don t tell still stupidities due to your vanity, I know well my foundamentals Jason, be sure, the maths are not complicated, it is just a language, if you don t know them , it is not a reason to crtic the persons loving these maths, learn the banach works, the clifford alg, lie works, Hopf and others tools like ricci , you shall see that they are very relevant, like the non commutativity also of Alain Connes, but apprently you tell us that they are not important, but be sure, without maths and partitions you cannot prove your ideas in physics, it is a fact, the experiments I repeat are essential but for this and to have money we must have big probablitities to have concrete results, and your experiemnt at this moment is not relevant because one , you have not proved these gravitons in your reasoning and secondly your experiment needs to be more detailed , we are on a sciences platform Jason, not on a forum of sciences fiction, I can understand that you dream with the movies but we are in the reality, me too I love star wars and star trek and even the marvel, it is not a reason to beleive that I am iron man even with a thing in my heart now lol, please be rational and make like all, be rational and concrete, and be more humble also, stop to make the child, about Elon Musk I like his ideas , he is a visionary and work well for the technology and the evolution ,