Dear Rafael (if I may),
thank you for a brilliant, stimulating and well-argued essay! Our ideas have an unbelievable overlap. I don't know whether you are aware of Gisin's research program on classical indeterminism, based on information theoretic arguments (,, but there are many elements in common.
In particular, in [[/link] I have put forth the idea that determinism is at adds with two problems: "infinities" and "infinitesimal". In our work we have focused mostly on the latter, while your essay addresses the former, although we also comment on the fact that Lapace's demon cannot exist due to the finiteness of resources in the universe. So we denitely share views of "mathematical physicalism", and I really appreciated your extimate of the largest number, showing how "it relates to the total number of particles in the Universe as well as the number of degrees of freedom of each of them".
Please, take a moment to have a look at my my essay, because I believe that you may find some elements of common interest therein.
Thanks again and I really wish you the best for the contest,
p.s. I truly hope your essay will get more visibility and appreciation than it had so far. The logic of the rating in this contest is really questionable... Anyways, obviously top rating from my side.