Essay Abstract
What if the paradoxical nature of quantum theory could find its source in some undecidability analog to that of Gödel's incompleteness theorem ? This essay aims at arguing for such Gödelian hunch already suggested by Szangolies via two case studies. Firstly, using a narrative based on the Newcomb problem, the theological motivational origin of quantum contextuality is introduced in order to show how this result might be related to a Liar-like undecidability. A topological generalization of contextuality by Abramsky et al. in which the logical structure of quantum contextuality is compared with ``Liar cycles'' is also presented. Secondly, the measurement problem is analyzed as emerging from a logical error. A personal analysis of the related Wigner's friend thought experiment and and a recent paradox by Frauchiger and Renner is presented, by introducing the notion of ``meta-contextuality'' as a Liar-like feature underlying the neo-Copenhagen interpretations of quantum theory. Finally, this quantum Gödelian hunch opens a discussion of the paradoxical nature of quantum physics and the emergence of time itself from self-contradiction.
Author Bio
I am a 2nd year Phd student, studying quantum foundations. During my master studies, I worked on quantum contextuality, supervised by Alexei Grinbaum in CEA Paris-Saclay ; and I did my master thesis on the superpositions of quantum causal orders, supervised by Cyril Branciard in Institut Neel (Grenoble). My thesis, supervised by Cyril Branciard, aims at clarifying theoretically a conceptual connexion between quantum contextuality and quantum causality.