Dear Jochen,
Thank you for your deep constructive response to my comment.
You write:
"... and on the other, has so far failed to produce any large-scale consensus."
I believe that the FQXi contests are a good "field" for the start of the Big Brainstorming. Look, ideas are already the tenth contests, and physicists and mathematicians have not yet found consensus on the two main fundamental issues for physics, mathematics and cognition in general, which Carlo Rovelli writes about in Physics Needs Philosophy / Philosophy Needs Physics : "What is space?", "What is time?" And today, the time is very worrying for all of Humanity, and we must learn to find consensus on all issues. Especially on the basics of knowledge. Here, just Philosophy, "mother of all sciences" comes to the rescue .. Recall Hegel: "The owl of Minerva begins its flight only at dusk"...
"... start with some reasonable assumptions and inferences about ontological matters, and see whether the quantum formalism can be reconstructed from there --- the project of finding a foundational principle for quantum mechanics."
I believe that the search for the "fundamental principle" is necessary not only for quantum mechanics, but for knowledge in general.
In an interview with mathematician and mathematical physicist Ludwig Faddeev ( in the journal "EXPERT" (2007), entitled "The equation of the evil spirit" it is written: «Academician Ludwig Faddeev believes that today mathematical rigor is more important than physical intuition and it is thanks to mathematics that a "unified theory of everything" will be built.
The long-standing debate of scientists about what is more important - mathematical rigor or physical meaning, a correctly solved equation or an intuitive understanding of a natural phenomenon, continued throughout the 20th century, but at some time physicists seemed to win in it: Einstein as the creator of a special and general theory of relativity is better known to the average man than Poincare or Hilbert, Schrödinger is more popular than Weil, and Landau is more popular than Bogolyubov. But in recent decades, the situation began to change: it turned out that successful mathematical techniques have not just technical significance, but deep physical meaning. Mathematical intuition in solving increasingly complex physical problems may be more important than physical. And this caused a noticeable irritation of many great physicists. In the second half of the 20th century, a new generation of scientists appeared who could no longer be called pure physicists or mathematicians. Ludwig Faddeev is one of them. After graduating from the Physics Department of Leningrad University, he gained worldwide fame as a man who, together with his student Viktor Popov, solved the most complicated mathematical problems of the Yang - Mills theory, which later formed the basis of the theory of superstrings. The effects that were discovered were called "Faddeev-Popov spirits" and under this name entered all modern textbooks of theoretical physics. Faddeev is convinced that just as physics solved all the theoretical problems of chemistry, thereby "closing" chemistry, so mathematics will create a "unified theory of everything" and "close" physics. Faddeev is convinced that just as physics solved all the theoretical problems of chemistry, thereby "closing" chemistry, so mathematics will create a "unified theory of everything" and "close" physics. "
But can mathematics, the "language of Nature" "close biology? ... Big doubts ... Big questions .. Everywhere is the problem of the ontological basis of knowledge. I believe that there will be Pavel Florensky: "We repeat: worldunderstanding is spaceunderstanding."
I am very concerned that the crisis of understanding in the fundamentals of knowledge has spread to global society ... Let's begin this brainstorming session ... I score the highest rating for your constructiveness and the ideas of the "epistemic horizons". Please look at my ontological ideas and give critical comments .. .
With kind regards, Vladimir