Thank you Johnathan,I look forward to your further thoughts. At the beginning I'm setting out the background, which is not the space-time continuum, the visible or observable universe or a probability space.I could have simplified that section further by having a numbered glossary of terms. I think getting a clear understanding of tense is the biggest hurdle.
1, Configuration of all existing = Object universe ( Not visible or observable).
2. Uni-temporal Now (-Now) , temporal expression of 1., the one and only same foundational time everywhere.
3. i. changes continually, all is recycled into the new 1., giving foundational passage of time. Records, relics and memory storage are all parts of the structure of 1., not a separate past
4.No Material past or future prevents temporal paradox. An Open/ unwwritten/ non existing material future allows true agency.
5. Potential sensory inputs sin the environment allow non simultaneity of observed events= [potential] pre- written future(pertaining to observation products, not material existence
6. Observation product, part of Image reality.Observer generated using received input.
7. Seen content= Present. Temporal expression =now. Identifying the content of an observers reference frame to be observer generated products makes the paradoxes where observers see a different 'reality' intuitive , not paradoxical.
8. Beable = element of Object reality (material reality), independent of observation or measurement p. Cf: observation product =element of Image reality. Reality interface, where input from external material Object reality is processed into Image reality observation products.
The above may provide a quick reference tool.
Till later, regards, G.