Dear Klaas,
I enjoyed very much your essay, from your insightful parallels between Gödel's and Bell's theorems, to your no-go theorem, which I think it's amazing. I still try to grasp its physical implications. I'm also glad to see form your essay that you know Cris Calude. We've met again when he came back to Bucharest a few months ago. He made me realize that randomness is not what we commonly think it is in physics. I realized that we use the word "randomness" pretty much randomly :D Your essay shows that indeed this is an important point, as Cris explained me in our discussions, which is not well understood in physics. Despite his explanations and your eloquent essay, I am still not sure I fully understand the implications. I have a lot to digest, and I also want to find time to go deeper into your ref. [19], a heavy book I have in my library for some time. So I may come back with some questions, but for the moment I am interested into one. Do you think, based on your analysis of the two representative examples of deterministic models and the implication of your theorem on them, that it is possible to distinguish them empirically from nondeterministic versions of quantum mechanics? My interest comes from trying to find falsifiable predictions for a single-world-unitary-without-collapse model, which seems to fit in the same category as 't Hooft's cellular automata, but I interpret it differently than denying free choice of experimental settings, as I explain in the attached pdf. In the last section I mention two possible experiments, and I am interested to see if testing for genuine randomness can be physically done. I expect some loopholes stronger than in the EPR case, due to the fact that measurements are not sharp in general, and that the measurement device and the environment may not be stable enough to allow a comparison of repeated experiments numerous enough to tell if the resulting randomness is genuine or not. But I'm interested if you think this to be possible, at least in principle.
CristiAttachment #1: Cristi_Stoica_The_post-determined_block_universe_draft_2020-04-16.pdf