Great essay and analysis. I well remember your 2015 essay and you may recall our agreement. You also picked a great key phrase summarising it; "The Brave New World of computable, decidable and predictable science does not exists anymore!" You may recall my 'red/green sock trick' identifying a flawed assumption preventing classical QM.
I've suggested a key physical analogue, found in asking you to decide if a sphere is rotating clockwise or anticlockwise at any 'point' on its surface. In a random set of points some will be infinitesimally close to the equator, making it undecidable! Then the same with linear motion nearing the poles.
I don't recall if you read mine last year but it shows how the QM data can be reproduced by simple exchange of momentum in measurement.I touch on it this year, but approach it in a more fundamental way also suggesting a way to correct the paradoxes in philosophy, logic and maths. I hope you'll look and comment for me.
All is consistent with your excellent contribution, which I see has a ridiculously low score, probably trolled with 1 scores as mine has been! My top score will somewhat correct that!
Well done and very best of luck in the contest.