Dear JJ Vastola,
Subject: Laplace's demon, the hypothetical vast intelligence
Your words:
......................First described by the eminent scholar Pierre-Simon Laplace in an 1814 essay. If the universe really did consist of nothing but a large number of particles obeying Newton's laws of motion, Laplace reasoned, then an intellect that (i) knew the positions and momenta of all particles at one time and (ii) could accurately solve Newton's equations of motion given that data, could know any future or past state of the universe with absolute certainty.............
Main problem comes in Newtonian Physics or Einstein type Relativity based Physics is , they assume a single body and develop gravitation field around it in their own way. Multiple bodies of different sizes and different three dimensional positions are not taken.
But in Dynamic Universe Model, a similar concept was taken, or in other words as what you mentioned in your essay posted as above, was taken about 40 years back. 132 bodies were taken, with some realistic positions and masses on a computer and tried to solve for exact positions and trajectories under mutual gravitation.
Why 132 bodies you may ask. Then at that time i could afford to buy a Computer two floppy drives. In one I used to load lotus 123, and the second drive is filled with data .
The same Model software "SITA" developed at that time worked well excellently. Solved all the problems, Ofcource, Now "SITA" is transported to "Excel"....
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