Professor Peter Corke, Professor of Robotic Vision at QUT, explains on the QUT Robot Academy web site, that when there is perspective projection from the 3D [outside] world to a 2D image, one dimension is in his words lost. Looking at the Human 3D perception page a number of ways in which that 'lost' dimension is 're-imagined' are listed. "Occlusion, height in visual field, relative size, texture density, aerial perspective, binocular disparity, accommodation, convergence and motion perspective. Each of these is explained on the afore mentioned site. I think it fair to say that in these ways a virtual-spatial perspective dimension is perceived. Virtual in the sense of a virtual image that seems to be in space where the brain thinks it should be from the input received. Vertical and horizontal dimensions are actual spatial dimensions of the image. As the 3rd 'spatial' dimension of the image is virtual the imagined apparent 3D space shown by the image is virtual-Image reality space-time. That is the seen present and that differs between different observer perspectives. I think this must have some relevance to Relativity and how the transforms are conducted to give the different observer viewpoints. They are not different present slices of an external space-time continuum but clearly observer generated products.

The seen present is not an image of a singular uni-temporal time. There is an (I suppose it should also be called virtual) time dimension, in the same virtual orientation as the virtual perspective dimension. Related to transmission time of the signal from which the image is formed. Not related to foundational passage of time (change in the configuration of all existence.). As this is seen the relationship to foundational passage of time is indirect. Being related by updating of the seen visual field image. Which is not done all over at once.. So there will be further disparity between the arrangement of the content of external space and the perceived. What the individual's attention is focused on (affecting updating rate) is particular to that individual and the circumstances being observed. If a device, the updating may be all at once but vary in rate for different devices. Whether organism's visual system or device's the different iterations sequentially produced do not match exactly the material configurations that are sources of the EM inputs.The products are not 3D Cartesian, nor such Euclidean space with 4th perpendicular time dimension, nor Minkowski space-time. That circles in the external material reality can be seen as ovals and parallel lines be seen as converging, and foreshortening of seen 'objects' seem important when thinking about what different observers of the same events will see.

How is the translation between what are the different inertial observer's views, with their particular samplings of foundational time (samples of signals received from the ever changing configurations of existence) to be reconciled with motion perspective and transmission time dimension?

That might seem a complicated question. It' about the virtual spatial dimension and virtual transmission time dimension of the observation products. Seen 'objects' are not all perceived equidistant from the observer along the z virtual dimensions orientation. Motion perspective is such that 'objects'and environment seen to be distant are seen to move more slowly than 'objects' and environment perceived to be nearer, as the observer moves. z dimensions virtual distance from observer must have an effect on the perceived relative velocities in the horizontal orientation relative to the observer. And there must be an effect on perceived velocity when that motion is at some angle having x and z vector components.

I'm thinking there may already be an answer to this from the field of Robot vision or from computer film or games animation 'physics'. 3D animation programs such as Unity and Maya have 'physics' that can be applied to creations.I think Blender too. All of them allow different camera views which automatically change how the creation appears. If the answer is not already in those fields, I think it is amenable to experiment. Back to basics rods and clocks

4 days later

Dear Georgina Woodward, has allowed me to upload an updated version of my essay Why Can't Y'all See The ONE Thing I See? because of the change in the competition submission date. I would appreciate it if you could find the time to read my updated version and perhaps leave a comment about it.

Joe Fisher

5 days later


Wanted to let you know that I updated my essay and uploaded it a few minutes ago. Personally I feel that it is greatly improved. I did rate yours on 3/20, giving it a good rating, feeling it was one of the better ones.

Please check mine out if you have time. Such honest, No BS, reviews are needed by all of us.

Jim Hoover

4 days later

Observation products have to have their own dimensions, which hare not the dimensions of external reality. They have to maintain their orientations and the distribution of their units. That being because they form a mapping (of information obtained by processing of electromagnetic input) and are not, nor are part of, the external, uni-temporal, material reality and so are unaffected by what happens to the content of external material reality.

The orientation of the dimensions of observation products, and distribution of their units must also be independent of the manner in which the signals (that give rise to the sensory information used in generation of the observation product) is received. The mapping given by the dimensions is of the product, after processing, not of the process of potential sensory information receipt.

Hi Georgina,

Good to see you back, and with such a nice, fun, readable essay. You already know I'm right behind you with your message having discussed it so much with you in the past.

I confess to getting a little confused at first over beables, being so familiar with John Bells slightly different specification. At one point you equated them with observables, wearas Bell used them as; "be-ables as against observables"('Speakable..' p52). Your beables as against 'measurables' is subtly different, I just had to 're-programme' a little, but I find that good exercise.

I have it down for a good score. It seem to have been hit with the same 1.0 score as mine so expect a hike shortly, though I'm sure you don't hold out to much hope of most others seeing the argument, as usual!

I hope you'll get to mine, which I think is seminal this year, rebuilding coherently from improved foundations up. It's very 'dense' (again!) so do ask any questions.

Very best. And stay safe.


    Peter, thanks for reading the essay and for your comments. Bell's use of the word differentiates those things that are subject to observation or measurement, as opposed to those things that are as they are such as the arrangement of the apparatus, its calibration and settings.

    How my usage of "beable" differs: My premise is that all existing things, elements of Object reality, are in their 'wild' condition beables that are as they are, without applied context and perspective. In order to conduct a measurement, what will be measured and how it will be done must be decided. Having established those constraints there is now an observable (something that can be measured) on which the measurement relationship can be established -resulting in a measurement state or value for the particular aspect of the observable selected for investigation. The measured state or value comes into being upon measurement. For example, it is known from relativity that the velocity of an object depends on the relation between observer and observed . Its singular magnitude does not pertain to the object alone, unobserved. In this way there is differentiation between "wild" beables (that are as they are, unobserved), mentally constrained observable, measurable ( particular aspects of the observable that can be measured), and measurements or observations (outcomes of the measurement process). Perhaps it is helpful to think of the observable as a collection of measurables, which may or may not be selected for measurement-rather than a "wild" entity. "Wild "meaning both unconstrained and of many possible values/states, like a wild card or Scrabble blank.

    Georgina, Yes, I like your "wild Beables". But I hope they're not dangerous!

    One thing leapt out at me (a bit like a wild Beable!), You wrote;

    " is known from relativity that the velocity of an object depends on the relation between observer and observed ."

    Which I'd dispute! Can I suggest it should more properly have been; "The Special Theory of Relativity suggests that the velocity of an object depends on the relation between observer and observed".

    That has 2 important difference, 1) SR is still a 'THEORY', and..

    2) because the object can be doing a certain propagation speed in a medium, and two observers approaching it at different speed CAN'T change that velocity until they meet and interact! (whereon it's the same speed c/n with respect to each). So it's 'wild' as your Scrabble blanks until used.

    5 days later

    Peter, thank you for contemplating what I wrote.It would have been better if I had stated that measured velocity is not absolute but always relative. It depends upon the sensory input obtained by the observer, which depend upon the where/when of the observer.

    You wrote" because the object can be doing a certain propagation speed in a medium," Peter. I'd says it has an un-certain propagation speed, as the speed found depends upon how it is measured. If un-measured the speed attribute has not been acquired. You wrote "two observers approaching it at different speed CAN'T change that velocity "Peter. I agree your two approaching observers do not alter the unmeasured motion of the beable object. But they do obtain different sensory input, processed into different observation products, showing different relative speeds.

    Dear Georgina,

    You must be tired!

    Reading your essay I am struck by the number of references to 'the uni-temporal Now', which as you observe, Einstein messed up bigly with his multiple-time-based 'relativity of simultaneity' leading to 4D-ontology with no NOW.

    I hope you will enjoy my current essay, Deciding on the nature of time and space, which provides strong support for this crucial aspect of your model, and does it based on an argument that also fits with your observation-based model.

    I believe this will strengthen your model considerably, since you do appear to need the uni-temporal Now'. Please let me know your opinion.

    Best regards,

    Edwin Eugene Klingman


      I just saw your comment on another thread:

      "Trying to fit presentism and the block universe together is like forcing jigsaw pieces together."

      Wonderful! One must make a metaphysical choice of an ontology. Acting as if both are real is a formula for failure.

      Thanks Edwin. I am, though, showing how there can be non-simultaneity from the point of view of different observers of the same event, a happening in material reality -Now. There is -Now, which is the same time everywhere (really real) and the Present now, which is the unique products of processing newly received 'sensory' input.The Object, beable, reality and the observation product Image reality are different but work together without contradiction. As organisms, and observing devices are part of Object reality, their observation p products (image realities) are within Object reality but do not show Object reality as it is. The dimensions of the two kinds of space are different for example.

      Georgina Woodward re-uploaded the file Woodward_The_castle_and_ele.pdf for the essay entitled "The Castle and elephants; Indescribable, undecidable, un-computable, and unpredictable" on 2020-04-16 05:27:22 UTC.


      Universal simultaneity is the same time everywhere; the universe is evolving in the present now. Of course observers only experience distant simultaneity when they are the exact midpoint between two simultaneous distant flashes. My essay treats the different dimensions you mentioned. I think you'll enjoy the essay and I look forward to any comments

      Edwin Eugene Klingman

      Hi Edwin, as you will see from my previous reply I differentiate between the Present now, and Unitemporal -Now. Present, now is the 'what and when' pertaining to products of observation. Experienced if an organism; produced and maybe output by an observing device. Unitemporal-Now is the foundational time, which is temporal expression of the entire configuration of existing things.

      I have been busy updating my own essay. I more clearly indicate how it addresses the set topic. I've also added further explanation of my use of 'beable' and the dimensions of observation products.