanced such that no people get to talk to much nor no people get to be completely silent
          the social webs makes easy to talk to strangers using letters, is the phone that special in that respect when interacting with new people. if i am on a street i can see how a person behave with others, the web let that thing only to system administrators. there isnt a phone medium where a person can have at least hints of what / how other are using their phone.

          as a rule of thumb nobody is cutting his own vital sources, and try to strengthen them with every occasion

          this is strongly connected with the use of voice, that has a vital role in enforcing many relations
          for example just staying silent when a person talks is still a communication with voice

          the fact that nobody is calling (or other types interaction with) me even there is a super connected (inter) network i see it like a design flaw .

          in an other extreme would be everybody to have something like a table with all the conversation of people around one km

          imagine learning neuroscience visiting a giant theme park with roads in shape of neuronal pathways,
          at the end of the visit receiving an graduation diploma.

        • \\==//
          = 🚗 = LOS

          los (namen los /without name , sprechen los/ without speech, [de] /[en])

          car [en] los[de] 🔀 without [en] verkehr[de]

          in the normal use of language means getting used with a certain sets of metaphors, that we call words
          and those are being assembled in typical ways, to create other larger scale metaphors (that are the higher level meaning of sentences

          if there is a forcing that try to connect unusual metaphors higher level of meanings are at risk of to not appear at all or the meaning is not unique,

          in order to try to understand what (if anything)

          by making vague comments(and no specific question) i cannot refine / or change the metaphors towards a closer approximation that will make you better understand

          i could perfectly assume that you don't understand any of the words and need to have patient to explain it each individually,

          in the last few month i have written a few thousands words! there are a lots of drawings to be made!
          if shall stop writing any more , otherwise i won't be able to catch up.

        • This is physics’ Achilles heel: as I say in my essay, physics can’t explain why the numbers are changing, i.e. why the world is moving and changing.

          heading towards a destination is giving a support sensation for counting ,
          this action is the first major accomplishment for any human: to stand and to walk ,
          unfortunately, (what we are given2) (with1), we are stuck ! 1 2
          || \ _ 💐
          | \
          |_ |_ ,,,,,,,,;,,,;,,,,,;,,,,;,,,,,;,;,,,,,;,
          1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

          it may be that seeing the world(universe) with numbers ,
          physicists accomplish rocky soil stabilization in slope engineering for mountain roads,
          each number is like a metal rod needle that keep the soil fixed , there is an idea of what happens(what is) in between the fields of parallel rods , the actual content is only an hypothesis and cylindric tube of the material have to be /removed/ bored , to replace it with numbers spikes

          the (numberlines) spikes are not sharp at the end, instead are like thread cones wider and wider and heavy the more distance they travel/ extend.
          pointing towards the edges of the (knowledge )universe

          🦩 ,,;,,,,,;,;,,;,,,,,;,,,;,,,,,;,;🥀

        • What is seen and Pythagoras theorem applied to is observer generated product ,not the objective physics happening between the mirrors.

          qu antic quity phenomena , as a figure of speech you can start a phrase by any words and still make the desired sense (arrive at the intended meaning) by the end of the sentence/phrase by search the right adjusting words; in a way this is similar with how the ancient Greeks search/eager for beauty, mistakenly/erroneously made their measurement of distances with, simple -easy to handle -instruments, entails more or less universal properties.

          • marcovici alexandru

            also in last years since i've started writing english more than usual i have sound letter tongue sensations
            i knew it was going to happen before started doing it , this comes from previous expereince with completely imersion in a computergame played many hours , and the interface was like a shadow background audio visual experience.

            this language connection is much stronger than a computer game played for 300 hours because it has ramifications in previous past experience and native language or first learned foreign language ,

            just having a teacher in front of a classroom speak from time to time and making students speak also by themselves one after the other , its not a good idea
            however if you go if you try to have conversations with foreigners and those don't manifest any interest in to teaching and correcting mistakes its a lesser kind of good idea

            so far an experience to language only to hear and write and not to speak at all
            what other combinations might be possible

            to read and get used to language in the wrong voice

            imagine giving books to foreign people and teaching them the that letter have other sounds they have, how much sense those book will make ?
            (there are constraints on vocals and consonants so a recombination could happens only interchanging vocals |(aeiou )|! 120 * |(bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz)|!= 5.1090942e+19, is a smaller number because some letters cannot follow others

            the same with mathematics trying to learn mathematics only from books (written in a certain historical interval), not seeing the actual Realtime maneuvering is a harder logic puzzle than its might seems

            if i am to work on inventing new language ,
            there is an entire list with things that has to be adapted ,
            means activities that i shall do or do not

            lets say i want to do mathematics , and a specific knowledge is written with letters

            first of all to clarify the way i've tried to learn is to not remember the names and use those to replicate the behavior,

            this is a primary asumption of teaching : the replication of terminology across generations
            first of all to clarify the way i've tried to learn is to not remember the names and use those to replicate the behavior,

            than a wave of pollution has spread across internet ,
            ha do you want to use this knowledge, is free, but you have to pay in other modes of existance

            to be able to focus on the actual problem a person has to do adaptation/ cleansing work

            a book also has the same problem to a much lesser degree ,
            but if you are a person that has arrived at the conclusion that letters are bad ,
            than there is a certain weird impossible situation.
            what am i supposed to do ?

            why letters are bad : more reasons

            lets look at the deciphering process

            the --reading ---------------- is-----------an eye -- movement with --- certain ---stops
            there is not really a standard for how to do those things
            they clutter together easily
            people care only to understand them dancing - after that they are easily discarded (the dance is forgotten)
            the symbols are fixed separated and create connections only at the perception level
            those are filtered / intermediated by the sound spectrum of experience,
            there are only two colors usually black and white,

            they are made only with thin lines ,
            that are well rooted in occupying most of the surface surrounding them like a concrete sponge and
            cannot be overlapped because they create confusion and loose their meaning of existence
            [QqWwEeRrTtYyUuIiOoPp AaSsDdFfGgHhJjKkLl ZzXxCcVvBbNnMm]
            some of them keep an area with no exits
            they are flatlanders

            create/self impose narrow mind states roads flows by the
            way words are composed and ready to connect with the other words

            they are not bad in themselves per se is the way they are transmitted, and small deficiencies are overamplified.
            and shape larger structures (socially )
            shape individual structure for example overamplifying intentions and mixing signals
            or by bounding the actual thought process, for example abstracting mind states
            they made their way through various medium , and they created their own -a medium of letters for letters
            slowed the apparitions of other symbols/ interactions modes ,with their dryness potentially overaccelerated apparition of image 🖼️ and video 📹️ creating a false separations between other areas of visual communications like (A, +,1)
            sound only visual only etc


            real objects 🟰🌩️ultra overly separated/divided 🌩️ 🟰 name of objects

            something similar can be said about the production
            part except that here for example here i could type on a keyboard with my eue closed, and not verify what i have actually written , or hand write with the same features.
            why bother create symbols that are complex/different to use
            there is a sweet spot of writing at the speed of thoughts, that imply either slowing or accelerating the writing or the thoughts, just because there is doesn't mean it could not be different.

            (also sweet spot in scientific writings is not really a case) i'm not sure if some complex with various decipher graffiti would be a good idea ,

            still the writings as it is offers a hard to brake pattern uniformity for the eyesight,
            maybe emoji /emoticons might be the way to start doing changes 🐙, maybe there are other viable models with different sweetspots for doing the things around communication. interaction

          • the main idea was that writing and reading is -like you have said

            I have almost always practiced only alphabetic forms of language.

            something practiced, and we have been habituated/ only in to a certain format of it that has something to do with our sound based communication.

            if the theme/ title of the essay would have been different i would have basically made the same essay only replacing a few words ,

            i wrote the words and at the same time thought of some images
            the pandemics started halfway through the end date has been extended an other two-three weeks
            and the second half i had time to work more on the drawings

            that have changed a little since the original fast image with letter writing formulation ,
            because when you look at a single word in a phrase for more than an hour the initial mind image get to be improved altered

            the drawings are made with the mouse under close look-up , where the control of the shape is made by Bezier points , moving and adjusting the bezier point until the desired shape is obtained ,if i am to count how many mouse clicks i have made for each letter there there are estimate 50-100 mouse actions ,so many that i had back pain

            at the end some regrets not ending in clear a neutral tone maybe even positive optimistic.
            or to stick with the idea of word with images till the end

            for example an image missing was something with buildings and a street with a night sky, or the graphs simplex sequences is made in isolation there i could have made some ramifications also at the edges

            and a something to do with actual theme of the essay namely a protein doing something like a matrioshka , the end date was coming fast i lost patience and filled the entire thing at the end , not having in mind anything specific
            the references initially sold have been spread all around the essay

            the idea of not using digits at all i wanted to evidentiate clearly , there is a number only in a place and that is the cesium standard for timekeeping,

            when people watch video online there is like a voice and something happening video editing etc
            though there is a main huge disatvantage if i watch such a video i 'm unable to communicate back with the authors

            matching writing with images is more in the area of story board or comics bande desinee and has other advantages

            only if i have the intuition and the same tools that the authors have used to make it (if it is only one author)
            in case of a movie there are entire team and this is a many to one communication ,imagine standing on a podium scene stage and all the crew(actors/ behind the camera director etc) of the movie speaks at the same time for two hours and you can understand all what they say/ express

            in the case of a book /article there is a reverse only one author with an amplified voice heared by an entire public.

            (many to one relation, this one is not unique however in case of movie, versus one/few to many in case of book) ,

            going at school there isn't simply just a communication student teacher, also the ministry participate in the conversation, the people that establish what is supposed to be learned are also in the background
            and the teacher's own past and values. if the teacher say go home and for homework play that computergame up to some chapter , than also the programming team dev are a conversation members

            if the computergame is not to be played at home instead in some special arranged place in a park ,
            bla bla bla etc complex scenario situations

            returning to language, lets say that all grammar rules are completely abolished, and never to be verified in any formal nor informal setting, what would that lead to ( or there is some system with new rules and institutions designed specially made to make language and interactions evolve ) for this it would be interesting to see how close country s languages interacted and appeared

            to change subject to extraterestrial languages i imagined at some point a species that has some ...
            hmm how to say it ?, slow communication and fast communication at the same time ,so there is a very harsh environment that has lots of problems to be solved so there is like a puzzle that is assembled slowly in every conversations, unlike the spoken language where the voice is always fast changing, imagine having a second background voice that repeats the same thing until only something significant happens to change the thing that is repeated; in this example a hat , repeat itself , if the hat has a Velcro based in sign that can be changed than is starting to get closer to the image ,if there are many such replaceable insgin pieces they start to create an image like a pixel based screen, to return to the theme of this place, imagine a person (scientist)v that has an entire library carried around and ( all the articles that he has published are like a superhero mantle ) and each time he meets someone he make little revisions in some places or other.

            bach accordion play
            https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqMA-N1ggds

            and knowing sign language for second language interaction.
            https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hAhxaCJ-gw

            🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰 🟰

            the language of (browser website address video) links

            i mean, this is an other extreme ...
            why bother writing any sentences ? when i could just send links?

            so i imagined people read the essay and they sended the links of it to to other people , or even had reacted telld/ told stories to other people using voice language

            https:// www.youtube.com/shorts/voAtPv_mpXI

            tv head

            i ve started watching tv many hours a day since 1995 then lan games than up to 2005 with the first pc with internet, always available sources of media/info consumption and nothing that was extracting the same thing from my mind has inspired me to start thinking about extraterrestrials that communicate with images./ videointeracting

            i dont want to practice keyboard letter typing in principle any more)
            when something gets habituated it is posible to return to a mindstate where that learned thing seems strange and unusual i'm not sure is there a trainable procedure to obtain that evrytime
            for example
            i had a dream when moving the mouse sensation with the hand was disconnected from what appeared to be on a screen as if the hand/arm index fingers/ was somehow separated from the body and the eyes were doing the screen movement,
            also in last years since i've started writing english more than usual i have sound letter tongue sensations
            i knew it was going to happen before started doing it , this comes from previous expereince with completely imersion in a computergame played many hours , and the interface was like a shadow background audio visual experience.

            this language connection is much stronger than a computer game played for 300 hours because it has ramifications in previous past experience and native language or first learned foreign language ,

            • a comparison i have made is of floating boats , imagine instead of a blackboard or white board that can hold on ink or chalk maybe in a little bits of layers of various nuance that have to be erased all over at once with a wet/dry eraser/sponge,

              there could be a writing method with a little depth water basin and the symbols (not letters) are floating at various depth such that there is a writing in space not just in lines and where the n-arry relationships can be explicitly made with strings of thin plastic or suspended ink that are easy to reconfigure and replaced

              by changing the management of symbols standard medium , it is possible that also different science could emerge.

            • a special -education/science career- case is for the people that are blind
              not discussing the cover of the ears
              this brings a layer of difficulty for educational materials

              how could a blind be learning geometry intuitively ,
              i had the chance to discuss with a blind that has completed university , and he had no knowledge of geometry ,
              there are special teaching materials, i think there is a lot more that can be done.
              (first thing that comes to mind is moving fine surfaces like a screen)

              in the same spirit why not having full education with eyes covered, for the people having good vision*

              this is a sensory focused ( specialized education ) social environment design.

              there is a special attention given to mobility /accessibility ( for the ability to stay upright bipedal)
              why not even more investment in what is in the domain of senses. (language and thoughts)

              • the rationale for it is that just by seeing something the mind perception is changed,

              to extreme imagine a scenario where a group of individuals has some kind of tradition/ convention to see only a certain type of thing once a month (maybe some math proofs for example, the rest of the time to be eyes covered ,
              this is a kafkaesque self imposed prison like scenario,
              placing it in a good light there could be valuable lessons for the mind

              eyesight play a major role in cognition, the problem is that by evolutionary design the stream of image with proper healthy functioning eyes is like a broken switch , always on , the same happens with the ears
              imagine a person that decide to open and close alternatively left eye/ear and right eye/ear so long he is awake ,
              is there something unique in such an exhausting activity that teach all the others valuable lessons?

              what other experimental extremes are possible in this realm ? (and worth trying)

              back to blind with ear covered,
              a puzzling question is how a blind mirror could recreate a close / equivalent experience with that of a sighted person ?

              except for the color of objects , other educational environment aspects are surprisingly similar to those necessarily for a deaf, the thing that is in common- namely the interaction/communication with the external words by hands

            • I think it would be more helpful to have a different name for 'light' .

              an extreme would be to have a new name for each instance of light

              in a way this happen anyway because the rest of the words of the sentence containing the word light
              could be considered a coordinate system,

              🔒️Ithinkitwouldbemorehelpfultohaveadifferentnamefor 🔒️ ( 'light' )

              i just noticed first time, a thing of the English language , that by adding the letter F to the word , the new word has something to do with birds, why is that only now.( this conversation) ?
              because i never used the word to type it on keyboards. in other conversations, i could verify maybe i did but not paying attention to how is written.
              function of light
              f (light)

              the English light travel like a bird zwischen locations A and B
              i used/typed source of light above

              yes ! there is an other meaning akin to easy to hold/ carry for the same word
              this proves that i haven t used English language to learn physics/ optics.

              verifying the email i have used it in an email in 2021 , not alone the word
              light bulb ,is taken like an entire thing in the memory ,
              this is an idea for education i had before last year
              people learn words at school that are composed as such out of many particles words
              and by using them with time they obtain new meanings
              so to resume/ conclude (maybe repeat)
              |(designing education with) a gradual reveal of meaning by the way words are structured and learned and used over |time.
              |what does this mean ?
              are there alternatives ?