Thanks Steve.
They're actually spherical rotations!, at all scales, but also as 'twin vortices' (embedded) so with similarities to Earth's 'toroidal' magnetosphere.
There's no superluminal PROPAGATION! but all physics is LOCAL, so a charge doing c in a passing train CAN be seen at APPARENT C+V as nothing propagates at over c.
Consider Bernoulli, or just a low pressure weather system. As we 'stir up' the medium to a vortex ("Matter") it forms a pressure gradient around it all the time it's there. Any matter placed IN that zone has it's own surrounding gradient and gravitates towards the centre, or both gravitate towards EACH OTHER.
Yes philosophy looses it's paradoxes. The atom IS 'divisible', recursive and fractal like a Mandelbrot Set, so we have an INCLUDED but 'REDUCING' MIDDLE between 0 and 1. If you touch a spinning sphere near the equator do you experience clockwise or anti-clockwise rotation? You can't tell of course ('uncertainty') but CAN tell 100% at the poles! The distribution between is non-linear by CosLatitude.
We are then more an 'accident' than anything undefinable, but more a consequence of the process, likely unique but perhaps much similar life has evolved within the many iterations of a cyclic universe, growing with each cycle (so matching the evidence, unlike the BB cosmology!).
DM&DE seem totally misunderstood. The free Majorana fermions (electrons etc) do a perfectly good job as so called dark matter (n=1), and the 'sub-matter' scale rotation which forms the 'HIGGS' CONDENSATE does a very good job as 'dark energy'. (just a smaller rotation, NOT coupling with but FORMING the EM 'waves' that couple with electrons.
Changing the foundations is rather like being shown the picture on that giant jigsaw puzzle - throw away old beliefs and suddenly it all fits together coherently! Of course there will always be things unanswered.
Very best