Thanks Professor Klingman,
The convergences are important at my humble opinion. I understand about this consciousness that in the past it was not easy to discuss about this. Probably that the modern theoretical physics are more open to discuss about it. It is the same with the main origin of this universe, I know that the sciences Community is divided , a part considers that we come from nothing or by a kind of accident from an heat energy , the others consider a kind of creator with oscillations or fields like the strings theorists, or me and my particles 3D spheres coded , but we must recognise that we cannot affirm in fact, we have limitations, philosophical, mathematical, physical, we can just imagine, have intuitions. It is beyond our simple human understanding. But the universe and what we know actually can show us the roads, I see spheres everywhere lol, for me it is the choice of this universe , they seem foundamental, why I don t know really , but when I see the nature, we see them, the spheres, spheroids, ellipsoids....I consider in my model the deformations also important for these quantum 3D spheres, like an intrinsic Ricci flow in function of codes in these series, the other Tools that I utilise to formalise these 3D spheres are the Hamilton Ricci flow, the topological and euclidian spaces, the lie derivatives, lie groups, lie algebras, the Clifford algebras ,the poincare conjecture is not easy this formalisation but I evolve each Days. I have invented an assymetric Ricci flow also to explain the unique things , maybe in the smaller spherical volumes of these primordial finite series having the same number finite than our cosmological finite serie of Spheres. This number is important and the space disappears when we apply a decreasing of volumes and increasing of number from the central biggest sphere. I beleive strongly that this universe generally is simple, the details complex but simple in the generality.
A thing important for me even if this sciences Community is divided is that the best past thinkers considered a kind of creator, like Einstein who thought in a god of spinoza, I see a Little bit like that in respecting this determinism, we can have faith and respect the pure determinism of our reality. Here is the list of these thinkers who considered a kind of conscious infinite creator, Einstein who said that God does not play at Dices, Planck, Tesla, Newton, Heisenberg, Maxwell,Galilei, Lie, Godel, Cantor, Rieman, Poincare, Lorentz, Fermi and so more , it seems that when we study the generality of sciences and search answers in philosophy and sciences , this truth that we cannot define appears like evident, we need something to code, transform this Energy. I respect the thinkers who don t consider this but I beleive that without this parameter, infinite potential, it is more difficult to encircle these transformations matters energy.
ps lol thanks for my English, I don t learn it but I have improved it with the time in Reading and translating , I must imporve my grammar, so I will buy a book.