Dear Israel,
Absolutely agree with "If science were not about true knowledge, it would be useless." Only several hours ago I had to address this same issue on my blog:
... such misconceptions are often caused by inadequate views on the nature of physical theories (e.g. one can hear "theories are just descriptions"). Perhaps, the saddest example of how such inadequate views can prevent even great scientists from making a discovery is Poincaré's failure to discover the spacetime structure of the world. He believed that our physical theories are only convenient descriptions of the world and therefore it is really a matter of convenience and our choice which theory we would use. As T. Damour stressed it, it was
"the sterility of Poincaré's scientific philosophy: complete and utter "conventionality" ... which stopped him from taking seriously, and developing as a physicist, the space-time structure which he was the first to discover."
Best wishes,