
Which is more valuable? Time or money? It would actually be cheaper to try to build the experiment than to waste thousands of hours learning mathematical systems that I don't even believe in.

But the mathematics I do believe would be useful would be the rotational geometry that describes how long it takes for light to travel from the inner radius to the outer radius, cross a gap and then travel back to the start position of a non rotating disk.


You say you love all this high level mathematics, but I've never seen you use the math editor. Do you know how to use it?


How much is your advice worth if you are advising me to spend decades learning mathematics that even you don't understand, versus spending a couple hundred bucks to make a model/prototype?

Your advice goes against the scientific process of developing a hypothesis and then construct an experiment to give you data to study.

Your advice including whirling spheres and exclamations of how wonderful theoretical physicists are.

Frankly, I am irritated that there are only dimwitted bozos like you to talk to on a foundational physics forum.

You math theorists are so far removed from reality that you've caused scientific breakthroughs to grind to a halt!

all is said, Jason, you are not a real scientist and you beleive that you are special with a thing to give, but no for me, you are not made for this, you confound esoterims, sciences fiction and you beleive that you are a genius, I beleive that you d be better to create a movie simply, go on an other platform discussing with pseudo thinkers, not here Jason, it is my advice, you are not made for this simply, sorry and your vanity and spiritual euphory and frustration will not change this truth, stop to repeat stupid things also, you pollute this wonderful platform and all we know this on FQXi you know, stop now, we have understood all that you cannot be rational and that your ideas are not rational and furthermore you cannot prove them , so stop pleaser, we have understood all your philosophy and your sciences, we have concluded your irrationalism, stop to answer in trying to impress, you impress nobody nor in sciences nor in philosophy , we are just impressed by your ironical affirmations

and the maths are essential to prove Jason , it is a fact , they are complementary to physics , physics is the cheif orchestra, the maths are the gamuts

Yet I never see you use the math editor. Some math is necessary. But you have to remember that we live in reality; reality is a place with experiments are important. If you don't believe in experiments, then you don't believe in science.


You should keep your bibble of vanity to yourself.

Jason , if you don t want to listen and accept the advices logic that we give you, how is it possible to discuss correctly, you make always the same, you cannot discuss with a kind of logic, I am a nice guy Jason but you exagerate and don t be surprised if we speak like this now with you, John also have been irritated but you don t listen us and you continue, I have explained you to be less religious and more rational and the maths I repeat are essential, you could be good if you follow my advices but apparently you don t want Jason, I find this odd really, but we are not going to repeat the same things, try to accept my advices and improve your ideas and make like all, try to prove them and detail them, I know that the maths sometimes are not easy to study but you can do it like all in making efforts,

Physics should be done the way Elon Musk does rocketry. Use some basic math to design experiments to figure out what spacetime is actually made of.

If your advanced Lie algebra math can't tell you what spacetime is made of, then maybe you don't need it.


Stop kissing people's butts because they show you some flashy mathematics. Ask for results! Ask for actual experiments that move us forward technologically!

don t tell still stupidities due to your vanity, I know well my foundamentals Jason, be sure, the maths are not complicated, it is just a language, if you don t know them , it is not a reason to crtic the persons loving these maths, learn the banach works, the clifford alg, lie works, Hopf and others tools like ricci , you shall see that they are very relevant, like the non commutativity also of Alain Connes, but apprently you tell us that they are not important, but be sure, without maths and partitions you cannot prove your ideas in physics, it is a fact, the experiments I repeat are essential but for this and to have money we must have big probablitities to have concrete results, and your experiemnt at this moment is not relevant because one , you have not proved these gravitons in your reasoning and secondly your experiment needs to be more detailed , we are on a sciences platform Jason, not on a forum of sciences fiction, I can understand that you dream with the movies but we are in the reality, me too I love star wars and star trek and even the marvel, it is not a reason to beleive that I am iron man even with a thing in my heart now lol, please be rational and make like all, be rational and concrete, and be more humble also, stop to make the child, about Elon Musk I like his ideas , he is a visionary and work well for the technology and the evolution ,


Your bibble of advice... sucks! You can't be reasoned with. You attack my spiritual values when you should be attacking the logic of my physics ideas.

Your advice sucks! You tell me I have to explain my ideas with Lie algebra, but that is not necessary. My ideas can be explained with some basic algebra, calculus and geometry. My ideas can be falsified with experiments.

You don't believe in experiments. Your advice is worthless!

You know what Jason, forget me , make what you want dude, you are not really interesting in fact I see , I loose my time for nothing, make your experiment in your home like doc ion the movie back to the future, and beleive that you are a jedi mixed with a marvel, and that you are a marty macfly and a doc mixed, it is not my proble, see ghosts, utilise your guns, protect your soul and body, it is not my proble, vote in politics like your want, see UFOs in thw sky connected with the republicans, make the tarot cards to see your future, beleive in your qi increased due to a connection with god , make what you want Jason, and forget me , and tell hello to the aliens also they are there in the government helping to solve the global problems,

The big bang could have been caused by a single photon with energy E = hf = big bang energy. The fact that God said in the Bible, "Let there be light" does agree with my hypothesis, my idea. I am sorry that you are threatened by that.

Or are you just surprised that someone who believes in things that "YOU THOUGHT" were make believe, was actually able to figure it all out?


Did you ever study gravitational time dilation?

If you were looking for a mechanism that causes spacetime to exist, you would have to look at gravitaitonal time dilation and think: ...mmmm.... the mechanism of time and distance is directly related to the speed of light. You might remember that time intervals are related to clocks which are given by a frequency. Wavelength can be used to measure distance. You might remember that

[math]c = \lambda f[/math]

All of the hints are there with which to construct an idea of what spacetime is made of. You should also relate "what is spacetime made of" to the experimental proof of virtual photons.

Basically, you're trying to construct a picture of what spacetime is made of from bits and pieces of established physics. But you have to do it in the most parsimonious way.

The expanding graviton of radius r = ct, such that a graviton can also be molded into other shapes, depending upon the potential energy.

So before you attack my spiritual beliefs, you should consider the logic of how I construct a picture of what spacetime is made of.

I know well in all humility what is the SR and GR and the equations correlated like the time dilation or others, what I tell is that we cannot affirm that these photons are the only one piece and are the primordial essence, the GR is just for a photonic fluid if I can say that we observe, so the fact to consider just photons and a BB and the GR is reductor for me, I don t attack your religious thoughts, I don t accept that ypou affirm all these religious thoughts like the the truth, I am a person tolerant with the religions when they are tolerant themselves and wise, and accept the others philosophies with wisdom, I tell that the bible is a book writen by the humans and I like several messages like the universal love of Jesus, but I don t like when the persons want to impose and affirm to be better humans understanding better god, we don t know what is really this infinite eternal consciousness, and the same for the spacetime, we know just a part of puzzle with the photons, for me they are just a fuel permitting the light and to observe and permitting the electromagnetism and heat, that is all, the universe has a deeper primordial logic for me, and the persons affirming their philosophies like a pure truth or affirming assumptions are fake general thinkers simply, they have proved nothing and affirm without doubting, it is not like this that the real general rational thinkers act simply , and their vanity will not change this reality .

I hesitate to say anything here that might be oil on this fire, but the notifications are driving me crazy and I don't want to turn off notifications. If you feel sure this conversation will arrive somewhere useful, then keep at it, otherwise I hope it can be let go or moved to some other post.

I now know my paper is quite flawed, six months after it was published, but I don't know yet what would be a good way to fix it a little. I think it's still a little useful, and that it would be a little more useful to fix it a little, though I doubt anything can be fixed completely. Anyway I hope that any more comments here might be focused enough on AlgKoopman to help us try.

Hi , I beleive that I have explained what I would say to Jason, I don t want to continue these discussions in repeating always the same, the vanity and the competition don t interest me, I kjnow the human nature and I have other things to think, I am not better than the otehrs, I just want that we respect the rationalism and our own personal potential, your koopman alg are well and interesting, so congrats still , interesting work for our QFT , well I will post soon some questions about your paper and these koopman alg , I am going to reread it in details , I will answer soon, regards

On another topic, if there was a connection between the brain and a spirit that inhabits the body, I would take a closer look at the synaptic cleft. Similar to the Casimir effect where there are virtual photons between two metal plates, there might be waves between the synaptic clefts that are closely related to a spiritual body.

I'm just making a suggestion.

Hi, Maybe it is better to put these ideas in the blogs about the consciousness and not on the blog of Peter, he d like I beleive to discuss about his Koopman Alg ,