Hello Sue,
I have just read your essay and enjoyed it immensely. I not sure whether the computer-naive will appreciate your poetic analysis [think GW in your last essay] but I am computer competent and I loved it. I almost saw a Data General 1600 or Hewlett-Packard 2100 in front of me as you booted the hardware and the system experienced spatial differentiation over time with "address-mapped switch configuration...with which to query the entity's experience" [which showed up in lights].
Of course the "continual pulsing" is conventional, and not necessary; just an efficient way to design. But your "entity that experiences differential/transformation over time" is applicable to the consciousness field-based model of absolute intelligence.
In my terminology awareness is fundamental to consciousness, but intelligence is obtained by adding logic circuitry.
I'm sure you see that your model of intelligence applies directly to my model of the brain in the consciousness field. The awareness comes from the field and the intelligence comes from the axon/synaptic logic circuitry.
I suspect that a key difference is that the self-interaction of the distributed continuous but inhomogeneous consciousness field replaces an equivalent "addressable spatial occupancy map, within which to query the entity's experience."
In short, I believe that by abstracting conventional computing at a very high level you have captured the essentials for understanding the intelligence aspect of the consciousness field model of the brain, something that most models of 'brain as computer' fail to do. Congratulations!
As for my interpretation of some items in your comment:
I haven't thought enough about Planck length to have an opinion about Stephen's much smaller length. I have come to believe that gravity is the substrate that the universe is made of/from. Einstein said that 'there is no space absent field', and I think that he considered the gravitational field to fill space. It serves as the local ether through which light flows as a disturbance in the field, pretty much the way Hertz thought of it. After last year's detection of colliding neutron stars we know that both light and gravity waves travel at the speed of light, c.
Instead of space and time being 'mixed' by Lorentz, I associate the gamma as the inertial factor, increasing rest mass by the kinetic energy of motion through the local gravity. The heavier the inertial mass, the harder it is to accelerate, and the limit is imposed for mass with v less than c.
I too consider geometry as fundamental and believe that the brain's interaction with the field as described produces 3D geometric shapes in the physical brain that mirror the shapes we see around us. Once these shapes are learned through eyesight, we should be able to recall them and play with them at will.
With warmest regards,
Edwin Eugene Klingman