Hi to both of You, dear Eckard, it is too much complex to find the real meaning of the infinity, we can of course rank the different infinities inside this physicality and still we know just a small number of these infinities, cantor, Godel or Euler or all the maths works are not the problem, the problem is our limitations inside the physicality and philosophically, we cannot understand inside the physicality all the finite series and all the different infinities simply and it is still more complicated to encircle a kind of infinity beyond this physicality, is it conscious or not and how this thing creates this physicality, is it with strings and wavesm fields or points and a geonetrodynamics or in my model with 3D spheres coded and a gravitational coded aether , we cannot affirm, so that implies a pure uncertainty for our foundamental objects and we cannot predict and rank all simply, like we cannot compute all. We are limited in knowledges simply, even in closed loops you cannot find the answers for these infinities inside this physicality and still less this infinity beyond this physicality, we must recognise this simple fact.What do you Think? Regards
Undecidability, Fractal Geometry and the Unity of Physics by Tim Palmer
the numbers and maths are not the problems you know Eckard , nor the finite ranked numbers or the different class of numbers, rationals, reals, complex, irrationals or others, or the different infinities inside this physicality, the problem is our limitations in knowledges, you can tell all what you want about the single ral number, all what I said is a fact. The set, the sets, the subsets are not the problem, the partition universal is the problem
A novel and fascinating idea. It brings to mind Pitowsky's 'Resolution of the EPR and Bell paradoxes' by extending the concept of probability to non-measurable sets.
Thanks Jeffrey for these kind remarks. I know what you mean about Pitowski's work. However, on (what I call) the invariant set, the relevant measures can be described by elementary finite frequentist probability theory. The mathematics underpinning undecidability arises only when considering counterfactual states which do not lie on the invariant set. My approach, is simply to deny ontic reality to such states by postulating the primacy of the invariant set. Without this, I think one would indeed be drawn to consider non-measurable sets as did Pitowski. However, the concept of non-measurability does not seem to make physical sense to me - as the famous Banach-Tarski paradox clearly indicates.
PS Reference [18} - my paper arXiv:1804.01734 on invariant set theory - has now been accepted to appear in Proceedings of the Royal Society A.
Dear Tim,
You write: "Our inability to synthesise general relativity theory and quantum theory into a satisfactory quantum theory of gravity is legendary and is widely considered as the single biggest challenge in contemporary theoretical physics."...
Quantum theory and the general relativity theory are phenomenological theories (parametric, operationalistic) without an ontological basification (justification+substantiation). It makes no sense to "unite" them, let each one work in its own "field". Problem 邃-1 for fundamental science and cognition in general is the ontological basification (substantiation) of mathematics, and therefore knowledge in general.
You conclude: "From where do new ideas come? Do they pop out of the aether as some random flashes of inspiration with no obvious precedent? Or do these ideas mostly already exist, but in a completely separate setting."
Ideas come to our minds from the primordial (absolute) generating structure that lies both in the "beginning" of the Universum ("top") and in our heads ("bottom"). The task of physicists, mathematicians and philosophers is to understand the dialectics of Nature (catch on the "net" "Proteus of Nature" using the "goddess of form" Eidothea and "crazy" ontological ideas) and build this Superstructure - the ontological basis of Mathematics ("language of Nature") and Knowledge as a whole: ontological framework, ontological carcass, ontological foundation. Today we need a global brainstorming session to "assemble" all the ideas for discussing and creating the Ontological Knowledge Base.
With kind regards, Vladimir
Dear Tim,
It is a very nice and original idea you have presented in your essay. As many others have said I would probably need a few more reads to grasp all the details though.
Few questions if I may:
- If an underlying fractal geometry can give rise to quantum-like behaviour, how does classicality emerge from this picture, if it does at all?
- Would you have any toy-example with the Lorentz attractor of non-computable counterfactual?
Many thanks.
Thanks Fabien. Good questions.
My fractal model has a free parameter N. In the singular limit N=infinity all the fractal gaps close up and the state-space geometry is classical. However, for any finite value of N, no matter how big, the Bell counterfactuals lie in the fractal gaps and the state-space geometry is non-classical. Michael Berry has written about how old theories of physics are often the singular limits of new theories as some parameter of the new theory is set to zero or infinity.
The Cantor Set underpins the Lorenz attractor. Imagine a point X on the Cantor Set and perturb it with a perturbation delta X drawn randomly using the measure of the Euclidean line in which the Cantor Set is embedded. Then the perturbation almost certainly perturbs the point off the Cantor Set.
Such a perturbation can be thought of as corresponding to one of my counterfactuals: although I live in a world where I did X, what would have happened if I had instead done X+delta X? Suppose the delta X is dynamically unconstrained - i.e. something you just make up in your head without consideration of whether it satisfies the laws of physics - then if the world associated with X lies on the invariant set, the world associated with X+delta X almost certainly does not and so the answer to the question "what would have happened?" is undefined.
Dear Tim Palmer,
Any essay combining general relativity and Bell's theorem is a 'must read'.
In it you show that it's possible to violate Bell's inequalities with a locally causal but uncomputable deterministic theory for locally causal spacetime computations. Chaos is powerful, but I'm unsure what the ontological implications are.
A number of authors are concerned whether 'classical physics' is truly deterministic, and if not, how is this explained.
If one assumes that the deBroglie-like gravitomagnetic wave circulation is induced by the mass flow density of the particle [momentum-density], then the equivalent mass of the field energy induces more circulation. This means that the wave field is self-interacting. For 'one free particle' a stable soliton-like particle plus wave is essentially deterministic. But for many interacting particles, all of which are also self-interacting, then 'determinism' absolutely vanishes, in the sense of calculations or predictions, and the statistical approach becomes necessary.
This theory clearly supports 'local' entanglement, as the waves interact and self-interact, while rejecting Bell's 'qubit'-based projection: A, B = +1, -1 consistent with the Stern-Gerlach data (see Bohr postcard). For Bell experiments based on 'real' spin (3-vector) vs 'qubit' spin (good for spins in magnetic domains) the physics easily obtains the correlation which Bell claims is impossible, hence 'long distance' entanglement is not invoked and locality is preserved.
This is not a matter of math; it is a matter of ontology. I believe ontology is the issue for the number of authors who also seem to support more 'intuition' in physics. My current essay, Deciding on the nature of time and space treats intuition and ontology in a new analysis of special relativity, and I invite you to read it and comment.
Edwin Eugene Klingman
Tim Palmer re-uploaded the file Palmer_FXQi_Palmer_1.pdf for the essay entitled "Undecidability, Fractal Geometry and the Unity of Physics" on 2020-04-17 07:52:00 UTC.
Hello Tim --
Wow, this rather blew my mind, and I'm still digesting it.
Let me ask you a really basic question. A chaotic system implies that even approximate knowledge about a path into the far future depends upon the initial conditions--you need to keep going to more and more decimal places in the expansion.
This, in turn, means that we should expect meaningful facts about the future evolution of a chaotic system to be uncomputable. To be really specific, there should be many facts along the lines of "will these three objects collide with each other eventually" whose answer will be uncomputable.
Would it be fair to say that your results here (Eq 6) draw their power from this feature of chaotic dynamics? This would help me in understanding your results better.
So many lovely things here. I had never thought about Lewis' notion of "neighbourhood" in modal logic could be so usefully transposed to counterfactual thinking in physical systems. The idea that the p-adic metric is the "right" notion of "nearby", i.e., modally accessible, is extremely cool.
PS, minor remark Re: finite time singularities in Navier-Stokes--we know (for sure) that they exist in General Relativity, and if you're a hardcore physical Church-Turing thesis person, this is one way we know that (classical) GR is incomplete.
Hi Simon
Thanks for your kind comments.
Yes indeed, if the question you ask of a chaotic system somehow probes its asymptotic states (e.g. "will three objects collide eventually") then one can (likely) reformulate the question in terms of the state-space geometry of these asymptotic states - and my claim is that such geometric questions are typically undecidable. However, the sensitivity of simple finite-time forecasts to the initial state is not itself a illustration of non-computability.
Indeed, I would say that my results (e.g. producing a viable model which can violate statistical independence without falling foul of the usual objections to such violation) arises because of this uncomputable property of chaotic dynamics. I should emphasise that in this picture, uncomputability leaves its mark on finite approximations to such dynamics in the form of computational irreducibility (the system can't be emulated by a simpler system). Hence we can still produce viable finite models where (6) is satisfied.
Re Lewis, my belief is that the potential pitfalls of unconstrained counterfactual reasoning have not been given sufficient attention in studying the foundations of physics. In this we are being beguiled by our intuition. You may be interested a recent paper of mine:
which tries to explain why we are so beguiled.
Finally, in classical GR with a cosmic censorship hypothesis, the singularities seem to be hidden from sight and are therefore not as ubiquitous as they might be - if only we could prove it! - in Navier-Stokes!
Dear Tim,
This is a very nice contribution to efforts to reconcile quantum indeterminacy with classical mechanics by invoking classical chaos theory. Your arguments are convincing. But where do complex numbers and amplitudes come in? They are necessary for quantum mechanics in general and non-local quantum correlations in particular. I'm sympathetic to getting intrinsic uncertainty out of classical chaos. But it seems like something is still missing. Please enlighten us even more!
Dear Seth
Thanks for your input. I fully agree that complex numbers are central to quantum theory.
To understand the emergence of complex numbers in my fractal model, could I refer you to the technical paper recently published in Proc. Roy. Soc.A (open access):
on which this essay is based - some aspects of which are summarised in the Appendix to the essay. In particular, I construct a particular fractal geometric model of (what I call) the state-space invariant set based on the concept of fractal helices (see Fig 4 in Section 3 of the paper). At a particular fractal iteration, the trajectory segments of the helix evolve to specific clusters in state space - these clusters representing measurement outcomes/ eigenstates of observables. I then describe this helical structure symbolically (BTW symbolic dynamics is a powerful tool in nonlinear dynamical systems theory for describing dynamics on fractal attractors topologically). In the case of two measurement outcomes, the symbolic descriptions of the helix are then given by finite bit strings. Now in Section 2 of the paper, I show than I can define multiplicative complex roots of unity in terms of permutation/negation operators on these bit strings. A very simple illustration of this is to take the bit string
S={a_1, a_2}
where a_1, a_2 in {1, -1} - as a representation of a pair of trajectories labelled symbolically by which of the two distinct clusters ("1" and "-1") they evolve. Now define the operator i by
i S = {-a_2, a_1}.
Then i^2=-1 if -S={-a_1, -a_2}.
In fact, even more I can define quaternionic multiplication and hence Pauli spin matrices (and hence Dirac gamma matrices) in terms of certain permutation/negation operators on longer finite bit strings. See the paper for more details.
This answers half of your question - about complex multiplication. The second half of your question - relating additive properties of such bit strings to the additive properties of complex numbers - is something I am currently writing up. It turns out that to do this I have to extend the number-theoretic properties of trigonometric functions which play a vital role in the particular discretisation of the Bloch sphere described in the paper cited above - see also below - to number-theoretic properties of hyperbolic functions. Whilst the former provide a natural way to discretise rotations in physical space, the latter provide a natural way to discretise Lorentz transformations in space time! In this way, I have some belief that the properties of the invariant set are more primitive than those of space-time, with the prospect of the latter emerging from the former. With the current lockdown, I should have a draft paper shortly! With this, I will have a complete answer to your question.
However, a crucially important point in all this is that I do not, and will not, recover in this way the full *continuum* field of complex numbers, but only a particular discrete subset (essentially those complex numbers with rational squared amplitudes and rational phase angles). These complex numbers play an important role in my model for describing the symbolic properties of the helix in a probabilistic way. Number theoretic properties of trigonometric functions applied to these discretised complex numbers provide the basis for my description of quantum complementarity (and indeed the Uncertainty Principle - see Section 2e of paper above). However, in my model there is no requirement for these complex numbers to be arithmetically closed. Such arithmetic closure arises at the deeper deterministic level and this can be described by the arithmetically closed p-adic integers, these providing the basis for a deterministic dynamic on the invariant set. (There is a rich theory of deterministic dynamical systems based on the p-adics.)
All this means that in describing my fractal model from a probabilistic perspective, I can and do (in the paper above) use the formalism of complex Hilbert vectors (and associated tensor products). However, these vectors are required, by the discretised nature of the helix of trajectories in state space, to have squared amplitudes which are rational numbers and complex phases which are rational multiples of pi. Importantly, almost all elements of the complex Hilbert Space *continuum* have no (ontic) correspondence with probabilistic descriptions of the invariant set helices.
My own view is that quantum theory's dependence on the *continuum* of complex numbers (i.e. through the continuum complex Hilbert space) is the origin of its deep conceptual problems, e.g. as arises in trying to understand the meaning of the Bell Theorem or the sequential Stern-Gerlach experiment, or the Mach-Zehnder interferometer, or GHZ, or....you name it!!. Indeed I think quantum theory's dependence on the complex continuum is the origin of the difficulties we have reconciling quantum theory and general relativity theory. Of course, in quantum theory, we don't have a deterministic underpinning and so breaking the arithmetic closure of Hilbert Space is a real theoretical problem. However, in a model where there is a deeper deterministic basis, breaking the arithmetic closure of Hilbert space in this way doesn't matter a jot - since it's not a fundamental description of the underlying theory!! Here, in my view, we physicists have been overly beguiled by one aspect of the beauty of mathematics - the complex continuum field C!!
Recall that in mathematics, C arose as a tool for solving polynomial equations. Perhaps we need to retrace our steps and ask whether taking this tool onboard wholesale for describing the equations of fundamental physics could actually now be causing us some big problems (the utility of C notwithstanding)! Perhaps we imported a virus which has rather grown over the centuries and now completely permeates the core of fundamental physics making it impossible to make vigorous leaps forward! The real-number continuum virus doesn't matter in classical physics, because discretised approximations can come arbitrarily close to the continuum limit. However, the complex-number continuum does matter in a much more essential way in quantum theory. Recall in Lucien Hardy's axioms for quantum theory, the complex continuum plays a central and inviolable role - in complete contrast with classical theory. Hence in order to find a discretised theory of quantum physics, which I think should be an important goal for physical theory, quantum theory must be a singular and not a smooth limit as the discretisation goes to zero. My deterministic model has this property.
I am going to pick up on one other point in your correspondence. You say that I try to reconcile quantum theory with classical mechanics. I don't really see my proposal as "classical" in the following sense. The dynamics of classical chaos are differential (or difference) equations and the fractal attractor is an asymptotic set of states on which, classically, one never actually arrives, at least from a generic initial condition in state space. However, from this classical perspective there is no essential/ontological difference between a state which is "almost" on the attractor, and one on the attractor precisely.
By contrast, here I am postulating a primitive role for this fractal geometry (rather than the differential equations). Because of this, as I try to discuss in the essay, the p-adic metric may be a better yardstick of distance in state space than the familiar Euclidean metric. The p-adic metric certainly does distinguish between points which are not on the fractal and those that are, no matter how close such points may be from a Euclidean perspective. In this sense although my model is certainly motivated by classical deterministic chaos, I would not call it classical.
There is much more to be teased out of this model and I feel I am rather at the beginning of a journey with it, rather than the end.
Thanks again for your interest. Not sure how much you will have been enlightened, but I hope you see where I am coming from, at least!
Dear Prof. Palmer,
I really liked your esssay and especially how it emphasises the (overlooked) role of chaotic systems for the foundations of science.
I would greatly appreciate your opinion on my essay which is based on the research I am carrying out with Nicolas Gisin. I think our approaches have some similarities, for we also rely on classical chaos to introduce indeterminism in classical physics too.
I wish you the best of luck for the contest, and to get to a prize as you deserve.
Best wishes,
Dear Flavio
Thank you for your kind remarks. Nicolas Gisin and I have already discussed some of the matters discussed in your essay and whilst I do agree that your and Nicolas's ideas are very thought provoking, I would say that we are not in complete agreement.
Let me start by remarking that I fully agree that it is possible to treat chaotic classical deterministic systems by some finite indeterministic approximation. In fact this is exactly what we do in modelling climate:
which is to say that we approximate a set of deterministic chaotic partial differential equations by a finite deterministic numerical approximation and represent the unresolved remainder of the system by constrained stochastic noise. It works well!
However, I do not believe this approach will work for quantum physics, if one believes that the complex Hilbert Space of quantum theory is somehow fundamental, the reason being (Lucien) Hardy's Continuity Axiom. By virtue of this axiom, the continuity of Hilbert Space is fundamental to quantum theory.
Put this way, the continuum appears to play a more vital role in quantum theory than it does in classical theory. This suggests that if we seek some finite theory of quantum physics - which I certainly do seek - then the resulting theory will have to be radically different from quantum theory (even with a stochastic collapse model) and will not be just some approximation to it.
I can in fact state this a little more precisely. I believe that by virtue of Hardy's Continuity Axiom, quantum theory will have to be a singular limit and not a smooth limit of a finite discretised theory of quantum physics, as the discretisation scale goes to zero.
In my essay I attempt to suggest a deterministic (i.e. not indeterministic) alternative to quantum theory in which quantum theory is a singular limit (as a certain fractal gap parameter goes to zero). However, until potential departures from quantum theory can be experimentally tested, and perhaps this day is not so far away, who knows whether this really is the right way forward.
Having said this, there are clearly many points of commonality between our essays and I look forward to discussing these with you sometime!
Best wishes
I too concur and oblige that fractals offer structured patterns to which human thought assigns meaning to topological landscapes.Can anthropic bias be key to unravelling New physics that bridge the gap between general relativity and quantum mechanics. kindly read/rate how,why and where here https://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/3525.thanks
I take a different look at fractals in my essay
Please rate:
Please take a look at my essay A grand Introduction to Darwinian mechanic
Dear Tim,
I enjoyed reading your essay and learned a lot of things on the chaos theory. Because I also studied the quantum nature from the viewpoint of quantum walk related to quantum chaos, I would like to know the clarification on the stochastic nature and chaotic nature. From your viewpoint, what do you think about this relationship? As in my essay, the chaotic theory is completely different from the stochastic thing from the viewpoint of computation. Therefore, I would like to know your opinion.
Best wishes,
Dear Yutaka
Thank you for your question. From the perspective of my essay, stochastic and chaotic dynamics are very different concepts. Let me give an example. In my essay I wrote down the equations of the famous Lorenz model which is chaotic for certain parameter values. For standard chaotic values of the parameters, about 96% of the variance of the model lies in a two-dimensional sub-space of state space. Now one can choose a basis where you retain the dynamical equations in this two-dimensional subspace, but replace the dynamics in the third dimension with a stochastic process. The resulting attractor looks superficially like the Lorenz attractor. However, it differs in one vital regard - all the fractal gaps in the attractor are filled in by the stochastic process.
That is to say, replacing chaotic determinism with stochasticity completely negates my arguments about counterfactual incompleteness (associated with states which lie in the fractal gaps in my cosmological invariant set). Hence my arguments about why the violation of statistical independence is explainable in a suitable nonlinear dynamical framework are nullified if determinism is replaced with stochasticity.
It is for this reason that I am somewhat sceptical of models which attempt to replace real numbers with truncated rationals stochastic noise will work in explaining quantum physics.
In conclusion, there is a vital difference between chaotic and stochastic dynamics, in my opinion.
With regards
Tim -
An exquisite and erudite exposition on matters far beyond my formal training in math and physics (from some decades ago). I gather that you are positing some level of determinism arising from infinite recursion of fractal attractors. In lay terms, if our frame and timeframe are large enough, we can regain the confidence of determinism from the local instability of chaos, just as statistical mechanics rescues us from the chaos of the independent behaviors of individual particles. Am I following this correctly?
That said, I am dubious that determinism of any sort can be rescued. We can speculate with infinities but we cannot prove anything at all, as the reasoning will always fall short. This verse from the Rubaiyat captures the thought:
XXIX. Into this Universe, and Why not knowing
Nor Whence, like Water willy-nilly flowing;
And out of it, as Wind along the Waste,
I know not Whither, willy-nilly blowing.
Thanks - George Gantz, The Door That Has No Key: https://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/3494