Not a scoring criteria, but as nature is 3D not 2D I am concerned about Boolean coin flips as the most revealing model. viz; Lets say you take a 3D form instead; a spinning sphere to closely model nature. Now flip its axis randomly in ANY direction and record if you get the Clockwise (South/) or ANTI clockwise (North/-) facing you.
The results should still be ~50:50. Yes?
Except it's also No! Every so often you'll find the equator facing you! Not only does certainty reduce, but precisely at the equator the decision becomes impossible, so your answers may HAVE to be 50:50.However closely you zero in the 'change point' disappears to infinity!
There's no agents stress involved as it's valid for all 'exchanges of momentum' in measurement interactions.
I've shown it's actually the same result if you answer the questions, it the surface momentum 'Left or Right', or 'Up or Down' when it lands at one of the poles.
I agree ALL nature has this uncertainty, so the coin toss can model it, but in a way that's been rather 'hiding' the solution to the measurement problem from us. It also means the assumptions used for quantum computing are flawed and may continue stopping them emerge, as I suggested in my "IQbit" 'It from Bit' essay a few years ago.
So I agree but also disagree with your proposition! Does that make sense?
Very best