the points also in 1D like foundamental objects are not proved and are not the answer even with adapted geometrodynamics and oscillations

Hi Jason, I think I'm only spinning my own wheels. They're mine to spin, I suppose, though perhaps I'm wrong about that as about many things. Like I say, my interests are not in quantum gravity, so I only have anything to say about QG in the very broadest terms.

It looks like this thread is spinning faster than I can keep up with it, so I guess I'll bow out.

Peter , sonme thinkers are good in details, others are good for the generality , it is just like this the life, we must adamit our limitations, I liked your koopman alg, they are good for a better understanding of this QFT, congrats, be the force with you Jedi of the Sphere, spherically and humbly yours

Hi Peter,

Forgive me for being the hare (the rabbit) that hops ahead and looks down the road to see what's there, while the tortoise (the hard workers) labor deeply on the mathematics.

I want the physics community to discover gravity field generators. I would do it myself if I had the talent and the energy needed.

I see the flaws in superstrings and quantum loop gravity because strings and loops just sit their and wiggle. But whatever the universe is made of, it has to explode and expand quickly (perhaps even faster than the speed of light) because that's what the big bang did.

I advocate for the idea that gravitons really do exist. But they begin as points (perhaps from the Planck scale) and they expand at the speed of light into spheres that overlap with other expanding gravitons. The idea is that all of these overlapping gravitons produce the effect of a spacetime continuum. I think that the Einstein equations are describing an equilibrium of expanding gravitons.

But this is the part of my idea that I'm quite proud of. Every quantum mechanics problems is solved by calculating the wave function. So does the wave function actually exist? Some people think it does; I do. But I think that the wave function is what happens when an expanding graviton collides with a particle, it becomes a trapped graviton.

Wave functions have operators for momentum p_x, position x, energy E, etc. In quantum mechanics, you can calculate the expectation value of momentum states, position states, etc...

I think that the graviton has quantum states for position, momentum, etc., built into the expanding graviton.

If you ask me what spacetime is ultimately made of, I would argue that it's made of gravitons which are made of quantum states for position/momentum, therefore, spacetime is made of quantum states for position/momentum.

There is an experiment that can be performed if you have an appetite for it.


I got the idea of expanding gravitons from the derivation of special relativity.

Each inertial reference frame is created by gravitons that are expanding from a point, to a sphere with radius r = ct.

If there are gravitons being created constantly, at every point in space, and for every possible velocity, AND those gravitons are creating space and time, then the speed of light is invariant.

The spacetime interval also looks like an instantaneous condition of two gravitons expanding, with relative velocity of 0.

Hi Steve,

Do you know how the wave function has a phase, e.g.,

[math]\Psi = Ae^{i(kx - \omega t)}[/math]

Like I've argued, wave functions are gravitons. Gravitons expand from a point, every point in space. They are continually being generated. Therefore, all space is being filled with wave functions, filled with gravitons. There are so many gravitons being generated, there is always a 100% chance that two wave functions, two gravitons will approach each other from opposite directions, opposite frequency (same frequency 180 degrees out of phase).

The result will be a probability density,

[math]\rho(x,t) = \frac{|\Psi(x,t)|^2}{\int _{-\infty}^{\infty} |\Psi(x,t)|^2 dx }[/math]

So where is the electron? It's somewhere are the x-axis. There are gravitons that are constantly bombarding it from both sides of the axis.

Hi , I can understand this opposite direction for the balance and considering the wave function, what I tell is that we have just models and that we cannot affrim what is the primoridal essence and what are the foundamental mathematical and physical objects, I consider 3D coded spheres, we have also the strings in 1D at this planck scale or points and geometrodynamics , but unfortunally we cannot affirm because it is not proved and we cannot observe , the gravitons probably exist yes but we don t know what they are and what is their pure essence, you consider the wave function with photons oscillationg differently, I see differently for this balance in considering a deeper gravitational logic superimposed to our standard model, we need to know more and have proved of what are these gravitons exactly, I have reached this weakest force like I told you and I try to formalise mathematical all this puzzle with several mathematical tools, I was surprised to reach the force respecting the newtonian mechanics, but is it true , I don t affirm still, because if this DM encoded in nuclei is not the secret , so I must consider a different reasoning, but at this moment that converges due to distances different because these photons are not the main primordial essence of our universe, I invite you to utilise mathenmatical tools, clifford or lie , more the geometrodynamics for the topologies, geometries...that can improve your idea because we must prove ,we have no other choice . The first step is to prove these gravitons and fater we can extrapolate experiments,


Science is about performing experiments. But you can't perform experiments on superstrings or quantum loops because you can't detect their existence.

But with expanding gravitons, we can infer that they interact with particles all the time. Why? Because we can calculate wave functions. Gravitons behave like wave functions.

But to perform an experiment with a graviton, we have to realize that a quantum entanglement between two photons is... a graviton. All we need is a laser and a crystal. Shine the laser on the crystal, and it will split the beam into two beams. Those two beams have quantum entantled pairs.

We can use mirrors and fiber optic cables to control which way the photons go.

The experiment that we have to perform is to blueshift one entangled photon and redshift the other photons. Perhaps we should do it millions of times (if we had the technological expertise). The goal is to show that there exists a gravitational acceleration field between the blueshifted photons and the redshifted photons.

If this experiment works, it opens up the next stage in our technology, our evolution as a species. This technology will replace rocket technology in 50 years.

Jason, I know but we cannot make experiments with a thing not found, the same for my reasoning, what I tell is that we must first of all be sure of what is a graviton and how it acts and whatr are its properties and after we can create experiments, even if I have reached it , now I must prove it with a rigourous mathematical proof, and I invite you to make the same, for example, imagine this for your idea, utilise the lie derivatives, groups and algebras and the topological and euclidian spaces and consider the fields and waves with a kind of geometrodynamics for these points, you must formalise this idea correctly, imagine for example cosmic strings and these points in 1D for the planck scale and after utilise 2 E8 for the fields creating the topologies, geometries , properties, fields , matters and so the opposite direction for the gravitons, that can help you, the clifford algebras also can be utilised and the non commutativity, learn the wonderful works of Alain Connes for example. I just tell this to help you to make the things correctly, we need first of all to prove mathematically and after we can make experiments, if not never an experiment will be created, like I told we don t know nor these foundamental objets, not the origin of this universe, and when we add too much assumptions not proved, it is not interesting, only the proved facts are accepted


When I was growing up, we learned the 6 steps of the scientific method.

Now I have written a paper with some mathematics in it. But mostly it's about the timing involved when photons are traveling down the optic fiber while being centrifuged.

The kind of math your talking about is unnecessary. You can believe if you want to, but the kind of experiment I'm suggesting doesn't need Lie algebra and all that. It's really about making some careful distinctions about how wave functions have to exist. But if they exist, then they have to be found everywhere.

So, I get where you're coming from. You think that a mountain of mathematics would be necessary to justify an experiment with lasers and centrifuges.

Did you know that traveling through mountains and under mountains is the most common path, either through a tunnel or a road.

I give you simply how we work in sciences, we cannot make an experiment for a thing that we have not found and that we don t understand, your idea is an assumption Jason, you must make like all, your must prove, you are maybe persuaded but it is just you, me also I am persuaded about my reasoning but like all I must formalise in maths and after create an adapted experiment, there it is not possible, these particles of gravitation are not proved, nor found, we have still nothing, if my reasoning is not correct , if your reasoning is not correct, so it is a lost of money to make an experiment for things that we don t know really , we need to know their properties and how to check them, your gravitons, the points are not proved, it is only simple than this, for me it is not a question of oscillations different of photons, but try to renormalise in this logic with the tools that I have explained,


If your spheres were expanding at the speed of light, then you would have something!

Are you familiar with the derivation of special relativity? The speed of light is the same for both the train and the train station. On the train, light travels from the floor to the ceiling. As the train goes by the train station, an observer sees the light travel along a hypotenuse. But you don't need light to make special relativity work. But the effect is so significant that you have time dilation effects. It's like a riddle! It's like ripples on a pond. The train station has ripples on a pond, but the train also has ripples on a pond. The way the ripples interact causes time dilation and length contraction.

It is hard to do the experiment because you would have to attach fiber optic cables to a disk in a way that would have to be very very precise. It would probably require a special kind of motor to spin the disks. And getting the timing right would require skill and proficiency greater than mine.

Whether it works or it doesn't work is worth more than the money needed to build the experiment.

I know, I have thought at the begining about this, but I have changed because I have remarked that we are still so limited in knowledges and that we have just 100 years of relativity and photons , and that now all we are focused just on this, but I have changed because I tell me that these photons are not the primordial essence of this universe, they are just for me now particles permitting to observe due to light, particles creating a luminiferous aether , they permit the thermodynamics , heat and electronagn tism and they are just a fuel in my reasoning, the problem seems to focus on this GR to unify the quantum mechanics, the photons bosons correlated cannot explain our unknowns even with all the tools fractalising or detailing the QFT , that is why I consider this cold dark matter important and permiting the gravitation and also explain the evolution with the dark ennergy for the vaccuum, that seems logic for me, but all this like for all are assumptions, we have too much limitations at this moment, it becomes really philosophical all this in fact,

I brain is not made to include extraneous information that is not vital. But the pattern is that the surface area of these expanding graviton spheres is the virtual photon. The interior of the sphere is made of quantum states. If there is some kine of fractal stuff happening inside of the graviton, we can ignore it for now.

But the theory is designed to explain several aspects of physics, like the spacetime interval, postulates of SR, big bang expansion, double slit experiment, in the simplest possible way. An expanding graviton made of quantum states, with a surface area that is a virtual photon, is the simplest explanation.

If you don't see it, it's because you've been persuaded to think that super mathematical models are the simplest way to explain what causes physics. :)

Like I told, we have just assumptions and your idea also is an assumption, you are persuaded like all but it is not sufficient Jason , I have tried in my model to unify not only the GR and the QM, but I try to unify all , the unknowns also, like this consciousness, this DE, this DM, this GR and the QM, and I try to explain in superimposing these unknowns to this GR and QM the deep oringin of our universe, I beleive that this BB is just if it exists a step but that we have a deeper gravitational logic with the DM and the vacuum, for me the photons and the relativity have created a prison and now the thinkers turn in round in playying with the fields only to explain the unknowns, and they cannot think beyond the box because they are persuaded that we have only photons like primordial essence, I don t understand why but it is like that, for me we live in a pure 3D at all scales and a time added for the evolution, I don t see the necessity to have extradimensions, I just see fractalisations of scales, that is all, I see simply the quantum scales like relativive spherical pics of our cosmological scales, that is why these 3D spheres fascinate me, the universe is very simple generally in my reasoning, all this to tell that the fact to consider only these photons is reductor and odd because we know nothing still about this universe and at all scales, the series finite coded of 3D spheres for the vacuum, the main codes from this consciousness, more the two others the fuels, cold DM and photons seem for me logic and the complexity is incredible in the combinations and interactions when we consider that these finite series have the same number than our cosmological finite serie of 3D spheres and oddly I have calculated it is the dirac large number, I beleive that these 3D spheres yes is the choice of this universe and this infinite eternal consciousness, they are a shpae different than the others, they have no angle, they are the perfect equilibrium of forces, they can be deformed , the rotate and oscillate and can explain all in my logic, why the spheres? because maybe it is simply like that, the generality is simple but the details are very very complex considering the combinations and properties of these 3D spheres. It is for me more logic than the strings and points, it is just my choice but I see like this.

My idea is based on features of physics that are pretty well established. I know that I'm right, even if you can't see it.

Good night.

Bye, don t forget to doubt , like I told we are all persuaded, maybe it is the problem with us the humans, we are even persuaded about things not proved, good night , here it is 14H50 in finland,

No Steve. Wrong advice. Now is the time to play with lasers and fiber optics.

I thank you, Steve, for convincing me that the better choice is to work on the hardware, not the high-level mathematics.

You make what you want, you are free, I just give advices to be taken seriously, you must find and prove these gravitons and after make an experiment, not the opposite sense, we are inside the rational sciences community, not in star trek or a movie, the lasers and optique fibers are not the problem , and furthermore if these gravitons are not photons oscillation differently , all is a lost of money, and so you must find them, prove them and after make a concrete experiment, it is a fact , and the mathematical proofs yes are essential , they don t lie