Essay Abstract

All animate and inanimate bodies are developed or expanded or unfolded in the similar manner. We found several lives like humans, other animals and also plants in our Earth having distinct identities and with some common properties like birth, death and consciousness, similarly there may be possible of several distinct physical world with distinct identities but a common feature like birth and death having with consciousness. Our physical universe seems to be expanded due to red-shift of light from the distant galaxies but actually nothing, only due to unfolding from another phase to the existing phase of energy for developing a complete sensitive body. We consider a new structural model of atoms in the primary stage beyond the Standard Model of Physics called Super Unified Gaussian Energy Group SU(11), whose subsets are as SU(6) テ-- SU(5) テ-- U(1) instead of Unified Gaussian Energy Group SU(5), whose subsets are as SU(3) テ-- SU(2) テ-- U(1), where we found a new world of primary atoms or elements in wave form of energy other than the existing secondary material atoms or elements which are very much essential for us specially for the treatments of medical purposes.

Author Bio

NAME : DR. NARAYAN KUMAR BHADRA FATHER'S NAME : LATE NIRMAL BHADRA ADDRESS : VILL: SUBHASNAGAR , P.O.+P.S: BONGAON DISTRICT: NORTH 24-PARGANAS PIN - 743235, WEST BENGAL, INDIA CONTACT NO. : +919933079777 / +918436866659/+918918521874 E MAIL ID : / PASSPORT : INTERNATIONAL; VALID UP TO 2020. NATIONALITY : INDIAN DATE OF BIRTH : 25TH JANUARY 1961 SEX : MALE CASTE : GENERAL MARITAL STATUS : MARRIED Educational Qualification : Secondary (M.P)-10 level. West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE); WEST BENGAL; INDIA. Higher Secondary (H.S) (10+2)-level. West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE); WEST BENGAL; INDIA. B.Sc (H) in Mathematics Calcutta University (C.U); WEST BENGAL; INDIA. M.Sc in Applied Mathematics (Mathematics and Theoretical Physics) M.A in Education Calcutta University (C.U); WEST BENGAL; INDIA. Kalyani University (DODL) (K.U); WEST BENGAL;

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Prof N K Bhadra,

You said in your essay page 2........ "Super Unified Gaussian Energy Group SU(11) [whose subsets are as SU(6) テ-- SU(5) テ-- U(1)] or Revised Standard Model of Physics instead of Unified Gaussian Energy Group SU(5) [whose subsets are as SU(6) テ-- SU(5) テ-- U(1)]".....................

It seams both are having subsets same "SU(6) テ-- SU(5) テ-- U(1)".... Can you please explain the difference between these two SU(11) and SU(5)??? What is the physical significance these two???

Dear Prof Bhadra,

great essay. I enjoyed a lot your presentations !

Thank you very much for this contribution.

Best regards

Manfred U.E. Pohl

12 days later

Dear Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta

Difference between these two SU(11) and SU(5):

Unified Group SU(11):

We consider a special unitary group of degree n as SU(n) Ì U(n), where U(n) is a n´n unitary matrices with determinant 1, which is a sub-set of the general linear group GL(n, C), where "C" is a classical lie group.

Now, SU(n) É SU(p) ´ SU (n-p) ´ U(1) putting p=5, n=11, where p>1 and n-p > 1. So that SU(11) É SU(5) ´ SU(6) ´ U(1). For completeness there also the orthogonal and sympletic subgroups SU(11) É O(11); SU(22) É USp (22) since the rank of SU(11) is 10 and U(1) is 1, a useful check is that the sum of the ranks of the subgroup SU(5) and SU(6) is less than or equal to the rank of the original group.

Unified Group SU(5):

In the theory of SU(5) it was shown in normal laboratory that energies of strong interaction by SU(3) (quantum chromodynamics) is most powerful, followed by elevtrodynamics and then by the weak interaction. Theoretical considerations suggest that if we extrapolate to considerably higher energies, the srong interaction reduces in strength, while the electro-weak interaction gains. It is possible to change any of six quarks(u, d, c, s, t, b) into any of the six leptons or vice-versa by the exchange of the X-boson. This is where it becomes possible to create or destroy baryons.

The physical significance these two:

Theoretical considerations suggest that if we extrapolate to considerably higher energies, the strong interaction of SU(3) reduces in strength, while the electro-weak interaction SU(2) ´ U(1) gains. At around 1015GeV these interactions become comparable and their unification of SU(5) at around 1019GeV may seem natural. This is the Planck energy.

Thus we can assumed theoretically according to the discovery of Higgs boson at LHC that after the symmetry breaking of SU(11) and seem to be at comparable strength of SU(6) ´ U(1) & SU(5) if we extrapolate to considerable higher energies that the electro-strong interaction of SU(6) ´ U(1) decreases its strength, while the strength of the weak exotic-matter interaction of SU(5) in wave status are slowly gained for the next symmetry breaking of SU(5) whereas energies of SU(6) behaves like latent energy for changing the phase (like from vapour to liquid phase) and detachable latent energies including all other previous existing energies of SU(12), SU(24),...etc. in their respective framework with a bunch of electromagnetic short waves with high frequencies are therefore considering as consciousness [excluding the energy group of SU(6),...etc. formed consciousness respectivly for wider universe, physical universe etc.] of lives, etc. and others biological phenomena because these electromagnetic forces are directed to form the ordinary matter and stayed thereby as quantum gravity. Clearly we can expect the participating interactions of Jk bosons of SU(6) to have comparable strength. The Jk bosons are expected to generate a latent force. This force is believed to be potentially so large that the exotic matter fluid are expected to transfer into the ordinary matter fluid and constituting like black-hole with high energies of short wave lengths are at the centre region of the new formations. We ultimately found the architecture of the model of living matter atomic structure where it is found vacant spaces filled with new-energy-sources and elements created by the bosons of new energy sources of SU(6) are tightly binding by the lepton-likes [as lepton-likes & quark-likes are vice-versa, in the theory of SU(11), it is possible to change any of 30(thirty) latent energy bosons of SU(6) into any of the 30(thirty) matter energy bosons of SU(5) or vice-versa by the exchange of the J-bosons of SU(11)]. Thus in the initial stage of DNA or Protein structure where we found vacant space and surrounding it the nascent formation of matter atoms etc. together called living matter atoms, which may be compared with the formation of spiral galaxy etc. in the physical world. It is quite explained by the famous scientist Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, the formations of atomic structures of bio-molecules creating with "Soft Matters".

    7 days later

    Respected Prof Narayan Kumar Bhadra,

    Thank you for the nice and elaborate reply. Best wishes for your essay...

    Undecidability, Uncomputability, and Unpredictability are very much undesirable properties and out-comes of any theory. That theory might have developed by a very reputed person or by a group of well-educated and knowledgeable persons. There is no point of poring resources, money and highly educated man power into that theory when that theory is failing on above three points.

    I just elaborated what should be the freedom available to an author when the " real open thinking" is supported. Have a look at my essay please.

    "A properly deciding, Computing and Predicting new theory's Philosophy"


    a month later

    Dear Narayan Kumar Bhadra,

    Thank you for your interesting essay.

    In your essay, you say the following:

    "Thus Consciousness, mind, emotions etc. may be created by the incomming flux of light waves (i.e electromagnetic radition waves) created by SU(6),....etc. in the framework of SU(6)テ--U(1);...etc. with the existing electromagnetic energy waves created by the weak energy group SU(2) etc. in the frame- work of SU(2) )テ--U(1).."

    Can you please explain this in more detail or where can I find more info about this, probably you can provide me with the link?

    Best regards,


    Dear Agus H Budiyanto

    I appreciate your question about Consciousness. Cordially requested to follow my all articles from reference (such as "The Complex Quantum-State of Consciousness-IOSR") through Google search or Researchgate profile and specially my next article will be published very soon. According to the great scientist Albert Einstein that outside the gravitating sphere real time cannot be defined. He considered that our universe closed where space-time and matter cannot be separated by any cost. He assumed that our universe appeared from nothing.

    I think that our universe appeared from something instead of nothing that means empty or vacuum space are always filled with some kind of new energy sources (explained details in my articles). We introduced a series of new energy sources are as SU (12n-1) Г‰ SU (6n) Вґ...............Вґ SU (24) Вґ SU (12) Вґ SU (6) Вґ SU (3) Вґ SU (2) Вґ U (1).

    Where, n = 2вЃ°, 2В№, 2ВІ, 2Ві, 2вЃґ....................в€ћ.

    We showed, there was a large number of various symmetry groups may exists beyond the standard model of physics where may be created as much more electromagnetic waves with various kind of frequencies of high energies with short wave lengths. These energy packages created consciousness.

    We illustrate the scenario with the bandwidth broadcasting systems where sound energy or light energy changes to the electrical energy then modulated electromagnetic short waves and transmitted bandwidth via radio waves. Just imagine various frequencies of sound or picture created at the sources without any players and transmitted bandwidth to Radio or Televisions. The similar event may occurred by the redistribution of the new energies caused for Consciousness and with a large number of neutrinos interacted with photon-like bosons of the new energy sources created various lives. The human brain or its parts of the brain are conceived as an interference hologram of incoming data and already existing data which equivalent to the subject's memory.

    More details, you are cordially requested to wait for the publication of my next article where it is clearly explained that how the new energy groups imply Consciousness and life.

    Best Regards


      7 days later

      Dear Dr. Narayan Kumar Bhadra

      You give very original ideas aimed at overcoming the crisis of understanding in the bisis of fundamental science, aimed at constructing, as the philosopher and mathematician Vasily Nalimov dreamed of "model of a self-aware Universe". I agree with you in the main: "Consciousness is the foundation of the physical world". Today, a radical revision of the philosophical foundations of the scientific world is needed, which should be the same for mathematicians, physicists, cosmologists, biologists, information workers, poets and composers - the Universe as a "LifeWorld", "Self-aware Universe"... My high score. I wish you success in your research. I believe that physicists should always remember the good philosophical testament of John Aryaibald Wheeler: "Philosophy is too important to be left to the philosophers". By the way, Carlo Rovelli calls for this in the article Physics Needs Philosophy / Philosophy Needs Physics .

      Please also see my ideas .

      With kind regards,


        • [deleted]

        My article link below

        • [deleted]

        All my community members are cordially requested to vote.

        My articles may be found through Google Search/ Researchgate profile/linkdin/world press/Publon/Elsevier etc.

          Thanks so much, Narayan! I found your articles on Researchgate. I already read them.

          Good luck!


          Dear Narayan,

          In addition to your essay, I also read with interest on ReserchGate portal two of your articles with very important ideas: "Everything in a Part: About the Creation of Universe and Consciousness" and "Origin of living matter by a new model of consciousness". I believe that the research that you conduct together with your colleagues will give a very significant result for world science. I wish you success in your research and in the Contest!

          With kind regards,


          • [deleted]

          Dear Vladimir

          Thank you for your valuable feedback about my articles.

          We need a contemporary physics about the origin of living matter. It is insufficient to explain the Life and Consciousness only by the Standard Model of Physics. We considered in my articles that our Universe actually unfolds from the Super Unified Gaussian Energy Group SU(11). There exists large number of energy waves of high frequencies and short wave lengths created by the symmetry breaking of different energy sources as explained in my articles called Generalised Gaussian Energy Group ((GGEG). These energy packages created consciousness compared with broadcasting systems without any incumbent players at the centre or audio-visual centers.

          Thanks with regards


          a month later

          There may be created electromagnetic force-fields with several short wave-lengths of "Invisible Rays" together with "Fluxes of Rays" or "Packets of New Energy" by the energy groups of SU(6), SU(12), SU(24),...,etc. simultaneously in their respective framework of "SU(6) テ-- U(1); SU (12) テ-- U(1); SU(24) テ-- U(1)"; ......etc. with strengthen current and may also new unknown bosons of SU(6) are tightly binding by the lepton-likes were formed a large number of "New Unknown Particle-Likes" in wave status which are directly or indirectly linked to the formation of matter elements constituted by quarks for the existences of Life, Consciousness, Sense Datum and all other Biological Phenomena etc. and are given many more answers to the unsolvable questions about the mysterious universe regarding variety of lives etc. Thus we found a new world of primary atoms or elements in the wave status of energies maintain the theory of Quantum-Entanglement of Wave-Wave duality other than the existing secondary material worlds and hence opened a "Pandora Box" for our future generations. These new unknown Atomic-Worlds and Energy Packages with various short wave lengths creates consciousness etc. are now essential for the discussion.

            Requested to my recent published article through the link below.


            23 days later

            We divided the whole universe into three levels a) beyond the 10-dimensional universe as gaseous

            level-1 of the universe, b) beyond 4-dimensional Einstein's universe but up to the 10-dimensional

            space-time as vapour or exotic matter fluid stage level-2 where it was found (10-7)-dimensional flat

            universe of dark energies, 5th & 6th dimensional are associated with black-hole and finally c) the

            Einstein's 4-dimensional universe of level-3 i.e. our physical or material universe where we are


            The universe belongs to the level-1 stage, a gaseous stage of infinite dimensions of high energy

            frequencies of dark energies. In these stages occurred several symmetry breaking (GGEG) leaving

            various new energy sources SU(12), SU(24),...etc. with folding consciousness called spirit stuff are

            responsible for appearance of level-2, the SUT of physical universe of exotic matter fluid stages of

            initial material universe and ultimately lavel-3, the GUT of physical universe of our unfolding

            material universe.

            In my article "How SU-Levels Are Imply Life and Consciousness" Bhadras, considered the new

            unknown energy particles in wave status are the basic quantities of living atoms. In the theory of

            SU(11), bhadras are tightly binding by the bosons of SU(6) with lepton-like creates live status and

            together with quarks of the theory SU(5) creates live atom. Ultimately lives created by bhadras of

            matter atoms.

            Narayan means an energy packets [a set of energies with various frequencies of short wave lengths

            formed by the aforesaid energy sources SU(6), SU(12), SU(24),......etc.] created Consciousness, by the

            energies of SU(6) in the frame-work of SU(6) テ--U(1) formed live soul or Live Consciousness. On the

            other hand minds and sense datum etc. created biologically by the energies of SU(2) in frame-work

            of SU(2) テ--U(1)directed by the aforesaid energies. In the early stages it is possible to creates

            much more bosons of SU(6) which are so strong that the exotic matter fluid changes to the

            ordinary matter then everything. Thus narayan created living soul or physical stuff with

            various lives depending on the qualitative variation of energy packets as stated above. i.e. set of new energy frequencies of SU(12), SU(24),.....etc. creates spirit stuff or absolute soul

            are folded consciousness(an eternal consciousness) created beyond the Super Unified

            Gaussian Theory (SUT) but these will intend to unfold the Live Consciousness with the

            symmetry breaking of the unified energy group SU(5) and we found our Physical Universe

            or so called Material Universe.

            We divided the whole universe into three levels a) beyond the 10-dimensional universe as gaseous level-1 of the universe, b) beyond 4-dimensional Einstein's universe but up to the 10-dimensional space-time as vapour or exotic matter fluid stage level-2 where it was found (10-7)-dimensional flat universe of dark energies, 5th & 6th dimensional are associated with black-hole and finally c) the Einstein's 4-dimensional universe of level-3 i.e. our physical or material universe where we are belong.

            The universe belongs to the level-1 stage, a gaseous stage of infinite dimensions of high energy frequencies of dark energies. In these stages occurred several symmetry breaking (GGEG) leaving various new energy sources SU(12), SU(24),...etc. with folding consciousness called spirit stuff are responsible for appearance of level-2, the SUT of physical universe of exotic matter fluid stages of initial material universe and ultimately lavel-3, the GUT of physical universe of our unfolding material universe.

            In my article "How SU-Levels Are Imply Life and Consciousness" Bhadras, considered the new unknown energy particles in wave status are the basic quantities of living atoms. In the theory of SU(11), bhadras are tightly binding by the bosons of SU(6) with lepton-like creates live status and together with quarks of the theory SU(5) creates live atom. Ultimately lives created by bhadras of matter atoms.

            Narayan means an energy packets [a set of energies with various frequencies of short wave lengths formed by the aforesaid energy sources SU(6), SU(12), SU(24),......etc.] created Consciousness, by the energies of SU(6) in the frame-work of SU(6) テ--U(1) formed live soul or Live Consciousness. On the other hand minds and sense datum etc. created biologically by the energies of SU(2) in frame-work of SU(2) テ--U(1)directed by the aforesaid energies. In the early stages it is possible to creates much more bosons of SU(6) which are so strong that the exotic matter fluid changes to the ordinary matter then everything. Thus narayan created living soul or physical stuff with various lives depending on the qualitative variation of energy packets as stated above. Set of new energy frequencies of SU(12), SU(24),.....etc. creates spirit stuff or absolute soul

            are folded consciousness(an eternal consciousness) created beyond the Super Unified Gaussian Theory (SUT) but these will intend to unfold the Live Consciousness with the symmetry breaking of the unified energy group SU(5) and we found our Physical Universe or so called Material Universe.

            4 months later

            I think Pan-Consciousness explained that widely spread electron-based Mind of Possibilities which may be called as material based Consciousness.

            In my theory, it is quite explained that there may be possible different phases like Gas-Vapour-Liquid-Solid state of matter.

            I think energy never created or not to destroyed still before Big-Bang, now and future only changes.

            There also exists several symmetries from infinite space-time(Big-Rip Singularity) as explained details in my articles as SU(23) whose Sub Sets are SU(12) テ-- SU(11) テ-- U(1),...........etc.

            Our material Universe actually unfolded with the symmetry breaking of the Super Unified Gaussian Energy Group SU(11) SUT, whose Sub-Sets are as SU(6) テ-- SU(5) テ-- U(1), where the Unified Gaussian Group SU(5) GUT, whose Sub Sets are as SU(3) テ-- SU(2) テ-- U(1). An important is that U(1), the magnetic monopole once created does not destroy any how and relics till now.

            I think SU(2) creates Mind in the framework of SU(2) テ-- U(1) and SU(6) creates Consciousness in the framework of SU(6) テ-- U(1) normally.

            More specifically photon-like bosons of the aforesaid new energy sources are made Photo-Electric Effects on the brain-like plates or neurons of the humans nerves systems etc. are the causes of Emotions, Sads, Thought,... etc. and photo-electric current created as human or living sensation.

            a year later

            A new article published recently regarding Consciousness in the link below